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Rosalyn looked at them through her lashes, taking a bite of her salad. Cale and Adara's eyes followed her every move. "I heard you two were trash," she said when she finished chewing. "But I guess that was a lie."

Hah, Adara thought, laughing on the inside though her expression remained unchanging. She's speaking informally now that she has no need to.

Even if they hadn't asked Choi Han to bring her here, they would have known it was her from her appearance alone. Most of the population of the Western Kingdom had no idea what the Royalty of other Kingdoms looked like, some didn't even know what their own Royalty looked like. But Nobles were held to a different standard. A much higher one.

While Families of Viscounts and Barons— the low-level Nobles— would have a hard time gathering information in general, especially about Royalty from foreign Kingdoms, at a Count's level it was basic knowledge. Adara needed to know how to distinguish which Royal belonged to which Kingdom based off of appearance alone. She even learned how to tell which bastard was the discarded offspring from which Royal Family, even with their muddled blood.

All her days and nights studying would have amounted to nothing if she wasn't able to identify Crown Princess Rosalyn with no context.

"It is true that we are famous for being trash," Cale said, taking a sip from his soup. "I even heard that some people call us the 'North-East Trash Duo'. Interesting name, is it not?"

Adara focused on Rosalyn, focused on her pretty features. She felt a smile come up to her lips. "Not as the Crown Princess of the Breck Kingdom, but as a mage, shouldn't you make your judgements based on what your five senses tell you, and not based on what you have heard from other people's lips?"

Rosalyn the Genius Mage smiled at Adara's words. Rosalyn felt it odd in a funny way that Adara needed to make the distinction. "You are right. Both of you, Young Master Cale and Young Mistress Adara. We only believe the things we experience ourselves."

Adara took a bite of her food, observing the redheaded mage in front of her. She speaks informally to us when she's the princess, but when she's the mage she refers to herself as part of the mage society while speaking formally. Being part of the society of mages is much more important to her than being the Crown Princess it seems.

"But Princess-nim—," Cale started, only for said princess to interrupt him.


Adara searched her face, watching how her eyebrows furrowed, how her mouth pulled into a slight grimace, how she pulled her head away from the further, as though to distance herself from the title. She really doesn't like to be treated like a princess, a Crown Princess no less. She watched how Rosalyn slowly got her expression under control. She isn't good at hiding her emotions either. I can read her emotions easily.

"Okay, then. Miss Rosalyn, are you done with your questions?" Cale asked, starting his inquires again.

She smiled. "Yes, I am finished." She watched the two in front of her for a moment. They knew of my identity, though they pretended they did not. They just told me to enjoy my stay for as long as I wanted. She didn't find it disrespectful, no not at all. If she wanted to be treated like a Crown Princess, she would have told them so. But she did not want to be treated that way. She was grateful that they faked ignorance, more grateful that they told her of Lock's condition and gave them the resources to deal with it correctly. "Young Master Cale, Young Mistress Adara, it seems like you two do not want to be involved with me."

Adara raised her eyebrows in fake surprise. "Does it seem like that? Well, we must apologise, Miss Rosalyn, we truly did not mean for you to feel uninvolved."

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