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When Cale and Adara arrived at the Residence, they started talking about what had happened at the Banquet.

"You can do telepathy?" Cale immediately questioned her once they were alone.

She shrugged. "Always could. Never thought to, of course, because you do not have any Mana. So it would be a one-sided communication."

He huffed. It would be handy if they could communicate with each other without others knowing, but she was right. It would be a one-sided conversation. "Is there no magic device that lets me communicate thoughts to you?" he asked, annoyed.

But Adara looked at him, interested, as if she had just thought of something. "I just remembered something I read long ago. Give me your hand."

If anybody were to ask that of him, he would have been suspicious. He would have hesitated, maybe distracted them. But he knew Adara by now. So he simply put his hand into hers.

She was staring at his hand, holding it in her warm one. "I think I can do it. Read your thoughts. But it requires quite a bit of concentration and skin-to-skin contact. Essentially, when you make contact with me and I use the spell, I make a link way from my mind to yours so you can communicate with me." She looked up at him, his hand feeling odd. "Think something. Say it loud, but not too loud. I do not want to go deaf."

Cale frowned slightly. 'Did it work?' he thought, thinking it loudly.

He saw Adara's face brighten and nod. "It did work. Good job. If you do not want me to hear something, then just think it softer. I will not be able to hear it then. But let us not use it too often, it does drain my energy to both hear and communicate thoughts."

He was about to agree, when the door was opened and Choi Han came in, huffing and puffing.

He walked over to their seat on the couch, not even greeting them. "We found four of the magic bombs." Choi Han had left the Black Dragon in the Plaza, rushing back as soon as possible the second he heard they were back. "All of them were around the Plaza."

Adara frowned. Only four? Where is the fifth one?

Cale reached out his hand to Choi Han. "Show me the map."

Both Adara and Cale watched the map, seeing the indications that showed there was a bomb there.

"We found one," Choi Han explained. "And then I ran around with the dragon in my arms to thoroughly look everywhere. We ended up finding three more in the process, but nothing more. I'm sure we need to look somewhere other than the Plaza, but there were none in the places we've looked so far."

Cale waved Choi Han's worries away. "No need to rush, since it will be safe until the day of the celebration in two days."

Choi Han frowned, disagreeing with their decision. "But it is better to get rid of dangerous things earlier!"

Adara shook her head. "We already said, we will leave them there until the day of the celebration. If they realise the bombs are destroyed then they will not appear. You said you wanted to kill that mage. You will not get another chance very soon." Seeing the look in his eyes, she shook her head. "Of course, we are not sacrificing the lives of the citizens for the life of one pesky enemy. We will disable the bomb on the day of the celebration."

"... How?"

Adara shrugged, leaning into the couch. "As I said a couple nights ago, a mage needs to be near the bombs to set it off. There is a connection between the mage and the bombs. For someone at the Black Dragon's level— and possibly Miss Roslayn's level—," she added, setting the idea that Roslayn could do it in Choi Han's head without being certain, "it will be easy to cut the connection between the mage and the bomb though it might take some time. But this must be done on the day of the celebration, not earlier. It is the only way to lure out that bloodthirsty Motherfucker out of his rathole."

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