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The carriage headed down to the South of the Capital at a slow pace. They were in no rush. But outside, she saw as she lifted the curtain slightly, people were very busy getting ready for the upcoming Birthday Celebration of the King.

Her thoughts wandered as she thought about the days to come, and the plans to set in motion. Choi Han will arrive soon, she thought. In 3 days. Unless he runs quickly. Then maybe 2 and a half days. With him will come Lock and Crown Princess Rosalyn of the Breck Kingdom. Choi Han and Crown Princess Rosalyn would run into the Secret Organisation while getting Lock, delaying them past the time she and Cale gave him. Adara felt an ironically bitter feeling at the idea that she would meet the Crown Princess Rosalyn.

From what Cale said, Choi Han ran into Lock, the only survivor of the Blue Wolf Tribe and also one of the few Blue Wolves that had the Wolf King's bloodline, while the Secret Organisation assassinated the Blue Wolf Village. After that, Choi Han would run into them again at the Plaza Terror Incident.

For now, Choi Han had very little information on the Secret Organisation. He knew they were responsible for the Assassination of Harris Village. He did not know that they were indirectly responsible for the Black Dragon's torture. But he did know— or will know— that they assassinated everyone in Blue Wolf Village. It's not easy to make the connection, she thought, staring at a tall young man who was laughing with his friends. The assassins don't have stars on their clothes. But Choi Han is smart, he'll connect the dots. They are wearing the same outfit anyway.

Since in both Harris Village and the Blue Wolf Village assassination was the goal, the Secret Organisation sent their Assassin Squad. The Assassin Squad only wear a black outfit, without the stars, in case something were to go wrong. They are fully prepared to take their own lives should they be caught. These were the people she hated the most. It was much easier to manipulate someone who has a reason to live than one who has nothing.

They won't be sending the Assassin Squad to the Plaza Terror Incident. On the inside, she was frowning. While trying to minimise the casualties at the Terror Incident, Rosalyn and Choi Han would come in contact with a High Ranking member of the Secret Organisation. The blood-crazy fucker will come into play. He wore a white star with 5 red stars and so did his subordinates.

Cale had mentioned in passing that he had an excuse to give Choi Han for their outfits when they rescued the Black Dragon but she didn't know the full details. She had to ask him before Choi Han arrived, if they were going to lie, better make sure they were on the same page.

She stared outside for a little longer, watching the happy citizens as they decorated the streets. Watching as they put flowers on their windowsills and hung slingers up. The streets were becoming very beautiful. All of this will turn into a place of despair in a week. She let the curtain fall.

"Young Master Taylor," Cale's voice started, getting all of their attention.

They were now in the Southern part of the Capital, Huiss, where all the Noble Residences were. The carriage stopped and Adara and Cale got up to exit. On and Hong were still on her shoulders.

"Ron will take of you once we arrive at the Residence," he continued. "You just need to head out that way."

Adara, who was facing the door, threw a grin at them over her shoulder. "Remember, forget everything."

Hans opened the door, slightly surprised to see Adara and Cale already standing up to go. "Young Master and Mistress, we have arrived."

Cale, Adara, Hans, and the kittens could all see Taylor and Cage but ignored them. They simply as acted as though they weren't there. Cale got off the carriage, holding his hand out to help Adara, they could hear Taylor and Cage's voices.

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