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Bede led her to a position where the guards stood outside the Temple. He took a quick look at his watch and nodded at her. "The Knights are rotating shifts currently, it won't take long until Sir Isac arrives." He smiled at her. "Will you be visiting again?"

She nodded. Definitely. "If I have time. I need to check up on Dad, of course, then I also want to see your sister. I want to see how much she's grown up since I last saw her." Her eyes lit up in fake thoughtfulness. "Oh, maybe I can write a letter to Sir Dain to see how he's holding up."

He rolled his eyes at her obvious attempt to ignore him. "Yeah, yeah. And I'll tell the Knights to redirect you to me upon sight."

She laughed at him. And she realised she hadn't laughed so often in a while. It made her heart clench. "Sure you will. See you later."

"Don't get into any trouble," he warned her as he started walking away.

She only waved at him.

In a few seconds, he was gone. And she was alone. But she wasn't upset about the silence. She was content with it. She saw so many people she wouldn't have seen if it weren't for Count Deruth. She made a mental reminder to thank him later. But it had been a bit too much all at once. So before she met Sir Isac, she simply basked in the silence. Well, it wasn't complete silence, the Capital was never silent. There were always people talking, people shuffling around and people walking. She heard all of these noises with her enhanced hearing. She was rarely ever in complete silence, though she wasn't sure what complete silence would be.

She heard a soft thump from a bit further from her.

She didn't freeze, but to say her heart didn't catch up in her throat by the suddenness of it would be a lie. She was rarely ever surprised by someone's arrival. She could hear footsteps and was able to memorise whose belonged to who. But this person didn't walk. They just dropped. Not from the roof, that would've made a noise.

She felt the residue of Mana Fluctuations and cursed herself for not sensing them earlier. For this person to just plop from the sky, they would have needed to be teleported. There's a Mage who specialises in teleportation magic, but I doubt he's here. I don't smell any blood. 

She looked at the figure who was standing unnaturally still from the corner of her eye. They were dressed in a black outfit she recognised. Except this one was certainly less shabby than hers. They had a white star and five red stars on their chest. Oh, they didn't send one of the disposable ones. Do they think I won't kill this one? She sighed on the inside. Though I do have my daggers, I am in a public place. I guess they were right to send this one. She couldn't see their features clearly because of the hood the figure was wearing. But it certainly wasn't the motherfucker who would orchestrate the Terror Plaza Incident.

Just who is this person? she wondered. But she didn't speak. No, not until this person did. This strange person. Who was sent by the Secret Organisation. Why would they send one of their minions to meet me? She frowned on the inside. Cale said he had no idea what happens to me in the future. We've changed enough of the story that that future isn't available for me anymore. But that didn't mean she wasn't curious.

"Are you Adara Thornwin?" the person asked, the voice deep.

It's a guy then. "Sorry, sir, I think you have the wrong person."

He took a step towards her and she properly looked at him. Eyeing him, Adara didn't see any weapons on him. But he might be a mage. And I won't be able to use Dead Mana on him lest he use that as some sort of blackmail. I'll just do nothing, she decided. Unless he tries to kill me first, I won't lay a finger on him. And it's not like he can survive if he comes into direct contact with Dead Mana.

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