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The door opens around 1:30am and Ares' loud footsteps make their way to the living room where I am seated.

"I told you not to wait for me." He says and i finally turn around astonished by the terrifying sight in front of me.

"Are you hurt?" I ask rushing over to him. His hair is disheveled, knuckles bleeding onto the floor and his white shirt covered crimson in blood.

"I'm fine, go to bed Aphrodite." He says coldly without looking into my eyes. I place my hand on his cheek and make him look me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry about last night. We can try again and this time i won't tell you to stop." I tell him and he glares at me.

"You think that's why I'm fucking pissed?" He asks dangerously low.
"Do you think that little of me?" He asks.

"I just assumed..." I start to say but he interrupts me.

"You assumed... you're a fucking child i should never have aggreed to have sex with you last night." He says and i can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Child? I might be 17 but I'm no child Ares!" I shout in anger.
"You're drunk you don't know what you're saying." I tell him and myself.

"Fuck this." He says and tries to go back outside but i pull him by the arm to stop him.

"I'll leave just don't drive when you're drunk." I say.

"You're not going anywhere Aphrodite. I have work to do." He says

"You were at the warehouse all day weren't you?" I ask knowing that he was probably hurting people because i couldn't give him what he wanted last night.

"Yes i was! I was torturing the man that hurt you all day and you know what? It felt amazing watching his blood fill my shit and hands as i hit him repeatedly. The feeling of the knife i sinked into his healing legs and ran along his chest and arms. I will give him a chance to heal before going back everyday and beating the living crap out of him until he begs for death and then I'll buy men to do to him what he did to you." He says with a deranged look in his eyes that has me stepping back.
"You're scared of me." He says and bursts out laughing.

"No I'm not." I say in a small voice and he roughly grabs my face in his bloody hands.

"You like my hands on your body don't you?" He asks and i nod.
"Would you still love it if you knew how many men and woman i have killed with these very hands. Oh and love i don't make it pretty no. I like making up creative ways to torture any and everyone that keeps me from getting what i want. You love my eyes." He says and i nod mindlessly as his words run through my head.
"My eyes have watched the life drain from others and you know the best part? I don't feel remorse, i don't feel ashamed or guilty. I sleep like a baby after killing hundreds of people so are you still not scared of me?" He asks

"No." I whisper.

"Don't fucking lie to me!" He shouts in my face as his hand wraps around my throat.
"I hate being lied to." He says and slightly squeezes my throat and now im getting scared.

So i do the onky logical thing i can think of.

I slap him. Hard

"I fucking love you, it doesn't matter what you've done or who you've hurt. I don't care because i love you and that is never going to change. So fuck you for trying to scare me and hurting me." I say and run past him up the stairs as the tears fall.

I go to the room where my baby sister is sleeping and crawl into bed next to her. My throat hurts, my hand is stinging but the worst part is that my heart hurts. He tried to scare me, he wants me to be scared of him and he almost got it right.

But i won't let him, never.

Don't go to bed angry.

My dearest grandmother in heavens voice catches me sloghtly off guard. She had a beautiful marriage that lasted until her last breath. My grandfather and her loved each other dearly and she always told me stories and gave me advice on how to keep a marriage together.

Don't go to ned angry at each other.

After wiping my tears i get up and go out of the room and as soon as i do i hear something crashing against the ground. And then again and again. I rush over to the sound coming from the kitchen and see some of the plates in splinters against the hardwood floor with what used to be glasses and cups laying all over. Ares stands with a bottle of either rum or whikey in his hand as he throws another glass against the wall. I approach him and he aims the next glass at me but stops once he sees who it is. His face soften only the slightest but return back to being stone cold.

"Go back to bed Aphrodite." He says through gritted teeth.

"Stop telling me what to do Ares." I tell him and step over the shattered glass peices completely  barefoot.

"Are you crazy! You'll hurt yourself." He says and rushes over to me. He picks me up and walks me to the dining room. He puts me on the table, switches the light on and checks both my feet for splinters.

"Ares... I'm sorry for last night and for yelling at you... and for slapping you. I shouldn't have done that." I say

"What are you doing Aphrodite?" He asks looking me in the eyes and as my eyes roam his face i see a bruise starting to form where is slapped him. I place a soft kiss on his bruising cheek and gently rub it with my thumb.

"Apologizing, i know that i was wrong and i don't want to be angry at you. And i also don't want you to be angry at me so I'm sorry for everything." I say and his hard front falls. His hand reaches out to my neck and i flinch when he presses down on it.

"I hurt you... i didn't mean to." He says

"It's okay, nothing a few days won't fix and maybe... a kiss too." I say shyly and he smirks. The smirk that i love and he places a soft kiss on my neck where he choked me.

"Where else does it hurt?" He asks with his voice getting a little deeper.

"My hand." I say and lift up my hand that slapped him and he gives it a soft kiss too.

"You have a strong right hook there love, i didn't even see it coming." He says and i chuckle.

"Sorry." I say.

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't have hurt you tonight and... last night that's why I'm so angry. Because i hurt you and it pains me to even think of you getting hurt and then i hurt you." He admits.

"Oh come on Ares!" I shout with a tiny chuckle.
"It was my real first time trying to have sex. It's supposed to hurt." I remind him.

"But someone with a smaller dick wouldn't have hurt you as much." He says

"I don't want someone with a smaller dick. I want you, i want your dick even if it hurts my poor little pussy. It'll stop hurting and then I'll enjoy it right?" I ask sheepishly and he nods with a snicker.
"And besides after the bath i had this morning it doesn't hurt anymore. I just need to get used to your 5 inches." I say and he frowns.

"5 inches?" He asks angrily

"Like 5 and a half maybe..." I say teasing him

"Baby this thing is 6.8 inches long, don't play with me." He says and i laugh rolling my eyes.

"Ok Mr almost 7 inches are we fine now?" I ask and he nods.
"Then come here." I say and pull him by the hem of his dry blood covered shirt. He chuckles into the kiss that i initiated and he lets me keep control of this kiss. I keep it soft and passionate but i soon need to come up for air, moving to his cheek. Kissing down his jaw and leaving a trail of kisses down his spine. My fingers start unbuttoning his shirt but his hands stop me.

"Did i not just tell you thag my pussy is fine." I say and he smirks.

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

I'll either update one chapter a day or 5 chapters when I have enough data so yeah...

Love You All
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