Chapter 16

358 16 1

Perspective: (y/n)

"We don't have time!"
Panther sits next to me.
"We have to get out of here!"
Leaning against the house wall, I cover my ears, after hearing another explosion.
"Why don't we have any air support?"
"Shut up and keep shooting!"
I look around the corner, seeing the tank coming closer.
"A minute at most!"
Leaning back against the wall, I see Panther turning to the right.
He opens fire, as I see armed men run towards us.
Looking to my left, I watch Tiger fending off more separatists. He is separated from us by the street the tank is on.
Hearing the crushing and shattering of a car, I know that the tank is coming closer.
Another shell hits the house we are hiding behind. Dust and rubble starts falling onto us.
Almost unable to see, I look towards the right.
Because we are covered by a car, the men weren't able to shoot at us properly. Now they are coming closer.
"How long are they going to take?"
I kneel right behind the car, helping Panther to shoot at everything that moves.
"We are stuck here!"
I can barely speak. My throat is dusty and dry.
"Seahawk! Do you copy?!"
Panther shouts into his radio. I don't hear an answer.
"I'm going to kill him, if we make it out alive!"
Me and Panther keep shooting. I take out a man, who is blindly running towards us, shooting like crazy.
"Get in line! I call dips!"
Panther headshots a guy, hiding behind a car.
I can't believe he is able to make me smile in this situation.
Then I hear the engine of the tank.
"He is cutting it close!"
I silently agree.
Another shot rips a hole in the street. Three meters from where we are hiding. My ears ring. I have to take cover behind the car. Bullet holes keep appearing on the wall behind us.
"Fuck you!"
I barely hear Seahawk's voice over all the noise.
A second later, a huge explosion makes the air heat up. I feel like my eardrums are getting shattered. As the tank explodes, parts fly everywhere. Seahawk seems to have hit the ammunition perfectly.
A large piece of one of the chains flies over our heads. Panther is sitting next to me, covering his ears.
While we still hear that ringing sound, the two of us turn around and open fire once more.
"Go help Tiger!"
Panther shoves me away, making me stumble towards the left.
My back and my knees are killing me, as I run through the burning remains of the tank.
Tiger is on the other side. Not being able to hold out for much longer. Getting shot at, I slide behind the car he is hiding behind.
"Up top!"
He keeps shooting at the guys on the street, while I search for the man on the roof of the building in front of us.
Shooting him in the leg, I make him fall down three stories.
I cover Tiger, as he switches his magazine. It only takes a few seconds, but it feels like hours.
The two of us keep holding off the enemies, but there seem to be coming more and more.
"We have to fall back!"
He screams into my ear, as the two of us duck behind the car.
"Where to?! We are cut off!"
Tiger clenches his teeth, before he gets back up again.
I do the same, before shooting a man in the chest.
A couple of moments later, I'm out of bullets.
"I'm out!"
"This is my last!"
I curse, as I let the rifle slip out of my fingers and reach for my pistol.
Tiger sees him too, shooting the man down.
His aim is better than mine now.
A few minutes later, my gun just clicks without shooting. I groan I disbelief.
"You got some?!"
Tiger glances at his backpack, as he keeps shooting.
I open the zipper, while hiding behind the car. As I rummage around, I see a boot behind the corner.
Without thinking, I take my knife out of my belt, jumping forward.
The separatists didn't expect me, as I hit him hard. My knife penetrates his chest, making him fall to the ground, screaming.
He let's go off his Ak-47, as he reaches for my arm. I keep a tight grip on my knife with both hands, as lie above him. The man tries to push me off. He is just as strong as me, as I try to sink the blade into his heart.
Lifting myself a little, I let my body fall onto the knife. The blade gets closer towards him. I do it again. It touches his chest. I feel him struggle underneath me, as one of his hands reaches for my throat.
I let myself fall on him one last time, piercing his heart with my knife.

"Let him go!"
"Hold him back!"
The sounds around me changed. I don't hear anymore shooting. No more explosions. I hear Tiger's and Seahawk's voices, but I don't see them. Everything is dark. I feel my hands around someone's throat. I feel like I'm the guy I just killed. My heart becomes faster and faster. So does my breathing. I press onto the persons throat as tight as I can. I don't want to die!
I feel hands, trying to push me away, but I still see only blackness.
Suddenly something hits my head. I feel myself getting unconscious.

"Is he gonna recover?"
I hear Panther's voice he sounds weird.
"Physically? Yes."
A throbbing pain echoes through my head. I groan as I slowly force my eyes to open. Lying on my bed, I see three people standing around me.
When I want to move, I feel my arms being tied to the bed.
"What the fuck?!"
I try to get out of the ropes, when my eyes catch the marks on Panthers throat.
"What happened to you?"
In that moment, I remember what happened.
I mumble, as Panther smiles at me.
"Don't worry. You are not as strong when you are half asleep."
"I'm sorry. Did I...?"
I can't finish the sentence.
"Untie him."
Seahawk follows Panther's orders
"Mr Shadow?"
I look at the third person, standing in front of me. One of the doctors.
His English is barely understandable, but I try to get what he is saying.
"Since I don't know your medical history, I do have some questions."
My throat feels dry and my head still spins.
"Do you have nightmares often?"
"I do have them sometimes. But over the last weeks it's gotten worse."
There is no need to lie to him.
"Do you have PTSD?"
I shift around uncomfortably.
The doctor and Panther exchange looks.
I watch them closely.
"(Y/n), we have to send you back."
I try to stand up, but my legs almost give out.
"You have a problem right now."
"I don't."
Seahawk pushes me slowly back onto the bed.
"You just choked me. You keep having bad dreams. And we now that you had PTSD before."
"But it's not that bad. I can control it."
Panther shakes his head.
"You know I can't risk all of our lives, because you might go through something serious. I have already contacted the general."
Closing my eyes, I sink into the pillow.
I groan, as I grasp the situation.

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