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She knew there was an assassin somewhere here. She knew she was sore and slow. The last time she was slow, she got stabbed in her shoulder, a scar that has been slowly fading. Then, she used a mirror shard. Now, there was no mirror to ruin.

She looked around, seeing a metal pipe against one of the houses. She did not always need a weapon, but she did not have the element of surprise to overpower the assassin this time. She rushed towards it, running as fast as she could despite her legs protesting it. And when she arrived, rapping the metal pipe from the floor, she barely had any time to raise it over her head to parry the assassin's attack before her legs gave out.

She was at a disadvantage here. A very big one. She was not strong, not as strong as Choi Han or Ron for that manner, Rosalyn might have won in an arm wrestling match. But she was fast, and even now she did not have that advantage.

The assassin tried to strengthen his attack, but Adara used the metal pipe to push the dagger away from her.

Ugh, Adara thought. A professional one, I have not had one of these in a while; why now?

The assassin was aiming for her stomach, her arms stiff as she blocked the assassin's glinting blade a bit too slowly. A second longer, and she would have been hit.

But something made her pause.

Why is he aiming at my stomach? Assassins never aim for the stomach; there is no point. It is much faster to aim for the neck or the heart. An assassin is supposed to kill as fast and efficiently as possible, but the stomach is not an option. So why the stomach?

She parried another attack with her metal pipe, noticing how the dagger seemed too shiny. Her eyes widened as she realised there was poison on the blade. With poison on the blade, of course, it didn't matter where he struck as long as it got into her blood.

But then she was thinking again; it would have to be a very fast-acting poison if he was so confident in its abilities. And that was not necessarily good. She didn't know how well and how much the Vitality of Heart could heal since Taylor still died when that assassin came after him. She just shouldn't get hit by the assassin's blade.

The assassin, getting impatient, raised his poisoned dagger to strike her shoulder. Adara saw the strike. Was too slow to counter it. She felt the cold metal slice deeply through her upper shoulder, a cut. She raised her hand to cover the cut, the warm blood contrasting the cold night. The pain was nothing compared to the fact she felt the poison already moving in her shoulder. It was moving to her heart. She fell to her knees. All the gods should curse you, she thought, grumbling.

She froze as she realised she recognised this poison. It was a numbing/paralysing prototype. Close to the prototypes from 70-79 in particular.

Shit, she thought. It was moving too fast. She took her hand off the wound, looking at the blood covering her hand. It had been a long time since her blood was covering her. She's almost forgotten how much it hurts to be wounded.

She looked up at the assassin; he was backing off, a smile on his plain face. "Hah!" he exclaimed. "It was so easy to defeat you! The Queen of Poison!"

Adara made a face at him. Queen of Poison? The fuck? Where did that come from?

But the assassin frowned when he stared at the still-breathing Adara. "What?" he murmured. "You should be dead by now."

Adara wasn't paying attention, she was looking at the dagger the assassin held loosely. He continued muttering, but Adara wasn't listening. She only saw that poisoned dagger.

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