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As they walked away, the Black Dragon continued to blabber on and on about how worried he was, mainly for Cale, as he had sneezed earlier.

'But you sneezed! Will you be able to move tonight? Shouldn't you get some rest? Why are so weak that I have to worry so much?! Weak Human!' he was saying.

Adara chuckled as they entered their room. "Don't worry," she said. "We will all be fine."

"I don't believe you," the Black Dragon said, now speaking aloud. "You almost fell into the whirlpool a few days ago."

The mention of the whirlpool struck her like lightning; she could almost see her Unnie in front of her, swaying in the wind. She grimaced, her hand clenching and her nails digging. Why could she not appear smiling? Why must she always be swaying?

She turned without another word on her way to the bathroom. She still had time to take a bath. She undressed quickly, not waiting for the water to fill the bathtub. She lay in the bath, staring at the ceiling. The burning water made her skin a dark red, but she didn't care.

She closed her eyes, not interested in the bathroom ceiling. All she could see was her Unnie's swaying figure. She tried to push the memory out, instead thinking of her times with Unnie. Unnie had been more of a parent than her Father ever was— or ever would be.

On clear nights, they would stargaze. Unnie would 'test' Adara on the various constellations in the sky, from the Stone Guardian with its square star formations to the Lake of Spears with its lake in a circular star formation and its star spears. But Unnie did not know anything about astrology or Ancient History, and when Adara wondered why she wanted to hear about it, she would say she just wanted to hear Adara talk.

When her tutor would be sick, which was unfortunately quite often as the man had a poor immune system, Unnie would take her to the Gardens, taking her to all the corners and secret nooks in the flowery maze.

When Adara could not sleep because the contents of her lessons of the day before rolled around in her mind, she would go to Unnie. Together, they would stop by the kitchen for a warm glass of milk, and Unnie would lull her to sleep with stories of fantastical beings greater and stronger than dragons in a world far, far away.

They would have tea parties in her room, with elegant pastries that Unnie was allowed to borrow due to her good friendship with the cook for lunch. There were only ever 2 seats at the table. Only 1 person was ever invited.

The idea of going to the market came up at the tea party. And Adara wasn't able to look at the table for a few years after that. As if it was the table's fault that Unnie left her.

The bath was filled now, but Adara got out. The water felt cold and clammy despite how much it burned her skin. She threw a bathrobe over herself and got out of the bathroom with a frown on her face.

Cale had already changed into new clothes, and once Adara did as well, she sat on the bed, the book she got from the library in her hands. She hadn't even read the first page, Amiru's face popping up any time she tried.

"What's on your mind?" Cale asked. She was now glaring at the book in her hands, and he almost didn't want to ask.

Her head snapped up to look at him, her face a cold statue. But her face softened, and her shoulders slumped when she looked at his face. She sighed. "It's nothing important, just someone I knew would have liked the Ubarr Territory."

"Unnie?" he asked too quickly as Adara looked at him again, a frown on her face.

She hesitated in her answer. "Why do you think that?"

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