Chapter 7

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Hi, everyone! I just want to explicitly let you know, that from now on, everything is 110% fictional. I do not wish that any of this would happen in the future. This would be the worst case scenario I guess, so if you don't feel comfortable with it, please stop reading.

Location: Ukraine
Perspective: (y/n)

I walk out of the kitchen.
"All clear."
I can only see Panther's eyes through the gas mask.
"Let's check the next house."
The four of us and the new guy leave the house we just searched. We are looking for survivors and Russian soldiers, but as of now we haven't found anything.
Leaving the house, I carefully look around, before signaling the others to follow me.

A day before Panther's recovery, the Russian military launched a missile armed with gas. It hit a small village in the Ukraine. Only civilians were living here. Not one soldier was known to be here. This attack was only to show, what Russia is capable of. It's supposed to keep other countries away from the war. They threatened to use nuclear missiles in the future, if other nations got involved further.

"Found someone!"
Me and Panther follow the other three upstairs. When we reach a large bedroom, I see Tiger and Seahawk standing at the bed. The body of a woman I guess, is lying on it. Her skin is completely black and dry. White foam has built around her mouth. Her eyes are completely red. Only her pupils are blue. It looks like she died while sleeping.
When the new guy, Mad Dog, enters the room, he starts gagging. It looks like he is about to throw up.
"Get yourself together, soldier."
Tiger leans over the body.
"I can't tell what they used, so I don't know if it's save to take the masks off yet."
Panther nods in agreement.
"Let's keep them on until we are far enough away from this place."

Going back onto the streets, the village looks like a town of ghosts. Nothing moves. Nothing makes a sound. And I can't smell anything because of the mask.
"I don't think we will meet someone alive here."
Panther looks around.
"Let's split up. This way we will be done faster and the risk of getting exposed is reduced."
"What about the Russians?"
Mad Dog's voice sounds shaky, but he keeps walking at a steady pace.
"I don't think any of them are here. They expect all of the people who lived here to die. Why would they send in their own men?"
While the other three enter the house on the left, me and Mad Dog start to search the store on the right.
Groceries are everywhere. It looks like a lot of people where in panic and the shelves were thrown onto the ground.
The two of us walk along the first isle, until we reach the other side off the store.
Seven bodies are covering the floor. Like the woman, their skins were black and their eyes red. I glance over at the new guy.
"Keep it together."
He nods slowly.
"Yes, sir."
I start walking once more. Slowly making my way through the black bodies. Once I reach the other side, I see Mad Dog still standing in place.
"Are you coming?"
He hesitantly puts one foot in front of another, slowly walking in my direction.

Four days earlier:

"I'm fine. Don't worry."
Yeji gives me a suspicious look. From time to time, the bullet wound in my leg still hurts. While the two of us were enjoying a stroll, I began limping a little. I tried not to show it, but I guess Yeji knows I'm hiding something.
"How can I not worry?"
When we reach a bench, she pushes me onto it.
"You can barely walk anymore."
She looks angry. I don't know if it's because I lied, or because I got hurt. I guess both.
Although I appreciate the break, I'm still trying to tell her not to worry. But Yeji doesn't want to listen.
"If you are feeling hurt, you should rest for a while."
She crosses her arms and looks at me with a stern expression on her face.
"You will not be working, until I can confidently say that you are fine."
When she says that, I try to avoid her stare.
A flicker of anger and panic flashes through her eyes.
"Don't tell me you are leaving already again!"
"In four days."
"You can't! You are hurt!"
"I don't have a choice, Yeji. The doctor said, I would be cleared to work again by then."
She shakes her head no.
"I don't wanna hear it."
I try to take her hand, but she moves away.
"Show me where you are hurt, first."
"Because I need to see how bad it is."
"Yeji, you can't stop me from going. If I don't do my job, people might lose their lives."
For a moment the two of us are silent. I see Yeji's eyes glistening, before a tear drops down her cheek.
"I don't want you to loose yours."
"Trust me. I will come back. I always do."
As I say those words, my mouth tastes bitter. I can't promise her anything.
"At least show me where you got hurt. I need to make sure you are well, before you leave."
I finally give in.
"Fine. But not here."

Once we enter the dorm, I sink onto the couch, while Yeji leaves the room. When she comes back, she is holding a first aid kit in her hands. I chuckle at how cute she looks.
"I don't need that. Just get me a few bandages."
She opens the kit and takes out what I need. When she is done, I begin to lift off my shirt.
"Wait. What are you doing?"
I look at her in confusion.
"I thought you wanted me to show you where I'm hurt."
"Yes. But I thought it was only your leg."
I gulp, realizing my mistake. But judging from Yeji's glaring eyes, there is no going back.
Once my shirt is off, Yeji gasps, her hand covers her mouth.
"I shouldn't have jumped at you! You should have told me not to!"
"It's fine. This one doesn't hurt a lot."
I lean back, while Yeji begins to replace the old bandages around my shoulder with new ones.
"Are the others hurt as well?"
Her voice sounds casual, but I know she worries about them as well.
"Tiger and Seahawk are fine."
I hesitate.
"Panther will be fine, before we have to leave again."
"What about Wolf?"
I shift uncomfortably on the couch. Yeji's glare becomes stern once more. I finally give in.
"Wolf is hurt pretty badly. He won't be able to work for a long time. But he will survive."
Yeji nods knowingly. She knows that I can't tell her how it happened. But I try to make her feel better.
"He saved Panther's life, almost sacrificing his own. I'm glad to have someone like him in my team."
She smiles warmly at me.
"Tell him, that I wish him a fast recovery. And that he should take good care of you as well."
I pretend to be hurt, but Yeji doesn't buy it.
"Now your leg."
I lean down and begin to pull up my jeans over my right leg, until it's bunched up above the wound. Yeji begins working on it once more. I watch her, as the two of us stay silent for a while.
When I think about the fact, that I will be leaving soon again, my own words echo through my mind.
"I will always come back."

Your soldier (Itzy Yeji X Male Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ