1K 27 11

Location: unknown
Perspective (y/n)

I duck behind the wall of a house next to me. I hear the grenade explode. Sand and parts of the wall hit my body, while I lie on the ground, covering my face with my hand.
As soon as the dust lifts, I grab behind me. I feel the sniper rifle on my back. I unbuckle the strap and take the rifle in my hand. I turn around and enter the house through the door.
Inside the noises are fading. The commands of the soldiers, bullets being fired, the screaming of the civilians. I run up the stairs. I see no way to the roof. I go to the next window and look outside.

The usually quiet, small village turned into a war zone. The west side is taken by the soldiers of my company. The east by the troops of the local government. Behind enemy lines, just outside the village, is a big field. The civilians got dragged out of the city and onto the field before we came. Some of them are already lying on the ground. Executed by the government's troops.
After confirming that nobody is able to see me, I step on the windowsill. Once I'm outside I look up. The roof is only two meters above me. I use all my strength and jump. My finger tips reach the end of the roof. I slowly lift my body up. After a few seconds I lie on the roof. As soon as I'm in position, I tap on the radio in my ear.
"Here is K1. Snipers.Confirm your positions."
I look through the scope of my rifle.
"K2 in position."
"K3 in position."
"Cover the flanks. Shoot on sight."
I see two enemies running towards one of my soldiers. I aim and shoot the first one in throat. He collapses onto the ground. I shoot the other one in the knee. My brother shoots him in the head and runs past him.
As I look up, I hear another volley of gunfire from the field. Another line of civilians hit the ground. I try to keep my emotions in check, but I wish we could end this immediately. The soldiers on my side keep pushing, but it looks like they need more time.
I turn my attention back to the scope, when I see movement on the other side of the street. I aim.
One hit. Two hits. Three hits.
Another one inside one of the houses.
Another hit.
I'm about to aim again, when a bullet scratches the hem of my uniform. I immediately drop to the ground. Another bullet hits the roof right next to me. I try to find the shooter, but I can't see him. I duck back down. Slowly lifting my head, I try to figure out, where the shot came from. I can't see anyone. I get down again. A second later a bullet hits the spot next to me. I look back up. I see a little reflection of the sun a few houses away. I shoot immediately. I duck down to reload, when I hear another shot. After reloading, I'm about to aim, when I hear the other sniper.
"Here K3. K2, you are clear again."
I sigh in relief.
"Thanks K3."
I focus back on the soldiers on the ground, occasionally checking the houses on the other side of the street.

The fight kept going for what felt like hours. We pushed the enemy troops to the end of the city. I changed my position several times, to get closer and to have better angles. Now I finally get the order I waited, for since the beginning of the fight.
"K2. We will start to go around enemy lines to rescue the civilians. Give us cover."
I get onto my knees and crawl to the edge of the roof I'm lying on. Once I get there I stand up and jump onto the next building. I keep doing that, until I'm only two houses away from the enemy line. It seems like we might be to late. Most of the civilians are already lying in the mud. I see some soldiers coming around one of the flanks to get to the civilians. Turning my head to the right, I make eye contact with the third sniper. K3 winks at me.
"Seems like we will finish up soon."
I nod and turn back to my scope.
While the soldiers keep running towards the civilians, I start to pick of the executioners. Upon arrival the soldiers start to treat the wounded and shoot the last enemies. The same is going on inside of the village. The government troops are defeated and are on the run.

After securing the parameter, I slowly walk onto the field. Making my way through the dead bodies, I finally reach the major. He looks around, once I finished reporting.
"Start digging. We need to bury the dead."
I take a deep breath before responding.
"Y-yes, sir!"

I walk to the end of the field, where some soldiers already started to dig a pit. I take the shovel from my bag and start digging as well. While we are still on it, some soldiers start to through in dead bodies. After finishing the pit, my team helps to carry the dead as well. The first body I pick up is a little girl. Probably not older than ten. Her upper body is full of blood, while a big hole is piercing her chest. I slowly carry her to the edge of the cliff. Before rolling her down I look at her carefully. Her face is carved with angst. Her mouth is a little bit open and she is holding a little stuffed animal in her right hand. It's a little giraffe. I lean down to close her eyes, when I see a boot just kicks her into the pit.
I jump onto my feet.
"What the-"
The major looks at me with serious eyes.
"Get your shit together, K2. She is already dead. No need to be gentle with her."
I try to not show my emotions, but when he looks in my eyes, his stare softens a little.
"I get it. Death is horrible. But that's not your problem. You didn't kill her. You don't have her blood on your hands. Don't worry."
"But I killed other people today."
I look away.
As soon as the words leave my lips, my cheek stings. The mayor gave me a hard slap. While holding my cheek, I look up. His hand is still raised, ready to strike again.
"Listen, boy! You didn't kill other people. You killed men who shot this little girl."
He points into the pit.
"If you wouldn't have killed them, they would have killed you. Always remember: The people you killed deserve to be killed. Otherwise you wouldn't have to kill them. Understood?"
"Yes, sir."
"Look at me when you speak to me!"
I look up.
"Yes, sir."
He nods in the direction of the other bodies.
"Keep going."
I'm about to grab another person, when i hear a loud ringing tone. I look around to find out what it is, but I can't see anything. Suddenly everything before my eyes becomes black.
As I wake up,  I hit the alarm clock. Sitting up straight, I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. The doctor said I should do that everytime I have a dream like that. Those dreams are always about death. All of them make me relive my most painful memories. That day was the first time I actually felt like crap. It was the first day I saw an innocent, dead person up close.

Author's note:

Hi, everyone! I'm sorry, but it took me a while to write this chapter. I tried to show a bit of the difficult stuff you experience as a soldier. I hope you like this chapter. I have a bit more time on my hands now, so I might upload a chapter sooner as usual.

Did you guys see Itzy's MAMA performance? Ryujin with a gun almost killed me. All the members looked stunning. Chaeryeong on a pole?
Please vote and comment. It does mean a lot to me.

All of you, stay healthy!

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