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Once they were out of Choi Han's vision, Adara made a motion pointing to her back. "Get on."

Cale pulled a face. "What?"

"If you get on my back, we'll get there faster," she explained.

Cale didn't seem convinced until he remembered how fast she had run when sparring with Choi Han and got on.

"Hold on tight," she warned and sped off. He was thrown off, digging his nails into her shoulder to be able to stay on. She laughed as she hopped over trees that had fallen down and scared the wild animals living there. His nails were only digging into her harder, but she did not quite mind.

Unfortunately, due to her speed, they arrived at the cave quite fast so she could not enjoy running that much. He hopped off, his face a little pale, but otherwise perfectly fine. The cave entrance was covered in vines, it would've been difficult to find it, had she not known about it from Cale in advance.

"How did you know where to go?" he asked, trying to find the exact entrance.

She shrugged. "The sound of the wind is coming from here."

Cale nodded, pushing the vines away. As soon as they saw the entrance, however, they both started to frown.

"Damn it," Cale cursed.

The cave entrance was small. They had put on their usual fancy clothing, it was much simpler than the other things they had, but it was still not casual. They would get dirty.

Adara let out a big sigh. "Fuck it, let's go." She said as crouched down to the cave entrance and crawled in. They crawled it through for a few moments, Adara muttering curses under her breath. She genuinely liked what she had on today. 'I swear to the fucking God of Death' was a curse she repeated often. And something about 'crazy fucking Ancient Powers with their stupid trials'. Cale could only think about how vicious she was. There were now traces of two people crawling through the cave entrance. Behind them, a few metres away, small reptilian footprints followed.

As they crawled for 5 minutes, the silence filled with mumbled vicious curses, the cave started to become wider. And Adara stopped cursing.

The sudden silence made Cale anxious. Why did she stop?

She started to speak again, but she did not curse. "It is so pitiful," she muttered instead.

"What?" Cale asked.

"Taylor. He must've been desperate. He crawled through this small cave to get something that he thought would restore him to the grandeur that he once had. I think it is just so pitiful." Her voice was cold, Cale could not see her eyes, but he guessed they were colder. Since you had to stack the Rock Tower with your own strength, Taylor had to come here personally. Which for them took around 5 minutes, took much longer for Taylor.

As they continued walking, the cave became wide enough for them to stand up and walk. The further they went, the louder and louder the sound of the wind swishing became. It was the sound that came by when gusts of winds crashed into walls. The sound of the wind was calm but furious. Those two shouldn't have mashed together so well.

The Sound of the Wind, she thought. Thinking of the 3rd Ancient Power Cale was planning on getting— and if she could— she too. She smiled. I will be even faster then. From behind her, Cale started to walk faster. "You wanna get on my back?" she asked. "We'll get there faster."

He shook his head, maybe a bit too fervently. "No, I'm fine." While he could tell that she enjoyed running, it was not as pleasant for him. She went so fast that he thought he would fall off. He had feared that he had hurt her shoulders due to how hard he was holding onto her, but when he watched her it seemed like nothing had hurt her.

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