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I wake up to a empty bed and roll around a bit but a sharp pain through my vagina has me bolted upright. Why does it hurt still?

"You're awake." I hear Ares say as he comes out of the bathroom with a white suite on but a red bitton down and red tie. This man has an impeccable fashion sense.

"Morning, you still need to be resting Ares." I say and get up from bed with a hiss. I make my way over to him limping slightly but not really.

"Should i call the doctor?" He asks as i fix his tie.

"I'll be fine, nothing a hot bath and possibly head won't fix." I say wiggling my eyebrows.

"I have work, see you tonight." He says and kisses my forehead and heads to the door.
"Don't wait up for me." He says before shutting the door.

Why is he so... cold all of a sudden?

It's probably because of last night, i fucked up everything. I look at the huge ruby on my finger as i limp to the bathroom. After a hot bath with nothing but my thoughts i finally look at myself in the mirror. My entire neck and chest is covered in hickeys, some of them aren't that prominent but most of them have started turning a deep red to even purple. My eyes are red and puffy from the crying and my hair is all over the place.

I pull on some sweatpants with a black hoody that i stole from Ares with my fluffy rabbit slippers and pull my hair into a messy bun at the top of my head. I make my way downstairs and try my hardest not to think about anything. No Ares, no Peter, no mother just nothing. I make myself some eggs and bacon for breakfast and settle down on the couch in the living room with the tv playing.

A couple of hours have passed and im still laying on the couch and watching Grey's anatomy. I could go study to be a surgeon when i get the rest of my dad's money at 21 but i absolutely love cooking and baking. Maybe i can buy myself a diner and start my own bakery or something. It feels so weird to not have my mother tell me what to do all the time. A notification pops up on the second tv with the cameras and i notice Kevins car pulling into the driveway. After a few minutes the door opens and in walks a whistling Kevin with a smile on his face.

"Hey Kevin!" I call out and he makes his way over to me.

"Hey Mrs K." He says and i blush as he plops himself down on the couch next to me.
"Look at you, freshly fucked an all." He says and i hit his chest with the back of my hand.
"Hey the hickeys speak for themselves. " He says with his hands up in surrender which makes me laugh.

"Ares isn't home." I tell him.

"Oh i know, just saw him at the warehouse. So i decided to check up on you, he is extremely pissed which means i could die if i get on his nerves so me being away from him right now is in my best interest." He says and i look at his face to see a bruise forming.

"Are you okay?" I ask placing my hand on his slightly purple cheek.

"Yeah, im guessing you guys didn't do the nastys?" He asks and i roll my eyes.

"I am not telling you about Ares and my sex life." I say probably as red as a tomatoe.
"Is he really mad?" I ask and he nods.

"You see the type of pissed that leads to a chainsaw massacre?" He asks and i nod
"He's more pissed than that." Kevin says and hos phone starts ringing.
"Hello Kevin's funeral service." He says after answering and putting the phone on speaker.

"I swear on my life if you are anywhere near Aphrodite i will rip your eyes from your skull and feed them to you." Ares threatens through the phone and i shiver at the tone of voice he used.

"Bro what you're planning..." Kevin starts but is cutt off.

"Aphrodite the kids will be home by 4, Kevin i need you at the warehouse." Ares says.
"And if you put me on speaker again i swear to God..." He says.

"Ares i know last night..." i start

"I'm fine, we'll talk when i get home." He cuts me off and hangs up the phone.

"I better get going." He says and i nod.

"I have a test to study for." I tell him and Kevin gives me a quick hug before turning and going out.

I head to the bedroom and study until 3pm then i head to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. I decide to make: Pot-roasted Pork in White Wine with Garlic, Fennel, and Rosemary.
With a side of: Squashed Cherry Tomato and Smashed Olive Bruscetta.
And for dessert: Iced Lemon Bars along with Moist Chocolate Brownies.

The kids come running through the doors and almost throw me over by the hugs that i recieve. Mark and Michael try to get a few brownies but i hit the back of their hands and they put them back down with pouts on their faces.

"Fine just one each." I say and they all run in opposite directions with brownies in their hands and i chuckle.

We eat a few hours later and i put them all to bed before going back downstairs to study for another few hours. When i check the clock it's already 11:15pm so i put away the books and sit with a tub of rocky road ice cream and a few brownies. Watching a random movie that popped up to pass the time as i sit and wait for Ares to get back home.

I know that he told me not to wait for him but I'm worried. I know that he's angry about last night and he has every right to be. Fuck! I wouldn't want a girl like me, someone who's been stained. A tear rolls down my cheek but i wipe it away quickly and i make a decision.

I'll sleep with Ares even if it hurts like hell.

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love You All
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