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Location: Itzy's dorm
Perspective: Chaeryeong

I open my eye, once I hear the ringing of the doorbell. Looking at my alarm clock, I can see what time it is. I grunt as I see it's the middle of the night. Slowly standing up, I try to wake up completely. Looking across the room, I see Yeji's empty bed. She is out with (y/n) again. I'm really happy for the two of them, but I'm worried when Yeji leaves so early. I'm always afraid something might happen.
As I stumble out of the room I see Lia and Yuna coming out of their room as well.
"Do you think that's Yeji?"
Yuna still has her eyes closed.
"If it's her I'm gonna be furious."
Lia tries to sound angry but it's more like a yawn.
"She has keys. Why would she ring the doorbell?"
Both of them shrug their shoulders as we walk towards the door. Once Lia opens the door, she is taken back by surprise.

A big man is standing in front of us. His black boots are almost invisible in the dark. His uniform is clean and on his right arm I can see the flag of South Korea. When my eyes wander to his waist, I recognize a gun in a holster.
What is that guy doing here?
Did we do something wrong?
I'm about to ask why he is here, when he steps into the light.
"Good morning girls!"
I hear Lia gasping in surprise. I'm shocked as well.
Yuna looks at him with curiosity.
"What are you doing here? And why are you dressed like this?"
"We are here to protect you. Something came up so we have to be more cautious now."
Looking to my right, I can see three shadows walking towards us. When they step into the light as well, I recognize them as the bodyguards who guarded Twice.
"What is going on?"
Lia sounds confused, almost scared.
"We aren't bodyguards."
Panther looks at us one by one.
"We are soldiers. We are here to protect you."
"Wait. Why do we need protection?"
"It's not my responsibility to tell you that. I'm only here to protect you."
"What about Yeji? She went on a date."
"With (y/n)?"
Yuna nods.
"They will be fine. Don't worry. How about we go inside and wait for them?"
After agreeing, we all enter the living room. I suddenly realize that I'm still wearing my pajamas.
"I'm gonna change real quick."
Tiger looks at me and nods. I hurry towards my room, while I start to blush. I hope he didn't see it. This is so embarrassing. After looking my door, I slap my cheek.
"Get yourself together, Chaeryeong."

Perspective: (y/n)

I watch as Yeji turns the key around. We walk inside and stop in our tracks. Five sets of eyes are directed at us.
"How was it?"
Ryujin winks at us. Yeji starts to blush, which she tries to hide by covering her cheeks.
I try to help her.
"It was great."
"I'm sure it was."
Tiger winks at me. Now I become flustered.
"I-I mean it."
"Did you kiss?"
I stand in the room like a tree struck by lightning. Before I'm able to react, Yeji runs out of the room. I head towards her room as well, but Chaeryeong stops me.
"Giver her a second."
She follows Yeji. Although I want to talk to her, I stay outside.
Panther stands up from the couch.
"You guys had your fun. Now it's time for reality."
I sit down next to Lia.
"We haven't heard anything from Lion. A team is at his place. They try to figure out where he is."
I'm glad he left out that Lion's apartment was covered in blood. I don't think any of the girls would have taken that well.
Lion wasn't always a nice guy. Yeji told me he ate all her snacks. Still. Nobody deserves to die. I learned that the hard way already.
Panther looks at his watch and than at the girls.
"I'm sorry you had to wake up so early. How about you try to sleep for a few hours, before we get something to eat. After that we will continue with your usual schedule. That way you can keep working. We might scare off the kidnappers if they now you still feel comfortable."
After agreeing, the three girls enter Yeji's room. Probably to talk about what happened in the last hour. The five of us are sitting in the living room in silence. Thinking about the current situation. I didn't expect it would come to this. I thought we were just going to guard them. Maybe hold off some crazy fans. But that wouldn't have been a real challenge. Now we are faced with someone who is ready to kill.
Seahawk is about to speak up, but Panther interrupts.
"Wait a bit, until they are asleep. We don't want them walking in on us."
Right at that moment the door opens. Lia steps out and looks at all of us.
"We decided all of us are going to sleep in the living room. I hope that's okay with you. We just don't feel save right now. I know we can trust you, but we are just shocked."
"We understand that."
Panther walks over to Lia and pats her shoulder.
"I know this must be difficult, but don't worry. We are used to be in this sort of situation. We will protect you as well as possible. You can trust that we are great at that."
Lia nods and closes the door behind her. We hear some shuffling around and after a few minutes the five girls come out. They all look tired and a bit shocked. It hurts to see Yeji like that. She looks worried. As we stand up to make space on the couch for them to sleep on, I try to catch her gaze. When we lock eyes I smile at her. She gives me a small smile as well before lying down. I hope she will be able to rest a bit.
As they all settle down, me and the guys walk towards Lion's room.
"Where are you going?"
Chaeryeong has a hint of fear glistening in her eyes.
"Don't worry. We will be back soon. We just have to check, if everything is going to be okay."

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