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Let's just say that Ares was not happy that he had to stay at the hospital for another night, but at least now we're at his house. We just got here and he decided to take a shower while I go through my notes for the exams that I'm still busy writing.

I'm laying in the middle of his bed when the bathroom door opens and out walks God's best creation. Ares King, the one and only, completely dressed in grey sweatpants and a black shirt.

"Where are the Boys?" He asks

"Studying in their rooms and my sisters are playing in the game room." I tell him and he nods before laying down next to me.

"Sorry about your mother love." He was and I sigh.

"Yeah well, i guess love makes you do weird stupid things. I just hope that she gets better." I say and he nods while stroking my hair.

"I remembered what happened last night. Are you okay?" He asks and i nod.

"Thanks for teaching me how to use a gun and for always having one on you. I'm fine, you're fine, my sisters are fine and the boys are fine." I say with a tiny smile

"Stay here with me." He says

"I have been staying here while you were in the hospital but you're better now so I'll go home." I say

"Aphrodite, move in with me." He says and i give him a confused look.

"I can't, you know I can't, my sisters and what about the house?" I ask

"You and your sisters can live here. You can decide what you want to do with it, you can keep it, sell it, rent it out. It's yours and whatever you say goes my love." He says and i nod.

"I'll have to talk to my sisters about it but I think they'll like it here. Mark and Michael, won't they be mad that I'm moving in here?" I ask

"I'll talk to them and believe me they need a mother figure, their mother is a bitch that doesn't care about them." He says and runs his hand through his hair.

"But you are an amazing father and they're so lucky to have you." I tell him.
"You know I'm finishing with my exams in three days so I think I'll move in on the weekend or so. Can I have the room below yours?" I ask and he frowns.

"No, you'll sleep with me. If you want to wait until we're married we can get married on Saturday." He says with a serious face.

"You're serious?" I ask and he nods

"Dead serious, I'll get a signature from your mother and then we can get married. I'll get you a wedding planner to help with everything and Saturday afternoon we'll be married, if you want to." He says

"You wanna marry me?" I ask and he nods.

"Of course I do, I love you. Why wouldn't I?" He asks

"I'm so young, and you're a father of kids that are almost my age. But that would be amazing!" I shout with a chuckle as I imagine it.
"I'll be the most beautiful bride ever." I say with a tiny smile

"You sure will, and it's not like I'm getting any younger." He says

"You've only known me for about two months, are you sure?" I ask

"Yes I'm sure, wait here." He says and gets up, he goes out and I lay there thinking about the fact that Ares wants to marry me.

He comes back a minute later.

"Give me 1 hour, I'm locking you in here for your own good." He says with a smirk.

"You're locking me in here?" I ask

"Yes, I'll come get you in an hour." He says and i nod.


1 hour later

Exactly one hour later the lock of the door turns and in walk Mark and Michael.

"Dad says you should change into this and we'll escort you downstairs when you're done." Mark says with a smile and gives me two rather large boxes.

"Might wanna do your hair and makeup too." Michael says before throwing himself down on his dad's  bed.
"Dad's room is huge, and to think we're not allowed in here." Be says before shaking his head.

I get up and go to the bathroom with the boxes in hand. After closing the door behind me I open the first box and find beautiful golden heels with a pattern on them an nice thin straps. After taking them out of the box I look at the name on the box an my eyes go wide, they're Christina Louboutin heels. A luxury brand, these probably cost more than all of the clothes in my closet. I open the second box and pull out a beautiful red dress, I hang it behind the door and take a quick shower.

After putting on the dress I look at myself in the mirror and smile. I look like a woman, not some 17 hear old girl but like a woman that deserves a man like Ares. The dress had a mid thigh high slit, with slits on the arms and is so soft and flowy against my skin. I absolutely love it and the way it makes me feel.

Dress above ^^

Shoes above ^^^

I keep my makeup simple, just some mascara, powder, blush as bright red lipstick to match the dress. I put my hair into pouncy curls that frame my face before checking myself in the mirror one more time. He's probably taking me out on a date or something.

"Damn, you sure you in love with my dad?" Mark asks with a smirk and I laugh as his brother hits him on the chest.

"You look really pretty." Michael says and i do a little twirl for them, my and Michael's relationship has really improved and I couldn't have been happier.

"Dad's gonna have a heart attack when he sees you." Mark says and comes to my side. His brother comes to my other side and even with these heels I'm still shorted than both of them.  I wrap my arms around their biceps and we make our way downstairs.Rose petals line the way to the backyard and I raise an eyebrow.

Aren't we going out?

We follow the trail to the back glass doors but I can't see anything outside because the lights are off. We head out into the cool breeze and both boys leave me standing in the dark. Lights switch on and my breath gets knocked right out of me.

Fairy Lights, roses, scented candles, it all looks so beautiful and romantic. It feels kind of magical as I look around, a table with two chairs has the most important man in my life standing right in front of it. His hair styled back, not a single thread out of place.

Did I mention that he's in a tuxedo?

Can this man get any hotter.

"What is all of this?" I ask with a huge smile on my face.
"The dress, the shoes? What's going on?" I ask

"You deserve so much more. A man 10 years younger than me for starters." He says walking towards me.

"You know your age doesn't matter to me, on the contrary it kind of makes me like you more." I say with a blush.

"Aphrodite Romano, Greek goddess of beauty and fertility. Will you marry me Ares King the Greek God of war and destruction?" He asks as he gets down on one knee.

"You're serious?"

Oh my goodness

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love You All
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