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She was able to walk out of her room without any questions after she met with the Crown Prince. She would have liked to get outside using the main entrance, but the public could not recognise her. So she walked to the garden, where she hid in a corner and put her three hoops necklace over the sun pendant, making the extra layer of Dead Mana even more uncomfortable and stuffy.

But she was walking to the inn where the 10 Wolf Children were. She knew Lock was not yet out of the Kingdom; maybe he was with his siblings, but she had no way of knowing. 

Scent of Grapes.

She thought it was a stupid name, but she walked in anyway.

When she opened the door to the children, they stared at her in confusion. They never saw this pale person before, why was she looking at them so expectantly?

Adara realised what was wrong. "Oh, give me a second." She took the necklace off her neck, putting it in her chest pocket. Because she stacked the two necklaces on top of each other when she took the three hoops necklace off, her Southerner appearance stayed.

The children recognised her now, standing up and running to her, hugging her so excitedly as if she were their older sister.

They even started calling her Noona and Unnie, no more nice 'Young Mistress's' like the last time she came over. Lock apparently told them a few things about her that made them react like this.

Adara was feeling a bit overwhelmed, but she hesitantly patted a few of their heads. Maes, the second-oldest of the children, was watching from a bit further, seemingly amused.

She raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you doing all the way there? Come give your Noona a hug."

Maes giggled, joining in the group of children now hugging her. This reaction was... unexpected. But somewhat unwelcome, though she entertained them.

Someone came down the stairs. It was Odeus, Adara knew. He must have been confused about the commotion they were causing. But when he arrived at the foot of the stairs, he froze as he saw who was standing there.

Adara Thornwin.

And without Cale Henituse.

He had been hoping he wouldn't see any of them— more importantly, Adara— for a while since they were injured because of their involvement in saving the citizens in the Plaza Terror Incident.

But she looked to be in perfect health as she stood there, telling the children she was still injured but recovering.

He watched her smile at the children with narrow eyes. Maybe not in perfect health; she looked very tired, and she had this slight swaying motion to her.

Maybe it wasn't a lie that they were injured.

But why was she here now? Last time— last time they met, she told him they needed to have a drink soon. He suddenly became nervous. Why am I nervous? She is probably as nice and generous as the recent rumours say she is. After all, she coughed up blood to protect the citizens. It says nothing about her that her head is on the Underworld.

He looked again at the Young Mistress who was patting all the children's heads, reassuring them that her injuries weren't grave and she wouldn't die because of them. She looked quite nice as she smiled at them.

But then she looked up at him with such casualty as if she knew he was there all along. Then she smiled, the same smile she smiled when she told him they should have a drink soon. A viciously sly smile.

A shiver ran down his back then, and it did now as well. He didn't know who he was fooling, saying that she was nice, but it was certainly not himself.

"Now, children, I need to talk to Odeus for a few minutes, I'll see you guys soon," she spoke with a calm smile.

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