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Location: Itzy's dorm
Perspective: (y/n)

My eyes flatter open at the sound of laughter. When my vision becomes clearer, I can see a person in front of me, with her phone in her hand.
"Ryujin?" I ask groggily.
I see her running away, calling for the other members.
What is she even doing in my room?
And why is she laughing at me?
Did I drool while sleeping?
I am about to stand up, when I feel something holding me back. When I look at my waist, I see a pair of hands. Interlocked with each other. Holding onto me tightly.
I try to remember what happened last night, when it hits me.
I carried her into her room because she refused to wake up. And then?
Ah right! She wouldn't let go off me. That's why I am still here.
I slowly put my hands on hers trying to remove them. Once I finally managed to get out of her embrace, I hear her groaning in her sleep. When I turn around my nose almost touches hers. My eyes wonder over her facial features. Her nose, her ears, her eyes, her hair and her lips. Hearing her snore, I feel something in my chest. I don't know why, but my heart starts beating faster. Yeji is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. When she pouts or snores she is incredibly cute. She always takes care of her members and people around her. She is funny and can be a serious leader at the same time.
While thinking about the beauty in front of me, I unconsciously moved closer. Now our noses aren't the only body parts that almost touch. Our lips are barely apart. I can feel her breathing. She feels calm and collected. I could lie like this for hours. Suddenly she moves a little bit. One of her hands sneaks up my torso wrapping around me slowly. I hold her hand, stopping her from holding onto me again.
I finally manage to get out of the bed. Closing the door behind me, I take a last peek at the sleeping Yeji. Her lips started to form a slight smile her hands are intertwined like she is still holding onto me.
I get into the bathroom, take a shower and get new clothing. I slept all night in my suit. At first I thought it was going to be uncomfortable sleeping in a suit with another person in her bed. After sleeping with Yeji I change my mind. For once I had a good night sleep. I often have nightmares due to my mild PTSD. But today? None. I slept like a baby.
For a moment a strange idea enters my mind.
Should I sleep with Yeji more often?
No! I immediately hit myself on the head. What am I thinking? I can't use Yeji to sleep well. It would make her uncomfortable. Plus we are not in a relationship or something. How could I justify sleeping with her on a regular basis? No no. I can't do that.
I look one last time in the mirror before leaving the bathroom. I look pretty well rested.

Once I reach the living room of the dorm I can't help but feel four sets of eyes following my every move. Looking up, all of them stare at me. Chaeryeong even gives me a thumbs up, while Yuna grins at me already figuring out the best way to tease me. Ryujin smiles as well. Her stare can't fool me though. I still remember the day when she came into my room. Lia sits on the table eating her cereal. As soon as I meet her gaze, she focuses on her breakfast. Her eyebrows furrow. What is going on with her? Is she still in a bad mood?

I approach her to check if everything is okay.
"Are you alright, Lia?"
She looks up from her bowl.
"Y-yes I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
I want to help her, but she is refusing. I sigh in defeat and start to get the leftovers out of the fridge. The four girls are all doing their own stuff, when I hear slight footsteps in the hallway. I immediately spin around, looking at the four girls with an intense stare.
Don't say anything!
The smile on Yuna's face grows wider, as soon as Yeji enters the living room. She is still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, since I didn't want to undress her without permission. Even though her  hair is a mess, she still looks stunning. The pink part of her hair keeps catching my attention and I can barely look away. She yawns and suddenly stops in her tracks. In that moment I realize we are all staring at her, not moving an inch.
"Is everything okay with you, guys?"
"How was your sleep?"
Yuna asks innocently.
I take a deep breath.
"Good. Why do you ask?"
Even though Yuna isn't looking at me, I try to get her attention with my eyes.
"Don't you wonder how you got into bed?"
Yeji scratches her head.
"What do you mean?"
Before Yeji is able to answer, I hear gaging next to me.
Lia hunches over her bowl of cereal, her fist grabbing the spoon tightly. I get the bottle of water on the table and try to make her drink something.
"Come on. This will help."
Lia grabs the bottle out of my hands with shaky hands. She takes a few gulps, before calming down.
Yeji pats Lia's back to make her feel better.
"Is it good now? Are you alright?"
"Y-yes thank you."
Lia's voice is still a bit shaky but she will be fine. I take a deep breath to calm myself down.

Before taking another bite of my ramyeon I look round.
"Does anyone have plans today?"
Since today is their day off, they probably want to go outside and relax a bit.
"I'm way to lazy for that."
Chaeryeong looks up from her plate.
"I only want to watch Netflix and eat something delicious."
"Me too."
"Alright. Chaeryeong and Ryujin want to stay here. What about you guys?"
"I wanted to go to the mall today. Last time I went there I saw a bag I like. I want to by it now."
Yeji looks at me.
"Is that okay?"
"Of course. I will come with you. I need some stuff anyways."
"Great! Me and Lia will stay here too?"
"Yeah. I just want to rest today."
"Than it's settled. You guys are staying here, while Yeji and I go to the mall. If you need anything you can call us."
"Don't worry, we won't disturb you."
Yuna winks at me, without Yeji noticing.
"Have fun you two."

Your soldier (Itzy Yeji X Male Reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora