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Ares POV
After listening to what Aphrodite told me she went through I realised just how strong she actually is. I watch as she lay on my bare chest, sleeping soundly with her tiny plump lips slightly parted. She truly is beautiful, with her long brown hair, big brown eyes, curvy body and a big heart to top it all off. I check the time on my watch and see that it's already 10:30pm.

I slide out from under my love and let her sleep on my pillow. I put on my pants that lay on the floor before picking up my phone and heading out. I go to the kitchen and make myself a club sandwich with a glass of   wine. As I'm eating I dial my best friend and biggest pain in the asses number. Kevin picks go on the third ring.

"We're at the door, keep your panty on." He says and i roll my eyes. I hang up and wait as I hear the front door open. My two sons and friend make their way over to me.

"Oh my goodness dad! It was so fun! There's thing rife that goes like... shooooooo... And another that makes...krrrrrr. You should've joined us." Michael says and he makes hand movements to emphasize how mind blowing it was.

"Maybe next time, I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. Pajamas, teeth, bed, goodnight my boys." I say and kiss each of their foreheads. They are very obedient for kids who are going into their teenage years.

"Took the girl home?" Kevin asks as he sits next to me and pours himself some wine.

"No, she's sleeping." I tell him.

"In which room?" He asks

"Mine of course." I say and I watch as his eyes go wide.

"Dude, you never even have sex on that bed. You really are serious about this girl?" He asks

"Yeah I am and why is that so hard to believe?" I ask

"Because your twice her age bro! She's a kid, she's 17, her mother could file a case for statutory rape! If you go to jail the boys will go live with that narcissistic bitch." He scolds and I burst out.

"I know that she's young! I know that if I go to jail my kids will go to their mother but I haven't had sex with her okay!? So just shut up! She's so much more than just that okay. She has a heart of gold, she loves kids, she doesn't mind my age, she loves me... And I love her. " I tell him.

"I know that she loves you but you love her? Bro what has this chick done go you?" He asks

"You know that she loves me?" I ask and he scratches the back of his head.

"Yeah I kind of overheard her talking to her mother." He says

"You were eavesdropping." I accuse calmly.

"I wasn't planning to, it just happened.  Her mother was telling her to sleep with you so that she could get a nanny and a housekeeper but your girl refused. She gave her mother a piece of her mind that's for sure. She said and I quote 'He's mine not yours and you can't use me to get to him.' She also said something about not using you and leaving if her mother doesn't stop it and then she started crying so I left." He says

"She really said that?" I ask and he nods.
"You know what she told me today? She told me that even if the FBI, the CIA and the SWAT team come looking for me, she'll run away with me." I tell him

"Girls got balls." He says

"Bigger than yours." I say and get a punch in the gut that I return with bigger force. My friend groans and shakes his head.

"Sometimes I forget how strong you are." He says and i chuckle.
"Goodnight friend, see you tomorrow." He says and i nod and give him a hug before he turns around and leaves.

I take out my phone and call my girlfriend's mother, she answers almost immediately.

"Good evening K." She says

"Hello ma'am, I was just calling to tell you that Aphrodite will be spending the night by me." I say not giving her the option to decline.

"Sure, I would like to speak with her please." She says

"She's sleeping and I'll have the maid and nanny over by Tuesday." I inform her.

"Did Ditey ask you for them?" She asks, clearly excited and I roll my eyes.

"No, I overheard your conversation and I just want to tell you that if you need something tell me directly. Don't tell your daughter to fuck me to get what you want. Sleep well." I say and hang up. My phone rings but I drop the call and put my phone off.

I walk over to my boys rooms which are on the third floor. They're both sound asleep in their beds and I give them each a kiss. I make my way to my bedroom where I find a very much awake Aphrodite sitting in the middle of my bed while wiping her eyes and sniffing.

"What's wrong love?"  I ask as I sit down next to her but she flinched away from my touch.

"Ares?" She whispers in the dark room and i nod. This time she jumps in my arms and let's her tears fall freely.
"He was doing it to me again. Peter was..." she cries.

"Shhh,it was just a dream love. He's far away in jail and I won't let him ever touch you again." I tell her as I stroke her strawberry scented brown hair.

She falls asleep a few minutes later and I get up to take off my pants because it is really uncomfortable. I see her pink pussy peak out from under the hoodie she has on and my dick twitches in my boxers.

Stop it

I get back in bed beside her and she pushes her beautiful, big ass right into my crotch and hums in her sleep. I wrap my arms around her waist and bring her closer to me. I stroke her beautiful long hair and fall asleep with a lovesick smile on my face.

My strong woman.

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this tiny chapter

Love You All
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