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The next month goes by without a hitch. Ares drives me to school every morning and his driver Will, who is a nice old man takes me home. On Saturdays he's usually busy and I use that time to study but he says dinner with us every Sunday. I've told my mother that we're dating and she was over the moon which I was relieved for but hated at the same time. Today is Saturday and I just got out of the shower and put on some comfy clothes when a knock on my bedroom door startled me.

"Hey girl!" I hear Rose shout as she walks into my bedroom followed by her sister.

"Hey, how are you guys? I haven't seen you in forever." I say and give them both short hugs.

"Great as always how about you?" Rose asks

"Great too, what are you guys doing here?" I ask

"Just checking on you since we haven't seen you in like a few weeks I think." Rose says.

"That's so kind of you guys." I say with a forced smile.

"Your mom tells us you've got a boyfriend." She says and plops down next to me on my bed.

"Yeah, but he's just some guy really." I say trying to make him sound like nothing.
"Why are you so quiet Lilly?" I ask

"Don't ask... she's been like this for a month now, I think her and K had a fight. She won't tell me." She says

"Lilly do you wanna talk about it?" I ask

"He left me, just like that, over the fucking phone." She says and starts to cry. I pull her down next go me and let her cry on my shoulder.

"Fuck him, you deserve so much better." Rose says looking at her nails while j console her sister who is crying over my boyfriend.

"But he's the best." She says through tears and i completely agree.

He paid for our WiFi, Netflix, groceries for the month as well as my mother's taxi faire to work and back for the month. Now with my mother's money she can afford to buy us clothes, well more like my sisters. She says that Ares should buy me clothes which I will not ask him to do.

My phone ringing grabs my attention. I answer as soon as I see that it's Ares.

"Hi umm... I'm kind of busy can I call you back?" I ask

"Why? Is something wrong?" He asks

"No I'm fine." I say

"Is that the boyfriend?" Rose asks and i shake my head.
"It is!" She shouts

"Who's crying? That sounds like Lilly, is that Lilly?" He asks

"Yes, because of you." I say and he sighs.

"Give me the phone!" Rose shouts and lunges forward to grab it.

"Bye babe." I say and hang up before she can hear his voice.

"You're no fun!" She shouts and apparently her sister stopped crying.

The honk of a car is heard from the front of the house and I dash for the door. I run downstairs and out the front door. Ares stands in all his glory looking as sexy as ever in a dark green suit.

"Go, before they see you!" I shout but he comes forward and gabs my face in both his big hands. He kisses me passionately, he grabs my ass and j gasp. He slides his tongue into my mouth and i moan into the kiss.

He's never kissed me like this before.

"You're mine okay." He says after pulling away and I nod.
"We don't need to hide." He says

"But I don't have time for this drama." I groan.

"Believe me I don't either but I won't keep hiding from someone I broke up with a month ago already. She needs to grow up." He says clearly annoyed.

"Let's do this." I say and we walk back into the house, hand in hand up to my bedroom. He's been in here once before but only for a few seconds in the morning while I was doing my hair.

"You guys want to know who my boyfriend is well... here he is." I say to the two women sitting on my bed as I enter my room. They gasp as Ares makes his presence known.

"Good afternoon you two." He greets.

"K? Oh my God! I never saw this coming!" Rose says excitedly

"K, how could you leave me for this little piece of nothing!? You lying slimy son of a..." Lilly starts with her tantrum but we all sill as we hear the sound of a gun cocking.

"I never lied to you, I never cheated on you and don't you dare call my mother a bitch. You will respect my gurlfriend if you know what's good for you. " Ares says calmly but I know better than to think that he's calm. He's fuming.

"Ares! You have a gun!?" I shout alarmed and scared.

"Love I won't hurt you but I'm tired and I have a really bad headache and your friend isn't helping with her shouting." He says and we hear tiny feet parted against the wooden floors of the hallways and Ares puts the gun away, in his pants.

"Mister Ares!" They shout as they run and hug him.

"Hey girls!" He says and he gives them all forehead kisses.

"Did you bring something for us?" Deborah asks sweetly

"Of course, the package in the front seat is all  for you guys, leave the ones in the back please." He answers and gives Bethany the keys to his Bentley.

"You need to stop bringing them stiff Ares!" I scold him but he just kisses my cheek.

"Now where were we, Lilly get over me and Rose I think it would be best if you and your sister leave. I'll talk to you both tomorrow or Monday." He says and runs a hand through his hair.

"You'll pay for stealing my man you little whore." Lilly says as she gathers her things.

"Calling me a who're when you were the one who cheated on him? Amazing!" I say sarcastically

"How dare..." She starts but is cut off by her sister.

"Shut up Lilly! Well talk later Ditey, congratulations you two." Rose says excitedly and I smile at her and watch as she pulls her sister past me.

Strong arms wrap around me from behind and I lean into his warmth. His woodsy scent mixed with a bit of spice wraps around me.

"You smell so nice." I say without thinking and my cheeks heat up.

"Really? You do too, you smell like vanilla mixed with cocoa butter and you're so soft. I just want to feel your body next to mine." He says and kisses the base of my neck before moving away from me and running downstairs. He takes two steps at a time with his long an muscular legs and i watch as he runs out the front door an returns seconds later with bags in his hands. He rubs up the stairs again an back into my room, I follow him as he puts them down on my desk and moves the books off my bed. He kicks off his shoes and takes off his suit jacket followed by his belt, gun and button down shirt. Only left in socks, his pants and a white vest that hugs his broad chest and abbs.

He lays down and pats the spot next to him.

Well isn't that a sight.

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love You All
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