Part II

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"I got no ammo left, either."
I sigh as I check my remaining bullets.
"We had a good run you guys."
Tiger nudges Seahawk with his elbow.
"Don't say something like that."
Hearing hasty footsteps, I turn around. Panther drops into the snow next to me.
"Alright, boys. It's official now. We are screwed."
I hear whimpering sounds to my left.
"Get yourself together, Mad Dog."
The new guy looks up at me. His eyes are watery. I wish Wolf was here with us. A week ago he got shot twice in the shoulder. The medics said he is gonna make it, but I miss him. Although he was new too, he was at least brave.
"On a scale from one to ten. How screwed are we?"
Seahawk looks to his left at Panther.
I scoff.
"We will be fine."
I freeze as I hear the sound Panther is worrying about.
"The enemy got some big company."
"Bloody tank!"
The whimpering to my left begins once more.
"We are out of ammo. What do you expect us to do?"
Three Russian soldiers come into sight. They walk slowly. Their rifles ready to kill anything that moves. The deep snow makes them struggle, but it doesn't stop them from coming closer and closer.
Looking at Panther, I know we are thinking the same thing.
"We have plenty of ammunition coming our way. "

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