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We lay looking at each other and I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. He strokes my hair in a soothing way and I make myself ready to tell him everything.

"Ok so, I was 15 at the time and my mother's then boyfriend, Peter was living with us. He'd lived with us for a few years and I was comfortable around him. I didn't think much of it when he would give me money and ask me not to tell my mother. The first red flag that I saw was when I brought a guy home that I had to do a school project with. Peter literally chased the kid away and told him to stay away from me if he knew what was good for him." I say calmly.

"He used to drink, a lot and my mom did too. I've always been a loner so I just spent the day in my room after school. When my mom worked on Saturdays Peter would take us to amusement parks or the circus but he would always keep me with him. Right by his side, as if I was his trophy or something. And one day, it was a Saturday in winter. It was January, my birthday was the month before so I remember it quite well. Mommy was at work and he took my sisters to his mother for the day, he told me that we we're going to have some fun. I had no idea he was planning on doing that to me." I admit and I feel the tears coming on but I push them down.

"He bought us ice cream and we watched movies the entire afternoon. After the sun had set he told me that there was something he was gonna do but that I shouldn't tell my mother because she was going to be very sad. He told me that I didn't need to be afraid and that I knew that he would never hurt me. I was wearing pajamas and he pinned me against the couch. Once I understood what he was trying to do I started fighting back, I kicked, punched, bit and pushed at him but he wouldn't budge." I wipe the tear away that fell as the images run through my head.

"He took off my shirt and my pants then my underwear, he used his fingers first and it hurt like hell. He slapped me wen I screamed and started biting my boobs. I fought believe me i did but it wasn't enough, he undressed himself and did it to me. I cried, begged him to stop but he punched and told me to shut I'm and take it like a slut. He said that he saw the way I always shakes my big ass for him and how I would look at his abbs while he was working out. I was bleading but he didn't stop, he turned me around and did it again and again. He forced me to give him head even though I was crying and I took that as my opportunity. I bit his dick, hard and as he was crying out I crawled to the phone laying on the table and called 911. He got up and started kicking me, he used to be a football player so it hurt like a bitch." I say

"When the cops arrived he was already gone and they took me. I was in a medically induced coma for a week and when I woke uo they already caught him. I had a fractured skull, 4 broken ribs, a dislocated jaw, multiple bite wounds, multiple bruises and a dislocated hip. I couldn't walk properly for about another week and i had to go be a witness at the trial. He got sentenced to 15 years in prison but the worst part was when he walked past me. He looked at me with a smile and said 'don't worry baby I'll be back'. I'm so scared of him Ares, I had nightmares for years and i hated myself. I wanted to die so I tried to commit suicide, multiple times but my mother would always catch me and stop me." I say and lift o.o my shirt to show him one of the remaining bite marks.

Right under my left boob is the print of teeth marks. The one on my inner thigh and one on my right butt cheek. Ares leans down and places kisses in all of the scars and he holds me in his strong arms.

"You're so strong, I love you and I will never hurt you." He says and i nod

"I know." I say

"Come on, you must be pretty tired after our little session." He says and i smile. I lay with my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat.
"I wrote a poem for you. " he says and i sit up.

"Really!? Read it for me." I say excitedly as he chuckles and rubs the back of his head.

"It isn't really that good." He says

"I don't care, anything that comes from you is like heaven to me." I tell him.

"I see your bones beneath,
In which death has claimed as mine,
You then offer me your beating heart,
In hopes that I'd decline.

A creature, that I am,
Trapped beneath the heavens,
Hungrily, I'll accept your soul,
Fiercer in my possession.

And the taste of eternity,
Never bitter on my tongue,
As the lives that I collect,
Endings never to be undone.

Still the underworld, alone,
Kept far away from the light,
You asked me not to take your breath,
And yet I steal it out of spite." When he's finished I pull him in for a hug and kiss him all over his face.

"You're so romantic!" I gush and I see how pink his face is.

"I feel like a teenager again." He says and shakes his head.

"You think you aren't good for me?" I ask reflecting on the words of the poem.

"I know that I'm not, I'm dangerous, I'm on the FBIs most wanted list and if something were to happen to you because of me I would die. And to make it worse I fell on love with you." He says

"I knew what I was signing up for when we started dating and I'm not backing out now an I never will. I love you and I always will, if the FBI and the CIA and the SWAT team come looking for you I'll run away with you.  And if by some miracle I die before you, you still need to look after the boys. They need you and they always will, never neglect your duties as a father no matter what." I say and he nods

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asks

"Well, you got rich, if you weren't I probably wouldn't have looked at you twice." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Come on, get some rest." He says and starts stroking my hair.

"I need to go home Ares" I tell him with a yawn.

"I'll call your mother and tell her that you're spending the night, only if you want to." He says and i nod.

"I would love to." I say
Within a few minutes I let the darkness envelope me into a sound sleep.

What a nice day

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love You All
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