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When Adara arrived back at their Residence, they were preparing for the next day. It would be a nerve-racking day and a lot depended on other people.

Adara let herself fall onto the couch with a sigh. Letting her head rest on the back of the couch as she stared up at the ceiling. She was not looking forward to the King's Birthday Celebration.

"Is it the corset?" Cale asked, worried. She had simply left for a few hours and then returned, how could he not be worried? "You know you can just take it off."

She waved his concerns away. "No, it is not the corset. I can breathe fine." She sighed again. "It is just tomorrow. I do not want to go. Why am I obliged to go to the King's Birthday? The only good thing coming out of it is the fact that we are stopping the Plaza Terror Incident. And even that we are not doing ourselves."

Before Cale could respond, Adara turned her head towards the door and a few seconds later, a knock sounded at the door.

"Ron?" Cale asked in confusion when he saw him come in.

"Good evening, Young Master and Mistress." Ron bowed to Cale. "Young Master. This Ron would like to make a request if possible."

"A request?" Cale repeated.

Ron lifted his head to make eye contact with Cale. "Please take care of my son."

Adara blinked. She was not included in this conversation, she was simply reading her book she had picked up from the side table. But the sudden request caught her off guard. Oh, is he going for good now? But leaving his son behind?

Cale was equally confused. "Son? You mean Beacrox?"



Adara saw the polite smile disappear from Ron's face. She got a shiver down her spine at his expression, a sharp reminder that he was an assassin. His expression was of an assassin's. A cold and ruthless one. Adara had not met a lot of professional assassins like Ron.

Her head has become a bit of a taboo among the wiser of the crooks in the Underworld. In the beginning, she met a lot, but the professionals now realise that, while the price was only increasing, her head was not disappearing. And the ones who took the job never came back.

So only the dumb and inexperienced had come to take the job.

But as Ron spoke with an assassin's expression, she was reminded of her past troubles. "I need to go hunt some foxes." His expression changed, it seemed less ruthless. "Our Young Master  knows that I am someone who kills people, right?"

Adara turned her attention back to her book.

Cale raised an eyebrow, hiding the shivers that had gone down his spine as well. "So?"

"So, I'm going to kill people."

"Leaving your son behind?" Cale asked, frowning slightly.

"Yes, sir."

Cale made a motion with his hand. "Is the fox a person?"

Adara looked up at Ron. He was smiling. It was faint. The corners of his lips were barely elevated. But it was one of those smiles, where she only wished he never smiled again. "That's right. I have to go kill a group of foxes." Like his smile, his voice was cold. "Rip them into pieces."

Ah, Adara realised. The Secret Organisation. He wants to kill them. But is that the best idea? she wondered. They did not truly know how many there were, nor where. But, from his words, Ron already knew or had means of finding out.

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