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Location: Coffee shop in Seoul
Perspective: Yeji

I am still unsure about this. I just messaged (y/n) to meet up here but I don't know if he will come. My mind is still spinning because off Chaeryeong's comment.
What if he just wants to meet up because I am an idol. I hope that's not his only reason. I really hope so. I feel my hands shaking a little bit, while I'm still waiting for him. He is a few minutes late already. Maybe he forgot?
Or maybe he really won't come?
I check the time once again.
He is 10 minutes late now. I sigh in disappointment. He seemed like a really nice and genuine guy the first time I saw him. But maybe that was just a mask?
Turning around I'm about to walk away, when I someone running in my direction. At first I'm afraid. What if that's one off the guys from last time?

I am about to run away, when I see it is indeed (y/n). Stopping in front of me, he shakes his head.

Perspective: (y/n)

"I am really sorry, Yeji. I am sorry I am late, but there was a car accident right in front of me so it took some time until I got here."
She looks surprised at first. Than relieved and then concerned.
"Did someone get hurt?"
"No. Don't worry. Nobody got hurt."
As I look down to look at my watch, I see something on my shoe. Blood. Shit. I should have been more careful.

30 minutes ago:
Location: near Seoul
Perspective: 3rd person

(Y/n) is sitting in his car. His current destination?
The coffee shop, where he met Yeji. While he is waiting for the lights to turn green, he thinks about her. She and Lia seemed to be really good people. Why did these men try to hurt them?
The lights turn green. He is about to drive, when suddenly a car to his right comes into view. He is able to hit the brakes because of his fast reflexes, but the driver to his left can't respond as fast as him.
The car crashes into the side of the car to  (y/n)'s left. He can see the driver beeing hit by the car. He gets out and runs towards both vehicles. Other drivers are coming out of there cars too, but they are just standing around and looking.
"Somebody call an ambulance!"
(Y/n) opens the other door of the car that got hit, and carries the women out of it and onto the road. The other driver's airbags went off. He seems to be fine, given the current situation.
(Y/n) checks the woman's pulse.
He starts CPR. Everything around him just fades into the background. It's only him and the woman in front of him. He doesn't even notices the sirens of the police and the ambulance.
After he finished CPR, he checks her pulse again. There is something, but it is unstable and weak.
Right than a few guys from the ambulance rush over.
"She got hit by the car. She is bleeding. I got her out and gave her CPR. Hurry up. She has to go to a hospital."
He steps back, knowing he can't help any more. The men put the woman on the stretcher, while a few police men open the doors of the other car.


I pursue Yeji to go into the coffee shop while I follow her, trying to hide the blood on my shoes.
"Would you be so nice and order for us? I need to wash my hands real quick."
"S-sure. No problem."
I leave in the direction of the bathroom.

After cleaning my shoes, I walk out, seeing Yeji, who is already sitting at a table with two drinks in front of her. As I approach her, I can see that something is bothering her. She seems to be stressed or concerned about something.
"Are you alright? You look kinda down."
"Oh it's nothing. I just have a lot going on at... work."
She gives me a weird look.
I am not an expert when it comes too emotional things and stuff. But I am sure she is not just talking about "work".
" What do you do for a living?"
Maybe I can help her if she is under a lot of stress. I am an expert in that department for sure.
"I-I work for an entertainment company."
This weird look again. Maybe she is hiding something? She looks way more stressed then last time we met.
"What do you do for a living?"
" I work for the government. It's a boring desk job."
My standard answer.
Technically I am allowed to tell people that I am a soldier, but I rather not. If I do tell them, than the usual questions pop up.
"Have you ever killed anyone?"
"What is it like?"
"Have you been to Afghanistan?"
The most difficult question:
"What exactly are you doing?"
That's the question I want to avoid. I can't tell anybody that I am in the special forces and I can't tell anyone if I have been to Afghanistan or anywhere else.

After leaving the akward topic of work behind us, we start to talk. I could see that Yeji was still stressed and cautious at the beginning, but she starts to open up. We talk about our hobbies. Apparently she likes to dance and sing. I tell her, I would like to hear her sing once. Yeji becomes shy and starts blushing.
Without us realizing it, time flew by. Now it's almost 8:00 pm.
While we are still talking, she gets a call from one of her friends, telling her she needs to come home.
"How did you come here? Do you want me to drive you?"
"No thanks. A friend of mine is going to pick me up."
Once we leave the cafe, a black van pulls over. Yeji gets inside and looks back at me.
"I hope we can do this again. I liked hanging out with you."
"Me, too. Drive safely."
I watch as the van lines up into traffic and disappears at the next corner.

Location: Itzy's van
Perspective: Yeji

At first I was concerned. I was afraid, he knew who I was. I was afraid he would just want to meet me because I am famous.
He proofed me wrong. It seems like he doesn't know me. Even when I told him I like to dance and sing, he didn't say anything.
After I realized he didn't have any bad intentions, I really started to enjoy his company.
A few seconds after I get into the van, my members are all over me. I didn't know they were going to come and pick me up too. But now they are here. Bombarding me with questions.
Once all of them come down a bit, I start to tell them what happened.
When I am finally finished, we are driving into the parking lot of the JYP building.
"What are we doing here?"
"I don't know, JYP said something about security details because of our upcoming comeback."

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