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Today is Friday and Ares is supposed to come back today. All of the meetings went by smoothly and hell be on a flight back later today. The week without him here has been very busy for me.

Apart from me kicking Amanda's ass, i also had to look after my sisters and the boys. While cooking three meals a day, dealing with each of their petty rivalries along with their complaints about school.

"Ditey, there's something I want to tell you." Bethany says as she walks into the kitchen where I've just started preparing lunch.

"Ok, what's this about?" I ask with a smile.

Since everything that happened with Peter and my mother, Bethany and I have gotten closer and I'm very happy about it. She has matured and is growing into a beautiful young lady.

"Don't go crazy cause I know you." She warns and i roll my eyes.
"There's this boy in school." She starts.

"You're too young to date." I say sternly.

"Let me finish, he's older than me, probably around Mark and Michael's age. He likes me but I don't like him and he got angry at me for not wanting to date him. Now he's bullying me." she says with a pout

"When did this start?" I ask

"About a month ago, when Mister K put us in that new school." She answers.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I ask and leave what i was doing to go sit down next to my little sister.

"It wasn't anything Really, just pulling my hair or stealing my pencil. But it's getting worse, yesterday he hit my butt every time I walked past him and today..." she says but starts crying. Mark walks into the kitchen and rushes over to her.

"Hey what's wrong sweet cheeks?" He asks while rubbing her back softly.

"Today he did this." She says and pulls down the neck of her hoody and my blood boils.

A hickey

A fucking hickey

On a 10 year old.

"Did he touch you anywhere honey?" I ask as my eyes tear up but I swallow it down.

"No, he just held me up against the wall when I went to the bathroom and did this. I didn't know what to do, i was so scared. I thought that he was going to hurt me like my daddy hurt you." She says and starts crying into my chest.

"Oh my baby, I'm so sorry. I'll go to the school first thing tomorrow with Kevin okay." I say and she nods.

"What's his name?" Mark asks as i look up at him.

He looks calm and cool but those eyes tell a different story, just like his father's always trying to hide his real emotions but I see right through it. Rage, pure rage is all I see and to say I'm shocked would be an understatement.

Mark is the most level headed teenager I've ever met and he never does anything without planning or follows his emotions. He's strategic and logical, i would've expected Michael to look this enraged.

"I don't want you Michael beating him up." Bethany says through sniffles.

"Oh he won't, give me a name Bethany." He commands.

"Jacob, Jacob Montgomery." She says and before I can say anything Mark is out the front door. I hear a car engine roar to life before speeding out the yard.

What the...?

I take out my phone and dial Kevin's number. He answers on the second ring.

"This is Kevin's land of the dead." He says and i roll my eyes.

"Mark just ran out of the house and is going after some kid named Jacob Montgomery. I think he's going to beat the kid up, i don't want him getting hurt." I say in one breath.

"Ok I'll find him and bring him back, don't worry." He says before hanging up.

Bethany has stopped crying and is now laying on the couch with a piece of left over Malva pudding from the previous night.

"You'll be okay honey." I say and sit down beside her. I head back to the kitchen to continue cooking but I end up ordering take out. I can't focus on anything besides Mark right now. What if that Jacob kid hurt him.

Fuck this!

I pull on my combat boots that lay beside the door and tell Wendy to watch the kids for me. Just as I open the door to head out Kevin's car drives up to the door an I run to the car.

I pull open the passenger side door and pull Mark out of the car. I check him from head to toe with pure concern and worry. There's blood on his shirt and hands but I don't see him bleeding anywhere.

"Are you alright? I'll kill that kid I swear." I mumble but Mark grabs my shoulders and chuckles.

"Mom, I'm fine." He says and kisses my cheek before leading me back inside.

"What happened? Are you bleeding?" I ask as he let's me sit on a chair in the dining room.

"I'm fine okay... that kid probably won't be but i am." He says.

"Did you kill the kid?" I ask looking at Kevin but he shakes his head.

"Tell Ditey what happened." He says and Mark looks at me with sad eyes.

"I may have killed that kid, i don't know what came over me but I couldn't stop beating him up." He says and i see a far away look in his eyes.

"Tell me what happened Mark." I say and he fixes the glasses on his face as he looks down at his hands.

"I drove to his house, told his mother that I wanted to practise my basketball. I know that Jacob plays and many people mistake me for Michael when I take off my glasses so it was easy to het him out of the house. I drove us to a nearby park and started beating him up where I knew that no one would be there to try and stop me. I just kept punching and punching, i don't recall him going unconscious all I remember is uncle Kevin pulling me off of him and driving me back home." He admits and i engulf him in a hug.

"You're not angry?" He asks.

"Oh I'm pissed but I'm just glad that you're okay." I say and punch his arm.

"You aren't disgusted by the fact that I could've just killed a kid?" He asks

"I'm in love with a man that kills for a living so no. Are you okay? Emotionally okay?" I ask.

"I don't want him to die even though he hurt someone that I care about but I don't want to be a murderer. I don't want to be my dad, Michael does, i don't." He says and Michael walks into the kitchen.

"What happened to you?" He asks Mark.

"Almost killed a guy." He answers and the fist bump.

"As long as you won." Michael says and goes back to his room.

This family is crazy as hell. MY family.

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love You All
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