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Cale had the Crown Prince's invitation in his pocket, and she had hers in her pocket. It wouldn't have been pleasant if they forgot it. Together they got off the carriage, looking at the big palace in front of them.

It was big, you could not call the Henituse Residence big in comparison to the beautiful palace In front of them. It was befitting of the Royal Family.

"The Palace of Joy," Adara murmured, remembering the history she learned about the Palace. It was a relatively new one, compared to the other palaces on the Western Continent. It was made 5 years before she was born. "I wish my Father built a palace in joy of my birth," she commented, still admiring the Palace. She handed her invitation as well as Cale's to Ron.

Cale shrugged his shoulders, admiring the Palace as well. "Not everyone's father is the King. Though I guess it was a waste of money since the King now favours the Third Prince."

"One can never have too much money when you are the King," she responded. She reached into her chest pocket to get her gold pocket watch. Clicking it open, she checked the time.

The Gathering was to start at 5 p.m., but it was not time yet. They had come a bit too early too, they were supposed to meet up with Eric, Gilbert, and Amiru. They were going to meet outside the Palace and then enter together. But they were nowhere in sight.

A carriage drew their attention. It was a flag she recognised. She cursed inside her head. Why does this idiot have to appear now? I was already not looking forward to this.

A voice rang out in mock surprise as soon as the owner stepped out. "Wow, who is this? Isn't this our two famous Young Master Cale and Young Mistress Adara?"

She kept her sigh as she turned around to face this annoying voice. It was Neo Tolz, the successor to Viscount Tolz, one of Venion's minions.

It was in Viscount Tolz's territory that the Black Dragon was tortured. The village, the villa, it all belonged to Viscount Tolz. It was also Viscount Tolz who approved of Venion Stan using his villa.

She kept her thoughts clear off her face, however, her blank stare not revealing just how much she wanted to throttle him.

There were certain Noble Families in the rest of the Roan Kingdom that she had deals with as well, though they came to her simply for poison and she did not ask for their support. What use would it have to have the support of the Nobles in the North-West, South-West, and South-East?

Viscount Tolz, who was a part of the North-East region, was someone she regularly issued poison with. But that changed when they went under Marquis Stan's faction a few years ago. The Tolz Family used to have a friendly relationship with both the Thornwin Family and the Henituse Family, but the friendliness wore thin when they joined the North-West Faction.

Viscount Tolz apparently hated the Thornwin and Henituse Families.

It was a reasonable enough reason to hate them. While only being separated by a single mountain from the Thornwins and Henituses, they had a drastic difference in wealth. Even the Thornwins alone were much wealthier than the Tolz's, even more so if you considered the Thornwin's and Henituse's unofficial alliance.

When they joined the North-West Faction, led by Marquis Stan, they tried to purchase some poison from the Thornwin's.

Adara, being in charge of the Poison Department, was notified immediately, seeing as the letter was sent to her personally. All the other letters had not been sent to her personally though she did respond to them. It meant only one thing that this one was.

The Tolz Family knew of their 'betrayal' by joining a faction and disrupting the bond between the three Families, but were hoping to still have the benefits of their friendship to purchase the poison at a lowered cost from her by reminding her of their past friendship.

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