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Dinner went by surprisingly smoothly,  not that I'm complaining. Bethany even came down for dinner which is surprising. Right now I'm collecting the dishes while my mother and Ares are talking, even she calls him K.

"It's weird that you call me ma'am when I'm only a few years older than you, you're what 30?" She asks and my ears perk up.

"32 actually, but I prefer to call you ma'am." He says sternly

He's 32, but he did say that he's much older than me.

I go behind the wall that separates the kitchen from the dining room so that I can hear what they're saying.

"My daughter is 17, I see the way you look at her." She says and my eyes go wide.
"But I also see how she looks at you. If this is to get into her pants then I'll kill you. I don't care if you're in the mafia or a serial killer. I will hunt you down, cut off your dick and then shoot you." She threatens and I don't think I've ever heard her this dark before.

"I assure you there is nothing going on between us... yet." He says and a small smile makes it's way to my face.
"But when there is I won't hurt her, that I can give you my word on." He says.

"You're too old for her and for as long as she's under 18 I'll have a say in everything concerning her. I've guarded her from the world for this long I can do it for a while longer." She says.

After that I turn around and finish cleaning up. Letting the words ghat was just spoken sink in.

"Done." I say as I sit down next to my mother who is opposite Ares.

"Mister K! Mister K!" I hear my sisters call out which makes us all stand up.

They come running in, one after the other.

"If you get married to our sister then you'll be our brother in law right?" Bethany asks

"Yes." He answers

"I told you guys!" She shouts at the younger two who pout.

"But why can't you just be our brother?" Caroline asks

"Cause that would be weird, but they aren't getting married now." Bethany says.

"I think I should take you out before my sisters force us into a wedding ceremony." I say and they all pout.

"I'll see you guys soon, can I have my phone back now please?" He asks and Deborah comes forward with his phone. He gives them all kisses on the cheek and whispers something in Bethany's ear before standing up again.

"Goodnight K, come on girls let mommy put you to bed." My mom says and my sisters follow behind her.

"Goodnight ma'am." He says and takes my hand as soon as their all out of sight.

"Ares my mother could come back." I say and try to pull my hand out of his grip but he starts walking to the door.

"Your cooking is amazing and you have a beautiful family." He says once we're outside.

"Thank you. So I guess I'll see you around?" I ask hesitantly

"Oh definitely, give my your number." He says and i punch my number into his phone.
"Come here." He says and i move forward. He pulls me flush against his chest in one swift move. His hands find their way to my waist and he rubs slow circles there.
"You're so fucking beautiful." He says with his deep voice.

"You have a girlfriend and you're 32, I'm 17 Ares! This is wrong, we should stop this before something happens." I say without looking at him.

I feel a hot finger lift my chin and I look directly into those beautiful mysterious grey eyes. My lips part slightly as he lowers his head, he licks his bottom lip and parts his lips slightly.

"Ares... I don't know How..." I mumble in anxiety.

"You've never been kissed?" He asks and i nod slowly. Our lips inches apart from one another.
"Do you want me to kiss you?" He asks and i shrug.
"You're so innocent, I love it. Goodnight koroleva." He says and places a soft kiss to my cheek that makes my heart flutters.

"Goodnight Ares." I say and pull away from him. Without his warmth I feel so empty and cold.

"I'll text you." He says as he opens the car door.

"But I don't have data and we haven't paid Wi-Fi in forever." I say sheepishly

"I'll send you data for tonight." He says and gets in, closes the door and drives off. I watch till his car disappears around the corner with a sigh I make my way back into the house.

"To my room, Now!" I hear my mother shout from upstrairs, with a long sigh I make my way to her bedroom.

Opening the doors and stepping inside I take in the beauty of the room. Cream walls, open concept with a big bathroom and a huge walk in closet. Light pink beffubg holds a rather calm looking woman, oh but I know better.

"You called?" I say just trying to get it over with

"Come sit." She says and taps the space next to her. I obey like she taught me to do since I was born.
"Now listen to me and listen to me carefully, I don't know where, how or when you hooked that man but over my dead body am I making you let him go. He isn't into me he wants you and you give him everything he wants just to keep him even if that means giving him a child. Follow my example and you'll be set for life." She says and i sit there with my jaw hanging in the floor.

"Mommy now that daddy is dead we're struggling to even keep food on the table and you're telling me to follow your example. I need to swallow my pride and go to borrow money for us just to eat. I know that you work constantly so that we don't lose the house but I've told you before that we can sell it and buy a smaller one. I will not sell myself for money especially not after what happened to me." I say

"You have a lot to say, for the first 8 years of your life you've never wanted for anything. Keep that man if you know what's good for you or get out of my house!" She shouts in my face and I run to my room which is a few doors down.

This is my house, daddy left everything for me when he died and she's been mad ever since because I only get the rights and money when I turn 20. It's not my fault that he died when I was only 10. She got a boyfriend after that and the rest of my sisters followed, Now he's in jail. If she hadn't brought him into my daddy's house then my life wouldn't have been such a mess. I am the only child of the late Quentin Romano. I am the heir to his fortune that are now only frozen assets, I love my mother but I doubt at times that she loves me.

I hate my life but that's nothing new.

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love You All
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