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They left the window open, a breeze blowing through the room, and sat down on their seats at the table. Adara was attentively waiting for the moment she would sense the very faint mana fluctuations. Eventually, she felt them. She knew the dragon was in the room before she felt the faint mana fluctuations since a couple floating leaves started to sit down on a chair across from them.

Adara chuckled at that.

On and Hong jumped onto the chairs to the right and left of the still-invisible dragon.

Adara pointed to the food as Cale opened up a wine bottle. "Eat," she said simply, taking the now-filled glass of wine from Cale. "You spent so long getting ingredients and hunting animals for us, I doubt you ate any of it." She brought the wine glass to her lips but didn't drink it yet. "I'm sure it wasn't pleasant." 

As she drank, she watched the Black Dragon remove his invisibility magic. On was shaking the leaves off of him, while Hong was waving a piece of steak from the table of food that Beacrox made in front of his face. He hesitantly leaned closer and ate it. She watched as his eyes lit up, and he no longer hesitated to take the food from Hong.

The average age of these three beings was 7 years old, with On being the oldest and the Black Dragon being the youngest. Hong was right in between them. She just watched as they ate, slowly taking sips from her wine. She didn't exactly feel hungry at the moment, so she wasn't going to eat. But she was going to eat. She knew the value of food, so now she never skipped a meal. But she didn't want to force herself to eat either, so she was going to eat later. The steak that they were eating quickly disappeared, so Adara leaned over the table to push another plate towards them.

On and Hong flinched, but the Black Dragon only stopped chewing as he started at the two of them. They continued drinking without caring.

Adara studied them a bit, the two kittens and the dragon. The dragon was fully healed, his scars and wounds were gone. He might need to eat a bit more than he currently is, but if he stays with them for a while longer he'd be the size of the average growing dragon. The kittens were also fully healthy, they were no longer malnourished as they were when they took them in. She was happy, she only wished she could introduce Hans to the dragon so he'd do the magic he did on the kittens.

And at that moment, she finally let herself relax. Her shoulders relaxed, resting comfortably at her side, and her position on the couch looked more casual than business-like. She took another sip from her wine, and while the action was the same as the other times she had done it, this time it had a different effect on everybody else in the room.

The dragon, seeing the change in her behaviour, started chewing again. The kittens gave each other a look but also continued to eat. The only other time the kittens had seen her so relaxed was when they had played with her hair the night before they left for the Capital. Cale also noticed, but he only smiled to himself and took another sip of his wine.

When Adara's voice came, it came wishful. "I would love it if things could just stay like this." When she had refused Cale's offer a few weeks ago to live with him in the house he was going to settle in during the war, she hadn't done it because she didn't want to. She did it because she couldn't. The Family, the Territory, will fall apart if she wasn't there. She wasn't there now, but she had people. If she were to retire and sit in a house by the seaside, her people would try to keep the peace but it wouldn't work. She had people everywhere, in the Poison Department as well as in Administration, even in Finance (also known as the Treasury)— her father's department— she had people. The Thornwin Territory needed her, pulling the strings on the puppets from within the shadows, or it would go to ruin. But that didn't mean she didn't want to rest.

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