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Location: (y/n)'s car
Perspective: Yeji

"Why? What happened?"
I can see that (y/n) is confused. What are they talking about?
"I understand."
"But that would reveal-"
He gives me another side glance.
"Of course you don't."
"I will be there immediately."
After hanging up the phone he finally looks at me directly.
"Let's get you home."
"What happened? Is everything okay at work?"
"I'm sure you will work it out."
I try to assure him, since he looks worried.
"Quick question. Is everything okay with Lion?"
He looks on the road while saying it. He tries to let it sound like it's not very important, but I can hear something isn't right.
"I haven't seen him since yesterday morning."

Perspective: (y/n)

5 minutes ago:

As I hear the ringtone, I check my display. Great. What does the colonel want now?
"Here Shadow."
"Do you have your ID and your gun with you?"
"Yes, col-"
I stop when I remember Yeji sitting next to me.
"Please drive to the girl group's dorm."
"Yes, sir."
"You will meet Panther there. He will fill you in on everything."
"Yes, sir."
"Did you see Lion recently?"
"No I haven't."
"Are you with Ms. Hwang in the car?"
"How do you-"
"Did she behave differently today? Did she seem bothered about something?"
"No. Nothing unusual."
"Please ask her about Lion."
"I will ask."
"Drive her to the dorm carefully. It's possible you are being watched."
"Yes I will."
"We have information that someone is planning on kidnapping the girls in exchange for money. The problem is, we lost contact to Lion. He should have reported back yesterday. His apartment is full of blood. We don't know if it's his yet."
"Why? What happened?"
"Your first priority is to keep the girls save."
"I understand."
"You will work together with other teams. You will always carry your gun and wear your uniform."
"But that would reveal-"
I look at Yeji.
"I don't care if you get exposed."
"Of course you don't."
"Lion got attacked. That's for sure. We need to keep the girls save. Drive to the dorm as fast as you can."
"I will be there immediately."


"I haven't seen him since yesterday morning."
She looks surprised.
"Is that a bad thing?"
"He is supposed to always stay with you to protect you."
She smiles at me.
"I like that you care so much about me, but I'm not a baby anymore. I'm not in danger."
I sigh since I know there is now way I can tell her that there is an actual threat.

When we reach the dorm, a Humvee parks in front of the house.
"Listen Yeji."
I know she is going to be angry, but I hope it's better if I tell her than anyone else. I gather all my courage before I continue to speak.
"What is it?"
"I'm not a bodyguard."
She furrows her eyebrows.
"What do you mean? You were my bodyguard."
"That's not it. I was just there to protect you. The truth is"
I take a deep breath."
"that I'm a soldier."
She looks at me in shock and confusion.
"You are what?"
"I'm a soldier."
"That can't be. You aren't even Korean."
"I know. I'm just working with the Korean soldiers."
Actually It's a bit more complicated than that, but I don't think she will understand.
"So you lied to me again?"
Now she looks angry.
"Technically I didn't lie to you."
She glares at me.
"But I honestly didn't tell you the whole truth."
"But you should have!"
"I know. That's why I didn't kiss you earlier."
"What?" She suddenly seems flustered, although she still must be angry.
"I didn't kiss you, because you didn't know who I actually am. It felt like I was deceiving."
"Than you should have told me."
She hits my shoulder.
"You keep lying to me. I can't trust you anymore if you keep lying."
I hear her sniffle a little.
"Are you alright?"
When she looks up, I can see a few tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Hey. Come on."
I lean towards her and wrap my arms around Yeji.
"I didn't want to lie to you. You really mean a lot to me. In any other situation I would have told you who I really are. But I have my orders. Before today I was told to keep my identity hidden."
She finally looks me in the eye.
"Fine. I get that you had to lie."
I can feel like a heavy weight is lifted off my shoulders.
"But that doesn't mean it was the right thing."
I nod in agreement.
"I don't want to hear any lies from you ever again."
I nod.
"Not one."
I nod again. This is going better than I expected.
"One more thing."
I raise my eyebrow.
"What exactly do you do as a soldier?"
Oh god! Why does she have to ask that?
"I'm in the special forces. I do a variety of things. Currently I'm protecting you."
She nods and looks at me with curious eyes.
"What did you do before you started to protect us?"
"I'm really sorry Yeji but I can't tell you that."
She pouts at me with angry eyes.
In another situation that would have been to cute and I would have told her everything. But that wouldn't be possible when it's about my job. I look ahead so I wouldn't be affected by her.
"Let's get you inside."

Author's note:

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to thank you all for reading my story. I'm really happy that you are interested and I'm proud that so many a reading it. Since I'm celebrating Christmas today, I wanted to wish you all happy holidays.
Stay safe and healthy.

I can't get over how cute she is

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I can't get over how cute she is.
Happy holidays!

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