Chapter 15

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"Put them over there please!"
The nurse shouts at us from across the hallway.
As we walk in her direction, Tiger tightens his grip on the big container he is holding.
"I thought we are going on vacation?"
The five of us don't respond, while we carry similar loads.
It is kinda strange, that we are six people. Usually we are five, but Wolf finally came back and Mad Dog is still here. We all are supposed to move out soon. But until then, we help the hospital we are staying at with everything we can.
After putting down the suff we are carrying, the nurse pushes us out of the room already.
"Go get something to eat."
"We already ate."
Panther tries to argue, but the young woman doesn't budge.
"You guys are all way too skinny. Doctor's orders."
Walking towards our room, I take in my surroundings.
This morning, a few Russian missiles hit parts of the city. It is nothing new anymore for the people who leave here. But the wounded still need to be treated.
"I'm not hungry anymore."
Wolf whispers, hoping that the nurse won't hear him, but she has ears like a cat.
"Don't complain about being full. You have to eat, if you're leaving soon."
"Just accept your fate, Wolf."
I chuckle, as I take on of the sandwiches, which are lying on the plate on the table.

When we came back from Cameroon, I did realize, that all of us got pretty thin. But I didn't expect the doctor to say that it was that bad. Since we are soldiers, we are always working out and sometimes we don't have food when we are away. But we usually aren't in enemy territory for so long. The five of us ate maybe twice a week, while running and fighting constantly. Although I can feel how tougher it made my body in the long run, it also made it weaker.

"Nurse Julia! Please come to the operation room 7!"
"I have to go. Eat up!"
After hearing the announcement over the speakers, the blonde walks out of the room. Before leaving, she gives us all a hard look, telling us to eat.
I grumble, as I feel my back acting up again. I slowly sit down on my bed, as I feel pain rushing through my spine.
The doctor said, that it healed pretty well, considering the circumstances, but it's still not like it was before. He said it will take a little bit more time.
"Let me take a rest. I think carrying all that stuff was a bad idea."
I groan, as I lie on the hospital bed.
"Come on, you are just trying to get out of work."
I flip off Seahawk, who stands a couple of steps away.
Feeling myself dozing off, I shake my head to stay awake. Over the last months, my nightmares have become worse. I don't sleep a lot and I feel tired all the time. Not wanting to go through another near death experience in my head, I try to keep my eyes open.
Finally the exhaustion from the last month washes over me once again and I drift off.

It is night. The full moon gives the five of us barely enough light to see one or two meters far.
"They must be around here somewhere."
I hear someone speak to the left. Probably a couple of meters away, on the road. I feel Mad Dog shaking, while I hold down his legs.
"Almost got it."
Panther whispers, while he tries to get the bullet out of the other guy's chest.
I hear Mad Dog whining, as Panther keeps poking around in his wound.
Tiger covers his mouth, after he took off one of his tactical gloves and shoved into Mad Dog's mouth. Seahawk holds down his upper body.
I wince , when I hear the young guy's muffled screams. Getting shot in the chest isn't nice. Most of us can relate. But usually we get the bullet out while being drugged.
This time, we don't have the means to do that. We can't even give him alcohol. We don't have anything with us and the way the situation is unfolding, he will have to fight again in a couple of minutes.
"Are you shure these are their footprints?"
We hear the guys on the dirt road talk again. They could shoot us from where they are standing, if we weren't hiding in the bushes.
"Just let me take them out."
My whisper is cutt off, when Panther shakes his head and points at Mad Dog's legs, without looking up.
I clench my teeth in frustration.
"You think they went into the forest?"
"Let's check it out."
I hear a couple of men coming closer. I don't know how many. We were followed by two jeeps. So maybe five or six?
"He is knocked out."
I look at Mad Dog after hearing Tiger's voice. He is right.
"Got it."
Panther shows us the bloody bullet in triumph. Immediately afterwards he nods in the direction of the separatists, telling us that we are free to take them out.
Giving hand signals, I order Tiger and Seahawk to sneak around on the flanks, while I turn towards the men approaching, kneeling in front of Mad Dog and Panther.
With every step they take, my heart beats faster. We are almost certainly outnumbered. Panther is still treating Mad Dog and our unconscious comrade, won't be able to defend himself.
The man are getting closer, so we can't talk with each other anymore. Not wanting to be discovered, I lie on my stomach, while I slowly crawl forward.
During the endless hours of training and practice, I can crawl almost in complete silence. But because of the dark, I can't see as good as I would like to.
Reaching the end of our hiding place, I peak through the leaves.
I was right. Two jeeps. And seven guys. All armed with automatic rifles and grenades.
Analyzing the situation, I wish we would have more time. Maybe I could have climbed one of the trees. But the separatists are too close for that now.
I can't see the other guys, but I hope they made their way behind the enemy.
Feeling Panther tap the back of my leg twice, I signal him that I understood. He is telling me, that he is ready to fight as well. Mad Dog won't die today. At least not because of the whole in his chest.
I crawl forward a little, while feeling Panther right beside me.
I groan internally, when a twig brakes underneath my knee. The sound echoes through the midnight air, as if it was as loud as a grenade.

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