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Location: Itzy's dorm
Perspective: (y/n)

I know there is going to be trouble as soon as I open the door. Lion, Itzy's former bodyguard stands in front of me.
"Got something for you."
He holds up an envelope.
I raise an eyebrow.
"You know what it is?"
"No. Just that I will be protecting the girls again."
I just nod. I can't help but being cold towards him. After everything the members said and after seeing his room, I already know he is an uncomfortable person to be with.
"When am I leaving?"
I turn around and look down the hallway. All the girls are still sleeping. Not knowing what is going on right now.
"What are you going to tell them?"
"Don't worry about it. Just leave."
I don't like the way he talks to me. Maybe he doesn't like me either.

After getting my bag out of my room, I walk back to the door. Looking to my right, I see Lion eating the leftovers from yesterday. He is eating my tasty pancakes!
I'm about to scold him, when I hear footsteps approaching. I immediately run out the door and press my back against the wall.
"What are you doing here?"
A yawn comes from Yeji as she keeps asking.
"Where is (y/n)?"
I close my eyes. Don't say anything stupid, man.
"He got assigned to someone else."
"What?" Her voice sounds angry.
"Why didn't he tell me?"
"I don't know."
I bite my lip to prevent me from talking. Seriously? Why can't you just say the truth? That I got a call only 10 minutes ago? I didn't know antil now.
I can hear her stomp her foot, before going back to her room.
I guess that's my cue. I pick up the bag and walk towards the motorcycle on the drive way. Lion came with it. I will be leaving with it. Putting on the helmet, I start the engine and get onto the street. Driving towards the HQ, I can only imagine what Yeji will do to me when we meet again.

7 days later, somewhere in Korea:

"He said he brought train tickets."
Panther looks out of the window.
I sighn as I buckle up again.
"Let's go."
I start the engine, while Seahawk gets inside.
"When will the train arrive in Seoul?"
"In about two hours."
Tiger looks over my shoulder, checking the GPS.
"It says we will be there in five hours."
I smile while putting my foot on the gas.
"Make that three."

Perspective: Yeji

After checking my phone, I throw it onto the couch in frustration.
"Are you alright? Maybe we should take break."
I look up.
"No. It's fine Yuna."
"Are you still waiting for (y/n)?"
I look away but Yuna doesn't give up.
"Unnie, be honest with me. You are in a sour mood since he left."
"I'm fine. I don't care for him."
I cross my arms.
"Don't act so childish. I feel like I'm older than you."
I glare at her but she doesn't seem to mind.
"Come on! Let's go for a movie! It will cheer you up."
Before I'm able to decline, the other girls chime in. Once I admit defeat, we all pack our stuff and leave the practice room.
"Where are you going?"
I look at Lion who is leaning next to the door.
"Aren't you supposed to practice?"
"We decided we are done for today."
He looks at Lia.
Once we get into the car, the girls start to decide on which movie we are going to watch.
"How about something romantic?"
Chaeryeong looks around for approval.
I hear a groan coming from the driver seat.
"At least watch something interesting."
I pat Chaeryeong's back.
"How about action?"
"Hey Yuna, we are watching to relax."
"Please Lia unnie."
Yuna pouts at her.
"Why don't we watch that one movie. I didn't want watch it alone."
I look at Ryujin.
"What movie?"
"Was the title "Red Notice"?"
"Ah! I know that one! I want to watch it too!"
"Not so loud, Yuna."
I'm not really in the mood but I guess I don't have a choice.
"Let's watch this "Red Notice" movie. It might be good."
With that we leave the parking lot.

Three hours later:

Perspective: (y/n)

"Are you here?"
I hear Wolf's voice over the radio.
"Yes, where are you?"
"In a taxi."
"What about our target?"
"He met with someone. They both left in a car. They are heading out of Seoul. Seems like they are driving towards the Gimpo airport."
Panther looks over his shoulder.
"Already on it, sir."
Seahawk types on his phone. He is calling the security of the airport.
"We will drive towards the airport as well. How long?"
Panther looks at me.
"An hour."
"Good. Wolf, keep tailing the target. Keep us updated, we will eventually meet at the airport."
"Yes, sir."

Perspective: Yuna

While watching the movie, I keep looking towards Yeji. It's not because the movie is bad. Just because I feel sorry for her. I wish (y/n) would have said something to her before leaving. At least calling or texting would have been nice. It looks like he is too busy for that though.

After the movie, we all walk around the mall lazily. While checking out a nice hoodie in one of the shops, I hear screaming outside. We all run out to see what's up. A guy runs up the stairs. He has a beard and doesn't look like he is Korean. Shortly after, I see five men in suits running behind him. Looks like they are chasing him. When the guy with the beard reaches our floor, he starts running in our direction.
"Out of the way!"

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