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Cale and Adara were standing behind the three Nobles. Amiru had wanted Adara next to her, but Adara had opted to stay next to Cale. They were now walking up the steps to get to the Crown Prince's table. Adara gave a side glance at the Second and Third Princes, both of them making eye contact with her, but she did not acknowledge them.

She was here to see the Crown Prince. Not anybody beneath him.

"Oh, our North-Eastern Nobles!" Crown Prince Alberu welcomed them with delight. His bright smile almost blinded her.

But what almost blinded her more was his striking beauty. She had gotten used to Cale's beauty, she has been seeing him often since they were 14, but in front of her was someone who almost rivalled Cale in beauty. Hmm, she thought, observing his features from up close. Maybe there was some use to come here.

Crown Prince Alberu Crossman of the Roan Kingdom was certainly very handsome. With his beautiful blonde hair, his clear blue eyes, he looked like he came straight out of one of her past fairytales. His blonde hair was also a symbol of his ancestry to the Crossman Family. They called it the Sun God's Blessing, and it was clear Alberu had received it.

Eric smiled widely. "Your Highness, it is great to see you. Eric Wheelsman greets His Highness for the first time in a while."

The Crown Prince nodded. "Yes, yes, Mister Eric. Don't we have something to talk about?"

Eric's expression brightened. The Crown Prince brought up the North-Eastern shoreline investment issue on his own, it certainly made him very happy. "Yes! I have been waiting for a good moment to discuss it with you!"

Crown Prince Alberu smield. "I am also waiting for that moment. You are the intelligent Young Master of Count Wheelsman's Family. The Wheelsman Family is responsible for the Entrance to the North-East Region and has been doing a very good job. How could I push that off?"

Adara and Cale shared a look. The Crown Prince started to praise Gilbert and Amiru as well.

'Do not be surprised,' Adara warned him, talking to him through his head. 'I will be very crude.'

Cale gave her another look. He could not communicate back to her so he could not ask the benefits of speaking crudely to the Crown Prince. He only had to trust her. And it was his turn to be praised.

The Crown Prince reached his hand out to Cale, who bowed his head at his gaze. "Mister Cale of the Henituse Family, who is responsible for the edge of our North-Eastern Region. It may be my first time meeting you, but, thanks to Count Deruth's good work, we are no longer afraid of the Forest of Darkness. You don't know how reassuring that is for me and everyone else.

"I heard that Mister Cale is a very free spirit. I'm sure this is because the artistic souls of the sculptures in the Henituse Territory have given you an epiphany. I feel like your free spirit makes your soul very pure."

Adara almost wanted to snort at the amount of bullshit coming out of his mouth. But, despite how bullshitty it was, she had to give it to him, he had found a way to praise Trash. It only proved just how much he could use his glib tongue.

Cale sincerely grabbed the Crown Prince's hand. Adara was sincerely looking forward to this.

Cale smiled. "I also felt something after meeting Your Highness today. I realised that in addition to our current sun, His Majesty, we also have you, the one who will shine over the night to watch over the citizens at night. It was a wonderful image for my eyes."

Adara was watching the Crown Prince's face. He was confused. "... Is that so?" But his expression turned back to normal, though Adara could see it was more forced now.

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