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LLocation: Itzy's dorm
Perspective: (y/n)

The car stops right in front of me. Two men in suits get out and walk towards me.
"Green is a pretty flashy color. I saw you the whole time."
"How did you know it was us and not one of the stalkers?"
"I know your license plate, dumbass.
Did you see them?"
"No. Everything is clear. Nobody followed you except for us."
"Thank you boys. You can go back to the HQ now. I don't think anything will happen tonight."
"Alright. We will leave now. The colonel said, you can call us anytime. We will be there to support you."
"Thanks. Have a good night."
"You too. Bye."
The two soldiers get back in the car and drive off.

After closing the door behind me, I enter my room. I take off the suit. Wash myself and get into some comfortable clothes. Outside I can hear the girls already. They seem to be really hungry tonight.

"Thank you for the noodles, (y/n)."
"You are welcome girls."
I'm about to put the dishes into the sink. I walk past Lia and see her bowl. She almost didn't eat anything.
"Hey, Lia. Are you doing okay? You barely touched your food."
"I-I am okay." She mumbles and walks towards her room.
Weird. They all seemed so happy during the ride back. Tired but happy. What happened to Lia?

I decide to let her sleep on it. Maybe she will talk to me tomorrow. As I walk past their doors, I hear something. It's behind Yuna's and Lia's door. It seems like they are whispering to each other. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop but maybe that way I can help Lia.
I hear Yuna asking surprised.
What are you talking about?
"And he didn't even tell us."
That's Lia's voice.
"But he should've!"
I hear footsteps approaching. I stand up and walk towards my room as fast as possible. A second after I close my door, I hear another open. Sinking onto my bed I sigh in relief. They didn't catch me. If they would have, it would have become uncomfortable pretty fast.
I'm still curious what they were talking about. Suddenly I sit up straight. Maybe one of them overheard the conversation with the soldiers outside?
No. That's not possible. I didn't see nor hear anyone. I'm sure they talked about something else.

Trying to talk to Lia the next morning didn't work. She was in the same mood as the night before. This time Yuna wasn't any different. She didn't eat much of her breakfast either. I think I'm reading to much into this. Maybe they are just tired. Since they have another photo shoot scheduled today, we all had to wake up early.

Location: Icheon
Perspective: Yuna

I keep stealing glances at (y/n). He is the same as yesterday. He looks at us, than his phone, at us and at his phone again. I still can't believe what Lia unnie told me yesterday.
We were being followed. She heard (y/n) and two other guys talking about it. They are probably from his agency as well. He told them that we were getting followed. He didn't even tell us. I feel betrayed. Why didn't he tell us? That way we could have been more cautious.
Now that I think about, that explains why he drove like he was being chased yesterday. Because we were being chased! Today he drove like usual. Maybe no one was following us? Or maybe (y/n) made a mistake. It could be possible that we weren't being followed. He might have just imagined it. While I'm trying to convince myself that everything is fine, I take another look at him.
Wait. He isn't sitting on the couch anymore. Where is he?
I search the room. There he is! I can see the back of his head, right when he closes the door of the staircase.
Where is he going?
"Yuna-ssi! Please keep your focus on the camera!"
"Yes, I'm sorry!"
I bow and apologize to the crew and the director.

Perspective: (y/n)

After entering the underground parking lot, I immediately rush towards our van. I saw a stranger looking through the windows. He tried to open the doors.
As the van comes in sight, I can still see him lurking around the car.
"Excuse me."
He jumps at my voice.
"Can I help you with anything, mister?"
"No. I'm fine."
He doesn't really make eye contact with me.
"This is my car. Are you looking for me?"
"This is yours? I didn't know that. I thought it was my friends. You guys even have the same plate."
"Your friend?"
"What's her name?"
"Why do you want to know that?"
"Maybe I know her."
"Ah. Of course."
I look at him. He does look a bit shady. That could be a coincidence though.
"My friend's name is Lee Chaeryeong."
I freeze. This isn't a coincidence.
"I'm miss Lee's bodyguard."
"Oh! Really? Can you take me to her?"
"I'm sorry but I need proof, that she is actually your friend."
"O-of course. He is our chat history."
I take the phone out of his hand and look at it.
It does look like Chaeryeong's writing. Her punctuation is on point as always. This is also her profile pic.
As I look up again our eyes meet. Even though it actually looks like he is in contact with Chaeryeong, he still seems suspicious.
"Can I meet her now, please?"
"Just a moment."
I press the call button, before he can react.
After a few seconds someone picks up.

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