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I lay and cry in bed for a good two hours about my fucked up life. I straighten up and think about all the good things I have. Sisters, a mother, food in my stomach, a roof over my head, shoes on my feet and clothes on my back, I have so much more than a lot of people have and I have to be grateful for it.

I grab my phone and start reading a new book on this amazing app called Wattpad.

A notification grabs my attention from an unknown number.

I open the message and see that someone sent me data, 10GB. My phone immediately starts ringing and I pick up after a few seconds.

"Hello?" I ask

"Aphrodite?" I hear Ares say through the phone and a smile makes it's way to my face but it turns to a frown as my mother's words run through my head.

"Hi Ares." I say

"Hey, did you get the data?" He asks

"Yes thank you, you didn't have to." I say

"I want to, are you asleep already?" He asks

"No I... had a talk with my mother." I say

"She doesn't want you to see me right?" He asks with a groan.

If only he knew.

"Yup you don't sound tired at all." I say with a yawn.

"I usually sleep at around 12 or 1, you do sound tired though. I won't keep you up long." He says.

"No it's fine really, today was just a busy day. I haven't been to the mall in a few months maybe more, I don't even know. Umm Ares can I ask you something?" I ask

"Go ahead." He says and i take a deep breath before asking.

"Are you buying me all this stuff so that you I feel guilty and let you sleep with me or give me to your workers or human traffic me or something?" I ask

"I wouldn't ask you to do something that I know you wouldn't want to do. I don't human traffic, and I don't want you to feel ashamed to accept my help when you need it. There are a few things I would like to ask you though." He admits

"Oh okay you can ask." I say

"The house you live in used to belong to Quentin Romano right?" He asks

"Yeah, Why?" I ask

"I just wondered why he sold the house, I was in Paris when I got the news of his death." He says

"Oh right, daddy never let me and my mom into the spotlight, he always said that he wanted to keep our lives as normal as possible so most of the people don't even know that I'm his daughter." I say

"Wait... you're Beauty?" He asks

"That's what daddy used to call me. Did you know him?" I ask

"Him and I did business together multiple times, he taught me the ropes since I was just starting out and even invested in my first company. Shit! And now I want his daughter." I hear him mumble.

"Daddy always told me to follow my heart but not neglect my mind..." I say stopping.

"And what are they telling you?" He asks

"My mind is telling me to stay as far away from you as possible because of your reputation, Lilly and the large age difference... but my heart says to make you mine even if it means going against everything I think is wrong and right. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place." I say and he chuckles. The sound vibrates through the phone and I wish that he was here in the room with me so that I could hear it clearly. That I could experience it whole heartedly, seeing the smile on his face and the way his eyes a Single up at the sides.

"I'm in a bit of a dilemma myself. Loving Lilly on one hand and falling in love with someone else on the other. I've never been in love with Lilly, our relationship was mostly reputation and if I'm being completely honest... sex too but I want more. I want to be in love with a woman who loves me fully and not for what I can give her but for the love I have for her. I can't believe that I met you a few days ago and I'm telling you all of this. You're so easy to talk to." He says

"So I've been told, but I like talking to you too. You weren't even in love with Michael and Mark's mother?" I ask

"No, it was just a summer fling, going out for two months and then she tells me she's pregnant. Nine months later my beautiful boys are brought into this world and I couldn't have been more grateful to Cynthia but she's a total bitch. If it was up to me I would never want my boys to see her ever again but they love their mother. After the boys were born we tried building a relationship but she didn't want it so I gave up and moved on." He says

"I'm sorry she didn't want to be with you. You're an amazing guy and you deserve love just like everyone does." I say

"There will be so many challenges if we decide to make something out of us. Are you up for it?" He asks

"Challenges are more mind over matter, if you don't mind going through them it won't matter as long as you make it out alive in the other side." I answer and I can almost hear him smile.

"Well the koroleva looks like we have work to do but rest. I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight Aphrodite, sleep well." He says

"Night Ares, dream of me." I say with a chuckle.

"I have every night since I met you an I won't stop now because in my dreams you're actually mine. Goodnight koroleva, ty budesh' moyey." He says and hangs up
(Translate: you will be mine)

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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