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The rest of the morning was spent with me and Ares shooting... but mostly me, he would just shoot once and tell me to continue.
We shot with a Desert Eagle 50 caliber, an Ak-47 and a pump-action shotgun. And apparently the knives are throwing knives. The first was a precision balance and the other was a cold steel. My shooting really isn't that bad but my throwing is not as good.

Right now Ares is packing up the knives and guns but I stop him.

"You're teaching me how to shoot when you've only shot like... 3 times that hardly seems fair. How do I know that you're a good shot?" I ask playfully and he raises an eyebrow at me and picks up the sniper.

I watch as he refills the bullets and multiple loud bangs have my ears ringing and I jump back a bit. He holds the gun over his shoulder and smirks at me. I look at all the cans where he shot and they are all perfect shots right in the middle of the cans.

"What were you saying?" He asks and i roll my eyes.

"I'm hungry, aren't you hungry? Let me go make us breakfast." I say and he chuckles as we make our way back into his glorious house.

For breakfast I make: Sausage Rolls
                                         With tiny
                                         Quiches and
                                         Fresh orange

As soon as I finish the boys make their way downstairs both in nothing but sweatpants. They get that from their father too.

"Good morning guys. I made breakfast." I say with a smile as they both sit at the kitchen island and I place their plates in front of them.

"Morning." Michael grumbles while rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning miss Ditey." Mark greets with a polite smile and i return it wholeheartedly. Ares disappeared when I started cooking.

"Dad was at it early today. He usually starts at 7 or so." Michael tells his brother.

"Something probably pissed him off." Mark answers with his mouth full.

"Do you guys maybe know where your dad could be?" I ask hesitantly

"It's 7:30 now so he's probably still in the gym. Second floor, third door on your left." Mark answers and i nod and make my way around the large island.

"Looks like dad got some." I hear Michael say which is followed by a groan in pain and I look up alarmed.

Ares is standing next to his son as he holds his stomach in pain. Mark just continues eating while his brother rubs his abs.

"Are you okay?" I ask in shock and rush over to him. Ares holds up his hand to stop me and leans over his groaning son.

"What did you do wrong son?" Ares seethes and I can practically see the steem leave his nostrils.

"Nothing." Michael answers and receives another blow to the gut and falls off the chair. I try to run over to him but Mark wraps his arm around me and holds me back as his father lifts Michael up as if he's a rag doll.

"What are you doing?" I ask Ares but he ignores me completely.

"Just stay put, my brother is an idiot." Mark says as if this is something normal.

"Answer me son!" Ares shouts.

"I disrespected your girlfriend." Michael answers after a pause and rolls his eyes and that sets Ares off. He lunges forward but before he can lay a hand on Michael I jump in front of him and wrap my arms around Michael.

The blow knocks both Michael and I to the floor. My back burns from the amount of pressure that was in his fist.

"Aphrodite!" He shouts in alarm but I ignore him and inspect Michael.

"Are you okay?" I ask and I stand up but I need to hunch over because of the immense pain I feel.

"Why? Why did you do that?" Michael asks with tears in his eyes.

"I... I... i don't want you getting hurt." I tell him and strong arms pull me against a familiar chest but I wiggle out of his grip and point a finger at him.

"Don't touch me with the hands you hit your sons with." I tell him

"Love... I'm sorry... why did you...?" He asks

"I know that they aren't mine but that was uncalled for. You can't hit them like that!" I shout raising my voice.
"You don't know what it feels like to receive continuous beatings everyday for the stupidest things. It breaks bits and pieces of your soul away. Leaving you as an empty she'll of who you used to be... it leaves you hollow. And I don't want Mark and Michael to feel that way. No child should, there are other ways. Violence isn't always the answer, they're your kids you can't hit them like that." I say in one breath as my own tears fall but I wipe them away immediately. Ares looks shocked and I nod.
"Yeah he hit me before he did that, for five years he hit me. Where no one could see but that doesn't mean that it hurt any less and there was no one there for me but I'm here for them." I say all the while jabbing my finger against his rock hard chest.

"Not even mom stands up for us." Mark says

"You're an ass Ares." I say and run up the stairs. I get into his bedroom and change back into my clothes of yesterday all the while choking on my sobs.

The bedroom door opens and I'm pushed against the door as I try to head out.

"Let me go!" I shout and flail my arms around

"No...No! I won't let you go. I'll never let you go!" He shouts in my face and before I can continue shouting at him he kisses me.

The kiss is hot and rough, fast and demanding. I try to push him off but I find myself giving in to him a second later. Once we're out of breath he pulls away.

"I don't always hit them but they need to be disciplined or they'll end up fucked up like me and i don't want that for them." He says

"You're not fucked up, maybe a little fucked in the head but not fucked up." I say and stroke his cheek.
"But if I ever find you hitting them for anything stupid I'll deal with you myself." I say and he smirks.

"And how is that?" He asks seductively

"I'm not making a bloody joke!" I shout but looking at his shocked face I burst out laughing.

"You're so weird." He mumbles.

"But you love me." I say

"You called me an ass, you defended Michael from me even though he basically called you a whore." He says
"How's your back?" He asks and strokes the place where he hit me but I flinch at the sharp pain.

"He's just a kid and I'm some woman trying to take his dad from him, of course he'll hate me. But that doesn't give you the right to hit them. Promise me that you won't hit them again." I say
"Promise me." I say

"I promise not to hit them unless it's completely necessary." He says and i roll my eyes but peck his lips.

That was one hell of a punch.

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love You All
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