- Not an enemy don't worry. - said Abigail.

- Why should i trust you? - asked Cheryl, and Abigail just sighed and take out her phone.

- Look Cheryl, i won't even try to hurt you or Toni and my gang don't want a war only yours and Toni's gang doing it. - said Abigail, and i just rolled my eyes.

- So you want to tell me that, your gang don't even want to get involved in this? - i asked from her, and she just nodded.

- As i know, your and Cheryl's gang will never accept you two in a relationship so i have a plan. - said Abigail.

- If it's involve that, you will be with Toni i'm not interested. - said Cheryl, and wanted to walk away, but i stopped her.

- Cheryl, you can't just walk off like this, let's hear your sister's plan okay?  - i asked from her, and she just sighed and nodded.

- I need to swap clothes, with Cheryl and then i go with Toni to her gang and Cheryl will play me, as a hostage and we will tell them that Abigail caused all conflict, and we do this at Cheryl's bar too. - said Abigail.

- I don't like this plan. - said Cheryl, and i just rolled my eyes.

- We won't even kiss, Cheryl and i don't think we have any other option. - i said it to her, and she just sighed but nodded in agreement.

- Abigail, can i talk with Toni privately? - asked Cheryl, and Abigail just nodded and walked away...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

- Toni, if this work wouldn't end up well i want you to know that i love you. - i said it to her, and she started to tear up.

- What are you talking about Cheryl? - asked Toni, between sobs.

- TT, you deserve someone who gets accepted by the Serpents and if it's not me, i want you to move on, and let me go. - i said it to her.

- No, Cheryl it's won't happen and the plan must end up well. - said Toni, and i just sighed then Abigail walked back to us.

- So, can we start?  - she asked from us, and we just nodded...

Third Person pov:

After Cheryl and Abigail swapped clothes, Toni just sighed after they get in the car with Abigail to the first seats, and Cheryl in the backseat. Toni took a deep breath then sped off towards the Whyte Wyrm, while Abigail tried to calm her...

Abigail Blossom pov:

At the parking lot, of the Whyte Wyrm:

When Toni stopped the car, we get out and after Cheryl founded the cuffs, Toni cuffed her...

- Cheryl, it's going to be okay don't be nervous. - i said it to Cheryl, and she just rolled her eyes.

- It's easy for you to say this, Abigail. - said Cheryl quietly.

- Just stay quiet, and let us speak inside. - said Toni, and Cheryl just sighed then nodded and after we were ready, Toni opened the door and we walked inside...

Choni One Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now