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We head down the stairs to the first floor. I keep asking him where we're going but he just tells me to keep walking. He opens a door and switches on the light and I see that we're in an underground garage filled with different types of cars. We walk past the cars to a door on the far side of the basement and he stops right outside the door.

"You wanna see what I can do?" He asks and i look at him confused.
"Just... don't run off." He says after a long pause and pushes the door open.

Inside there is what looks like a gym, it is fully stocked with every gym exercise machine and equipment needed. But he pulls me past that and down a long hall with no doors but one at the end. Inside the room there are at least 5 of what I assume is every gun, knife or weapon ever made. I notice the sniper immediately and walk over to it. I run my hand against the cold metal and a tiny smile makes it's way to my face.

"Its beautiful." I mumble and Ares grabs it along with three other guns and two knifes.

"Let's go." He says again and I follow silently behind him all the way to the side of the house. There are beams set up on this side with tin cans on them.

He throws the weapons down but keeps the sniper.

"This is classified as a sniper but there are many different types. This is the Bareet M82, 50 caliber rifle with a firing range of over 1 800m. This is the most dangerous sniper rifle you'll find in America." He says and lays down on the grass with the gun set up in front of him. He aims and a loud whip-like snap sound has the bird flying from the trees and me jumping back. I look up at the cans where he was pointing the gun and a can is laying in the bushes with a large hole in it.
"Lay next to me." He says and i obey him and lay down. He moves the gun closer to me and I look through the lenses at the top and it looks like the can is right in front of me.

I put my finger on the trigger and look through the lens at the can.

"Take your finger off the trigger. Never have it on the trigger unless you're ready to take the shot." Ares tells me in a strict voice that is kind of sexy.
"Lay flat on your stomach with your legs spread out, your feet arch down partly embedded in the ground and the rifle tight in your shoulder. This will cut the recoil enough to give you better accuracy at longer ranges." He tells me and gets up. He kicks my legs apart softly and I dig my sock clad toes into the ground.

"This thing is called the bipod of he gun." He says and points to the thing holding it up.
"You're right handed so put your left hand on the butt of the stock, the back of the gun." He tells me and I put my hand on the part mentioned.
"This allows you to position the elevation of the sights or scope more precisely." He tells me ad I nod taking in the information like a sponge.

"Press the gun against your boob cause it has one hell of a kick." He tells me and I nod and do as I'm told.
"Press your cheek lightly against the stock, looking down the scope in the most relaxed way possible. A critical component of sniping is acquiring a good "cheek weld" or "stock weld". This means your cheek bone is held fast against the butt stock to insure proper sight alignment and sight picture. Without proper sight alignment you will never be good with any sniper weapon but since it's your first time I won't expect much." He says

"Learn to compensate for the trembling in your muscles. Breathing can make or break your shot, usually the gun sways with your breathing and you need to be in control of it. It is best to open your mouth and throat until your body is relaxed, this is when most of your air has exited your lungs. Relax, if your heart rate is slow enough, you can stay like this for 10 or 15 seconds, be patient and wait until the reticle stops over your target." He says and i do as he says. The reticle is over the can and I notice that it bounces in sync with my heartbeat.

So cool.

"When pulling the trigger, be sure to pull the trigger straight back toward your shoulder. Keep your firing hand and support hand loose and relaxed. No need to go over the scopes because I've already adjusted it for you. Make sure the X in the middle is just above the can and fire at will." He says and i go over what he said from the beginning.

Focusing on my breathing and heartbeat. I line up the gun ad relax, a loud whip-like snap sound rings in my ears after pulling the trigger and a shock runs through my body.

"Damn." I hear Ares say and I don't see the can through the scope anymore so I move it out of the way and see that it is laying on the grass with a large hole in it.

"I hit it." I whisper to myself.
"I hit it!" I shout and stand up.
"That felt amazing." I say with a large goofy grin on my face.

"Good shot now empty it out. The gun has 8 bullets left." He says and i nod and lay back down. Gun in hand, relaxing, heartbeat in check, aim on point I take another shot... and another...then another until I've entire it out. Looking at the work done I notice that I only missed 2 cans.

"Not bad... not bad at all." He says and i smile.
"Second gun." He says and picks up a gun from the pile.

I love this man so much right now.

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love You All
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The Dark KingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon