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They entered Puzzle City's Gate quite easily, it was expected, they were in the Henituse's Golden Turtle Carriage, someone would be quite stupid not to let them in. They were currently following Deputy Butler Hans to the inn, while Adara, Cale, the kittens, and Choi Han were still in the Carriage. They invited Choi Han into the carriage because they were bored.

On and Hong were staring out the window, remarking on passersby and how the City was different. "It is smaller than Rain City," On spoke, only slightly disappointed.

"Right. Small," Hong agreed, looking around.

Adara looked with them. "It is," she muttered, but her mind was somewhere else.

Cale had similar thoughts, which he voiced. "It won't follow us into the city, right?"

Adara shrugged. "I've studied dragons, but it never said anything about them following a lifeform under them."

Choi Han had reported that the Black Dragon would follow them from a distance. He would occasionally come close by in the early mornings to drop the food off, but then he would run away.

"Isn't it cute?" Choi Han smiled brightly. "The dragon seems like a little kid that hasn't lost its innocence, even after living such a terrible life."

Adara smiled in amusement. Despite what they had warned him not to do, it seemed that Choi Han was underestimating the little Black Dragon. If he saw the dragon blow a mountain away, she thought, remembering what was supposed to originally happen. Then he would not be describing the dragon as cute. Maybe because she was only Half Dark Elf, but her race's tendency to worship dragons wasn't strong. Of course, that was also due to the fact she never met another Dark Elf, so she never got influenced by common Dark Elf ideals. But she found that Dragons were a superior lifeform, and accepted it, she found no need to worship them. Only to give them enough respect that they don't smite her. Though she did not understand why he was doing this, sure they saved him, but why would he follow them?

She expected he would go far away from Viscount Tolz and Marquis Stan's Territories to create his own lair and develop his strength. In addition, she and Cale hoped that once the Black Dragon grew strong enough it would destroy both respective noble's estates before the war broke out on the Continent. It would benefit both the Henituses and the Thornwins, and keep the peace in both of their territories for a longer period of time.

The kittens approached them, tapping their thighs with their paws. It seemed as though they had seen something out of the ordinary outside, and wanted to ask about it.

"Each house has a rock tower in front of it," On said. "Like you said a few days ago." She looked at Adara.

"Very, very weird," Hong added.

Cale only responded casually. "This is the City of Rock Towers."

"It would have been a better name than Puzzle City," Adara remarked. "Rock Tower City," she muttered. "Makes more sense too, I see no puzzles anywhere."

Puzzle City was famous for two reasons. The first being the aftermath of the second. It was famous for its Ancient Ruins that had a lot of rock towers from Ancient Times and for the fact that every single house had small rock towers in front of them. The people in Puzzle City have a small groove outside of their windows so they could stack a rock tower on top of it. Except, it wasn't really a rock tower, it had less than ten rocks, but every single one was in different shapes based on the personality of the homeowners, she guessed.

The second reason was that this city was disowned by the gods. What did you do, she thought, staring at the houses they passed, to make a god abandon you? Even the books could not tell me. Nor did Cale know, she knew. There wasn't much information in the novel about Puzzle City. But she read a bunch about the history after successfully translating the ancient text, but there was never anything about why the god abandoned them. She read many books speculating as to why but they never gave an answer supported by evidence. She has her own theory too.

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