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We're all sitting around the living room table along with Kevin and Kim who I invited over for a late lunch.

"Babe don't pick heavy stuff up." Kevin says as Kim looks at a vase standing on the cabinet and i smile.

"I'm not even two months pregnant yet, not even two fucking months and you're already smothering me." She says irritated and comes to sit next to me. We just finished eating the takeout that I ordered and we're all just lazing around.

"Let's go see whats playing on the tv." Bethany says to Caroline and Deborah, they run off to the living room with Mark and Michael following behind them like lost puppies.

Kim, Kevin and i sit and talk about nothing in particular and about 30 minutes later the front door opens.

"Mister K!" My sisters shout from the living room and my heart does flips. I hear his chuckle bounce off the walls and a smile makes it's way to my face.

A few seconds later in being lifted off of my chair and placed on the dining room table. Warm inviting lips smash against mine and my legs wrap around his waist. My hands go to the back of his head and pull his face impossibly closer to mine. Our tongues struggle for dominance but after a growl I back down and let him take the lead. His lips move fast and hard against mine, his tongue tastes like the fountain of youth.

"Fuck I missed you." He breathes out after coming up for air. I open my eyes and stare into his familiar grey ones.

"Welcome back." I whisper and hear someone clear their throat behind us.

I look around to see both Kim and Kevin looking anywhere but at the two of us and I blush crimson. Ares moves away from me and goes to Kevin. He gives him a brotherly hug and next he moves on to Kim.

"Hey mommy." Ares says with a chuckle and Kim rolls her eyes.
"Congratulations." He says and gives her a hug too which surprises all of us.
"Welcome to the family." He says and Kim blushes.

"Someone's in a good mood." Kevin says

"Oh yes, I'm getting laid tonight!" Ares practically shouts and i punch his chest as Kim and Kevin chuckle. Ares sits down in the chair where I was sitting and pulls me down into his lap.
"Hey princess." He says and brushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Hi." I squeak and he chuckles.
"I thought you were gonna be home only later tonight." I say as I make myself more comfortable on his lap.

"I wanted to see you sooner. I haven't even been able to call." He says and i nod. Because of the different times, the poor signal connection and him being so busy with back to back meetings we haven't called each other since Tuesday.

"But you're home now and you're safe. Oh thank goodness you're safe. There is so much I need to tell you." I say.

"I'm hungry." He says

"Mark had me worried sick for a good two hours so I wasny able to cook, i ordered take out but I can whip you something up if you like." I explain and he frowns.

"What happened to Mark?" He asks but looks at Kevin.

"He got in a fight." Kevin says.

"More like he beat a kid up and now the kid's in the ICU." I say and Ares quirks a brow.

"Mark, Michael!" He shouts an in a few seconds they both walk into the room.
"Explain." He says and Mark does just that. When he's done Ares lifts me off his lap and walks up to Mark. I think that he's going to hit him but he fist bumps him instead.
"I knew you had it in you! You're my son!" He shouts excitedly and i just shake my head.
"This calls for celebration! Tomorrow I need to het me some food first." He says and i roll my eyes.

"What do you want? Pasta, a curry, seafood, or maybe a piece of left over pudding?" I ask.

"I want you... all of you." He says loudly and i hear Mark and Michael gag.

"Mom, don't do it!" Michael shouts dramatically as he clutches his heart.

"Shut up boy. Go pack a few clothes we're going away for the weekend." He says.

"The kids missed you, and you just got home." I say and he cups my ass with his large hands which makes me gasp.
"We're not alone Ares." I scold.

"It's either I fuck you on the table right there or we leave in 15 minutes... you decide." He says and i roll my eyes.

"Fine, where are we going?" I ask and push him away from me.

"I will never look at that table the same way ever again." Mark says with fake sadness.

"I can still beat the shit out of you both." Ares warns and they run up the stairs.
"Just bring a pair of pajamas and lots of lingerie." Ares says with a wink and i roll my eyes.

"Kim wanna help me pack?" I ask and she nods.

"You horney bastard." I hear Kevin say as we walk out of the dining room and we both laugh.

"What's gotten into Ares?" I ask with a shake of my head once we enter the room.

"The man's in heat. He just wants to fuck, happens to Kevin all the time." She says with a roll of her eyes.
"It's getting colder. I can't wait for it to snow." She says and i nod as I start stuffing jeans, sweaters, winter pajamas and lingerie into my suitcase.

I put a few sweatpants and hoodies of Ares in too along with a few pairs of boxers and jeans.

"What about the kids?" I wonder out loud.

"Hold on a minute." She says and takes out her phone to call someone.
"Hey baby, can we stay there and look after the kids for Aphrodite this weekend?" I hear her ask and I know that she's talking to Kevin.
"I'll let you try something new on me once we yet home." She says and winks at me.
"Okay then, it's settled." She says and hangs up.

"Thanks you didn't have to do that." I say sheepishly.

"That's what friends are for and besides I don't want to be pregnant alone. Go get knocked up, do it for me. Do it for the childresn." She says dramatically and i blush.

"No thank, I'm too young to be pregnant." I say.

"Oh please, kids half your age are getting pregnant." She says and i nod.

"That's a conversation for another day. Let's go." I say and pull the two suitcases out of the room. I stand at the top of the stairs with Kim next to me.
"Some people are pregnant here, we need help with the bags!" I shout and Kevin comes running up the stairs with Ares following behind him.

"You pregnant?" Ares asks.

"No, don't be stupid, i had my period two weeks ago." I remind him.

Kim's pregnant not me🙄
Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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