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"I can't! I'm sorry." I say and turn around. I run through the house as I just left Ares and the boys standing there in pure shock.

I run back to the backyard after a few minutes only to find Ares pointing his gun at the sky.

"Ares! Just kidding, I'll marry you." I say and burst out laughing at his face.

"You'll be the death of me Aphrodite." He says as I run into his arms and slide the beautiful ring on my finger.

It looks like the one on his ring finger, but this one is white gold with an even bigger ruby than the one on his. The ring fits perfectly on my chubby finger and it is quite heavy.

"Oh i love you so much Ares!" I say and kiss his cheek.
"You did all of this just to propose?" I ask and he nods leading me to the table.

"I know what a hopeless romantic you are and i just wanted to make it special for you my love." He says after we both are seated.

"You're serious about this?" I ask and he nods.

"I am and i know that you're young and that I'm much older than you but i love you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you." He says

"I'm getting married... but I'm hungry." I say with a tiny smileas my tummy growls at the smell of the food.
"Who cooked?" I ask.

"Being a multi billionaire comes in handy at times. I know that you love cooking but i suck at it, give me a gun or a computer any day buy keep pots and pans away from me." He says and i chuxkle and open the box to find what looks like gormet hotdogs.

"I've seen these on tv before and i always wanted to try them but people go to line up at three in the morning. How'd you get these?" I ask before stffing a piece into my mouth and i watch Ares gulp.

"Why does everything you do turn me on?" He asks himself and i chuckle.
"Money can buy anything." He answersmy question

"Where are the kids?" I ask

"In the game room with Wendy. You're so cool about this." He says after eating half his hoy dog in one gulp.

Why is that so sexy?

"Oh baby trust me... my inner goddess is running around naked in my head and screaming the words " I'm getting married!"." I say and he nods with a slighy smile.

"Inner goddess?" He asks

"Yes my conscience... i call her my inner goddess like the girl in Fifty shades of grey. " I say and my cheeks turn pink.

"You're into BDSM?" He asks and i shrug.

"I don't know... virgin remember?" I say with a chuckle and his eyes glaze over with lust as he finishes off his hot dog while mine is only halfway there.

"Not for long love." He says

"Are you into that stuff?" I ask sheepishly

"Maybe, never got the chance to try it but i think so." He says and i nod.

I finish my hot dog and Mark and Michael bring out a trey and place it on the table. It is covered with a cloth so i can't see what's under it.

"Here is the desert... courtesy of Wendy, chocolate done three ways. Chocolate lava cake, a few chocolate chip cookies and chocolate mousse." Mark says as he puts the plate down in front of us.

"Wendy will be taking the children along with Sarah, the extra baby sitter  to the lake house. And i have a request of my own. Please for the love of ghe last born do not mke a baby tonight." Michael says with a sly smirk and Mark has the same expression as they lift up the cloth that is covering the trey and i gasp but then burst out laughing.

A trey full of condoms.

"What the... where dod you guys get this?" Ares asks trying to hold back his amusement.

"Your bedside drawer. Uncle Kevin put us up to it bye dad, see ya new mom." Mark says as he and Michael run back into the house.

I pick one condom up and hold it up to Ares whose head is in his hands like he's just failed at fatberhood.

"You know I've never seen a real condom before." I whisper amd this time Ares bursts out laughing a full head back, teary eyed laugh.

"Oh my god, i hate and love my kids." He says wiping his eyes and i smile at him.

"I love you." I tell him.

"I love you too." He says

"I want you to take it." I say.

"What?" He asks

"Take it." I say

"Take what Aphrodite?" He asks

"My virginity duh." I say

"I can't... I it's not you believe me." He says and gets up and starts pacing.

What the...?

"You're kidding me right?" I ask and he sits back down while running his hand through his hair.
"Ares!" I shout for him to answer me.

"Listen... beleive me i want to take it more than anything... but I'm going to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you so i think you should get someone else to take it. I won't be mad... okay I'll try not to be but i don't want to hurt you." He explains.

"What the actual fuck Ares!?" I shout confused but his facial expression stays hard and kind of sad.
"Ares why are you saying all of this?" I ask taking his hand.

"Because I've hurt girls before!" He shouts.
"Oh and believe me they weren't virgins. I'll get you a male prostitute that will give you all you need and I'll have you a couple of days after that." He says.

"Are you hearing yourself right now?" I ask
"I'll just fuck Kevin then or I'll go so Peter can rape me again!" I shout and his entire demeanor changes.
"That's what you want isn't it?" I ask and his entire demeanor changes. I march into the empty house and up the stairs with Ares hot on my tail yelling at me to listen but i block him out.

When i get to his bedroom i lock myself in his closet as i look through my luggage that i moved here a week ago and find what i was looking for. A black lacy lingerie set, i slip into it with a pair of black stilletos and reapply my makeup and tie my hair into a high ponytail.

When i make my way out Ares looks up from the bed that he's sitting on and i see his eyes get darker.

"It's either you take it or I'm calling Kevin to take it even though it'll feel like i was being raped all over again. I'll think of you every step of the way, is this really what you want. For me to go through something like that again." I say going to my last resort.

Guilt tripping him.

"Aphrodite..." he says as i get on his lap to straddle him and i feel his erection already prominent in his pants.

"I want you, if you hurt me we can get me a doctor and soon I'll be fine." I tell him

"I don't want you to feel like you're being raped again." He says.

"It isn't rape if i want it and maybe i like it rough." I say and i see his self control slipping away with every circle of my hips on him.

"You're sure?" He asks and i nod with a smirk.

"Make me yours."

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love You All
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