Chapter 14

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Location: Zaporizhia
One month later
Perspective: (y/n)

I glance at the blue river, as we drive over the bridge. Closing my eyes, I think about what happened last time we were here. We blew up some parts of the nuclear power plant near by. And I got shot.
Now, we are back here again. The last month has left it's marks on all of us. My back still hurts, when I lie on the cold floor for too long. Mad Dog got shot for the first time. He almost cried, as Tiger pulled out the bullet. To be fair, we didn't give him any painkillers. And your chest is a nasty place to get shot. I speak from experience.
Panther got into a knife fight in a hospital in Mamfé. He now has a big scar on his left cheek. Tiger did his best to stitch up the wound. Although we were in a hospital, it wasn't easy to treat him. It was abandoned days before. And the separatists took all the supplies. To either treat their wounded, or to stop us from treating our own.
I shake my head, as I relive the last month. There hasn't been a day, where we didn't fight. The whole country went up into flames. We barely got any sleep. There was always the possibility of someone hiding behind the next corner. We walked past hundreds of bodies. Men, women, children. Some of them shot, others burnt or stabbed.
"Almost there."
Wolf informs us, as he gets closer to the hospital.
I can't help but smile, as I see him sitting in the driver's seat. He wasn't with us in Cameroon. We only got reunited two days ago. I'm glad to see him again. Wolf is someone I can rely on. Although he is the youngest, he is eager to learn from us and he is becoming a really good soldier. I have to be careful, otherwise he will outrank me in the future.
I flinch internally, as Panther turns around to look at us. I can't get used to the scar and I'm sure his wife won't be able to either. But I try not to show it, knowing it would make him uncomfortable. After all, it shows how well he fought over the last thirty days.
"we are here to 'rest' for a week. Then, we will go in there."
He points into the direction of the front line.
The five of us are supposed to secure and support the city for a week, until we take off. It's supposed to make us calm down for a while, after a month of constant fighting, but I doubt that it will work.
We have been pumped with adrenaline for so long now. It is hard to stay calm now. Although, our bodies are almost about to give up. I can feel how much weight I have lost. Without much food and constant running, marching and fighting, I have become slimmer than I would have liked.
Once we reach the hospital, the five of us get out of the car. Entering the building, I realize, we might not get any rest.
Yesterday Russian soldiers bombed another part of the city. Now, dozens of people are lying in the hospital beds.

Location: Itzy's changing room
Perspective: Yeji

I feel something I have never really felt before. The burning sensation intensifies every time I see her happy. I know it's wrong. And I know it's not her fault. But I can't help it. I have felt jealous before, but this different.
Maybe it's just because I'm worried? I don't know. But I can't help but glance at her from time to time.
Chaeryeong keeps messaging someone on her phone. Her big smile shows, who she is talking to. But if Tiger is allowed to text, shouldn't (y/n) be allowed too? Why hasn't he texted? Just because I broke up with him? He should text me anyways, after he comes back. I have to know if he is okay. At least, Chaeryeong asked Tiger if (y/n) is okay.
Why is he gone for so long?
I wanted to make up, right after I hurt him. But I couldn't do that, since he had to go on a mission. But now? Where is he?
I close my eyes, trying to think of something else. My sleep is really bad these days. I keep getting nightmares, but as soon as I wake up, I can't remember them. I'm constantly stressed and I become more quiet, to the point, where I barely talk, when we are in the dorm.
I'm worried sick, but I can't do anything about it.
Somehow, I manage to chuckle, as I think about JYP. He wanted to protect me, by ending my relationship. He didn't want me, or my image getting hurt. I'm sure he regrets his decision now.
The other girls don't have to ask, whenever I'm down. They know the reason and they try to comfort me, however they can.
Glancing at Chaeryeong through the mirror, I catch her looking at me with worried eyes. She immediately looks away, but I see how sad she looks. Then, I see her phone is turned off. My heart skips a beat, when I realize, what it means. Tiger can't text her anymore.
"He is gone for now."
Chaeryeong walks over and sits down next to me.
"Don't worry. They are in a hospital to help treating the wounded, so they are in good care, in case something happens."
I don't know if she tries to comfort me or herself. Probably both.
"Than, you know where he is?"
I feel a glimpse of hope rising in my chest. At least I would know if he is in a safe environment.
Chaeryeong's sad smile shows, that she thought the same thing already.
"He didn't tell me. But he assured me, that all of them are fine."
My chest hurts again, as I hear these words. I heard them too often from (y/n) to believe them. He never wanted me to worry. Even when he got shot. Tiger is probably doing the same with Chaeryeong. I understand where the guys are coming from. But they should be honest. Otherwise, we never know if they are hurt or not. And it will drive us crazy.

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