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Here I am, sitting at a baby shower full of women. What was I thinking agreeing to come to this when I could be out doing God knows what.

"Babe don't just sit there come dance with me!" My girlfriend shouts over the loud music.

"No, you go." I say with a forced smile.

I love Lilly but I hate when she's drunk like this. I don't need all of this stress at my age, I should be settled down with kids and a wife already.

"Come on!" She shouts again and pulls on my arm.
"I'll give you something nice later." She whispers seductively on my ear as her alcohol infested breath hits my face making me cringe.

"Lilly, I'll see you tomorrow. Go get some rest." I say and walk to the door without listening to what she has to babble about.

"Someone please help me!" I hear a soft voice call out from the kitchen.

Ugh! I would hate myself if I didn't go check.

My feet find their way to the kitchen like it's my house, well my girlfriend does live here. I find a short chubby girl standing over the sink, cussing softly.

"Hey." I call out and she turns her head and I see tears in her big brown eyes.

"Hi... umm... can... could you please get me a first aid kit? If you don't mind, I get if you're busy." She says and i walk over to her and freeze when I see the red liquid growing down the sink drain.

"What the hell!?" I say and rummage through the cupboard doors and find the first aid kit a few seconds later.

I go back to her and run her bleeding wrist under the tap to see a large gash where the blood is pouring out.
I wrap it up nicely and hear her sniffle every few seconds.

"Thank you mister, I owe you one." She says in a soft sweet voice, and wipes her tears.

"How did you get hurt like that?" I ask

"Umm...Lilly sent me to come and cut up the cucumbers for the ladies in the spa. She came to get the cucumber slices but didn't see that I was hurt. I didn't want to dirty the kitchen with the blood so... anyway thanks again." She says and starts walking but stops and I see her slightly away back and forth.

I grab her just before her knees cave and hold her around her waist. I lead her over to the island and sit her down on one of the chairs and take a seat next to her.

"Thank you, what's your name?" She asks after a few minutes

"Ares." I answer

"I'm Aphrodite but everyone calls me Ditey, it's so cool that we both have Greek names. Thanks again, I really need to go now." She says and hops off the chair and disappears behind the doors.

I go out soon after and get in my Range Rover, as soon as I get home I take a long shower with a certain Greek goddess on my mind.

She's so sweet and innocent and not to mention BEAUTIFUL. Her long ash coloured hair, big brown eyes that shine. Her curvy short figure is so cute and... sexy. Not what I usually go for but change is good I guess.

My phone dings on my bedside table and I pick it up and groan in irritation as soon as I see a picture of Lilly in lingerie.

I just ignore it and go to sleep.


Aphrodite's POV

"Girl please chop the cucumber for the ladies facials." Lilly calls out as she takes the bowl of rosewater to them.

I was invited to the baby shower and now I'm here helping out. I don't mind though but I would like to have a facial and have my hands in rosewater too.

Lost in thought I don't realise that the sharp knife slips from my hand and cuts my wrist. Blood comes gushing out of the deep slit and I run over to the sink.

Shit! What do I do now?

If I look around for the first aid kit I'll get blood everywhere but if I don't I'll faint of bloodloss. It's a loose, loose situation.

"Lilly!" I call out and wait a bit but the music is so loud.
"Lilly!" I call out again and turn around to run some water over my stinging wrist.

I hear hurried footsteps and turn around only to see Lilly's retreating back.

"Lilly wait!" I call out but she rushes back to the ladies at the baby shower.

Why did I even agree to the invitation? I could just have sent a small gift and stayed home like I always do.

"Someone help me!" I scream after taking a deep breath and a few seconds later a man comes in wearing black and silver suit which makes his grey eyes pop along with his plump pink lips.
"He's so hot, and I look like shit. Fuck, i have my life." I whisper to myself.

"Hey." He calls out to me and I look at him again. He's so handsome.


After helping me I thank Ares and go to st goodbye to Lilly. Her and the other ladies are going through her closet looking for something.

"Oh Ditey come on I'm looking for something sexy to send to my hubby." She slurs in her drunken state and pulls me along with her.

I sit and chat a bit before heading for the door. I don't have a car but at least I live a few houses down.

As soon as I get home I go straight to bed. The memories of Ares replaying in my head all night.

Hey my loves I hope you guys enjoyed this tiny chapter

Love You All
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