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Ares is wearing a sparkly black suit that matches with my dress. We get downstairs and the kids all run to me.

"Mom! Look what i got you!" Mark shouts

"Ditey I made you something!" Deborah my little sister shouts

"Mom see here!" Michael shouts and i chuckle.

"Come on, let's go see the gifts." I say and lead them into the living room.

"We have an appointment Aphrodite." Ares says getting annoyed.

"And you're Ares King." I counter and he smirks and closes his mouth.

At the end of all the gift giving I have beautiful handmade gifts from my sisters and the boys which I absolutely love.

"See you guys later." Mark says and pushes me towards his father.

"Okay I'm going." I chuckle and jog to Ares. He takes my hand and we go into the garage.

"Choose." He says and i look around.

"This one." I say and point at a extremely expensive looking car.

"Damn, the Rimac Nevera 0-60. This one you definitely can't drive." He says with a chuckle and helps me into the sheqe car.

We're off, Ares speeds through traffic and i blast the radio. Singing terribly to all of my favourite songs.

"What did you get me?" I ask once we so outside of the warehouse where his office is.

"You'll see." He mumbles and we head inside.

Kim and Kevin stand outside and smile once they see us. Kim rushes over and squeezes me tightly into a hug and so does Kevin.

"Happy Birthday!" She shouts.

"Happy bday Mrs King." Kevin says and i roll my eyes.

"Thanks you guys." I say and smile at them.

"You're getting on gift a little later." Kim whispers and i nod.

"Are they ready?" Ares asks Kevin who simply nods and leads us to a backdoor that I hadn't noticed before.

When we enter I see a bunch of different cars lined up in what seems to be a garage.

"Pick one." Ares says again.

"We're gonna keep changing cars all day?" I ask

"No, pick one as a gift." He specifies and i almost jump out of my skin.

"Really!?" I shout.
"You're amazing!" I say and run to look at all of the beautiful cars.

I want something luxurious but big enough for me and the kids to all be together. I stop in front of the latest black g-wagon and smile.

"I want this one." I say and run my hand over the shiny metal.

"Take it home for us." He says to Kevin who nods and once again we're off.

This time however we stop in front of a clinic.

"Are you sick?" I ask and Ares smirks.

"Nope, but hopefully you are." He says and now im confused as hell.

We go into the posh clinic, i think i saw Shawn Mendez back there. Ares walks right up to reception and the pretty lady looks up at us.

"Mr King, how lovely to see you. I didn't know that you have a daughter." She says as she pushes her fake tan breasts out of her button down shirt.

"I'm his wife." I say

"You sure." She asks

"Me married to him, check
Us loving together, check
Oh and him fucking me senseless every night and morning maybe in the afternoon too, check.
Yes I'm his wife idiot." I say loudly and hear a few snickers behind me.

"I apologize ma'am." She says after clearing her throat.

"That's Mrs King to you." I mumble.

"The doctor is waiting for you." She says and Ares leads me into the doctors office as I mumble to myself about how stupid women can be.

"Mr and future Mrs King, how lovely to see you again." A familiar voice says.

The doctor that took care of Ares after his coma.

"Can we just get this done?" Ares asks anxiously and she nods. She fixes her glasses and gets up.

"Please follow me." She says and we follow her out of her office and into another room with baby posters on the wall. I see a sonogram next to a bed and look at Ares.

"Mr King tells me that you've been having morning sickness for about three weeks now." She says.

"I'm not pregnant." I tell her as my eyes fill with tears.

"I have read through your medical history and have consulted your past doctor regarding your case. There is a 1 in 5 chance of you getting pregnant and Mr King tells me that you truly are pregnant." She says.
"Now would you please lay on the bed?" She asks and i do as I'm told mindlessly.

I pull up the dress and she puts cold goo on my stomach. She uses the wand thing and looks on the screen.

"You're about 7 or 8 weeks pregnant." She tells me with a bright smile.
"Happy birthday and congratulations." She says happily.

"Ares, baby I'm pregnant. I'm having a baby!" I shout as the tears threaten to spill.

"We're having a baby." He says and picks me up off the bed and twirls me in the air.
"I knew it." He says and kisses me deeply.

"I can't believe it. I'm pregnant." I say and hold onto my stomach when he puts me down.
"Hello tiny person." I say to my stomach as Ares puts his hand on my belly too.

"Go enjoy today, don't drink any alcohol though. Please come back on Monday so that I can give you a check up and prescribe vitamins and make sure that the baby is okay." She says and i nod.

"See you Monday." I say as we go back to the car.
"How did you know?" I ask.

"The vomiting, your not horney at all which I hate by the way. And I may or may not have tested you myself." He says.

"Test me?" I question

"Remember I kept telling you to drink water all day yesterday?" He asks and i think back.

Flashback to yesterday.

"Drink some water to help with the fatigue." He said after I told him that I was tired.

"Drink a bit of water for the hiccups." He said to take away my hiccups.

"Water keeps the doctor away." He said while I was cooking and poured me a glass.

End of flashback

"What does that have to do with anything?" I ask.

"I bought a few boxes of pregnancy tests a few days ago and last night while you were sleeping I made you sleepwalk and pee in a cup. I tested it and all of them were positive. I knew that you would have an excuse so I resided to take you to a doctor." He explains.

"It's that monster in your pants. Doing the impossible." I say and he chuckles.

"Oh but you love it." He says

"I do." I agree

I'm pregnant.

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love You All
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