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The silence in the room was suffocating. For Choi Han. His whole body was surrounded by a bloody aura and his fists were clenched under the table. Is he getting angry that the dragon is getting abused since he's a good person? Adara wondered. Or is he thinking about the time when he had to survive alone in the Forest of Darkness? We did make some parallels, but now I am uncertain which one it is.

Choi Han, somewhat according to Adara's hypothesis, was recalling the tens of years he had to survive on his own in the Forest of Darkness. He was thinking about how he had suddenly been dropped in this world, away from his family and friends, with only his school uniform on. How he had needed to starve himself and hide until he was strong enough to be in the open. It took a couple years.

The silence continued for a while, both Adara and Cale were trying to figure out what Choi Han was thinking about. Finally, Choi Han looked up and made eye contact with both of them, before asking, "Will you save it and try to tame it?"

Their jaws dropped, a shocked expression on their face. "Are you crazy?"

Choi Han blinked. "Excuse me?" He was shocked at the fact they were questioning his sanity.

Both Adara and Cale waved their hand, dismissing the thought. "Why would we try to tame it?" they asked.

Adara shook her head. "That's stupid, trying to tame a dragon? We're going to die if we even try."

Cale agreed. "Yes, we would not survive."

The dragon who had been abused by humans would in no way be willing to serve a human. It was probably full of hate and disgust for anything remotely human. Even if humans had saved it. While Adara had said to the old man that there were no lesser beings between humans, that did not apply to other creatures. Elves, Beast People, Dwarves, they all believed they were above humans, especially Dragons. They believed they were above every being, it was a natural instinct for a dragon to be powerful and arrogant, so this Dragon would find its way soon.

But that was also why it was hard to 'tame' a dragon. The attitude of being above everyone else made it hard for Dragons to be domesticated and trained without using torture and abuse to remove their rationality.

But if they were to even try, if they were to somehow survive trying to raise a dragon, they would be wrapped up in some annoying incidents. Dragons were rare, there were less than twenty in the Eastern and Western Continents combined, if they were to raise one of those dragons? It would be like announcing their existence to the Heavens and begging for all the problematic things to be thrown their way.

She did not want the Dragon to come with them, it would probably not lead that nice of a life with them. It would be better for it to go off on its own, enjoying its life and living somewhere far from humanity. It would be able to do that once the Mana Restriction Chains were off.

"Then?" Choi Han asked, he wanted to know what they would do once freeing the dragon. He had a hunch, based on what he had observed from them the past few days.

Cale was smiling. "Why are you asking such an obvious question?"

Adara was also smiling. "We'll let it go so it can live a peaceful life away from the world. A dragon should live like a dragon, shouldn't it?"

"I see." Choi Han's clenched fists started to relax until his hands were spread out on his knees. "Then will we be saving that dragon?"

Cale nodded. "Yes. So we need your help."

"Anything," Choi Han said in an instant. "I really will do anything to help."

Adara caught his intonations and quickly clarified something. "We don't need to kill anyone." He's not here. "We want to do it as quietly as possible. Though major injuries are allowed."

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