Chapter 12

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Aboudangala Kabir, Northwest Cameroon

9:56pm local time:

The sky begins to turn dark, as Oumarou unlocks the door of his apartment.
His younger sister embraces him, as he steps inside.
"What is going on?"
"We have to hurry!"
His eyes are wide. Only a couple of minutes ago, one of his worst nightmares became true.
"Get mother! We have to leave!"
His sister Marie takes his hand, while the youngest leaves.
"What happened?"
"The negotiations failed! They are fighting everywhere!"
Once Anne returns with their mother, the four of them leave the apartment.
"Where are we going?"
Oumarou's heart aches, as he hears the fearful voice of his young sister.
"Far away from here. We have to get to the lake."
When they finally step outside, a big fire is lighting up the street, only a couple of houses away. An explosion echoes through the air, making the people around them scream.
Oumarou takes Anne and pushes her towards Marie.
"Take her! We have to run!"
He kneels down, to give his mother a piggyback ride. She is already past her fifties and can barely walk on her own.

The two siblings run along the street. They have to get past burning cars, screaming civilians and other things, lying in their way.
"Watch out!"
Oumarou stops his sister, before she can run further. The house a few meters away begins to lean to the side, after getting hit by artillery.
As it starts to fall, people shout in fear.
The young man hears the gun fire coming closer.
"This way!"
He takes his sister by her hand and they start running again. Only the fires of burning houses and cars help them to navigate through the net of streets, until they are closer to the outskirts of the small city.
Hearing a loud shot, Oumarou feels Marie's hand fall out of his.
She cries out in pain, as she and her sister fall onto the ground.
Oumarou takes his sister's arm. He can barely see the blood coming out of the wound in her thigh.
He tries to drag her with him, while he orders Anne to hold onto him.
Looking up, he sees two men running in their direction. Oumarou's mouth feels dry, as he sees the rifles in their hands.
Due to darkness and smoke, he can't identify if they are soldiers or separatists.
But it doesn't matter anyways.
He can't carry his sister as well, so he has to pull her with him.
"Get behind the car!"
His mother and Anne hide, while he tries to follow them.
Oumarou stumbles as he gets hit. He falls onto the ground, holding his shoulder. He groans in pain, as he sees the two men coming closer.
Leaning over his sister, he tries to protect her, while looking in the direction of the car.
He tries to wave them away, but his arm doesn't move. Hearing steps behind him, Oumarou bites his lip in fear. Holding onto Marie, he hears her sobbing, as he realizes that his life will end in a few moments.

Two hours earlier:

Perspective: (y/n)

"Here is Alpha lead. Status report."
I glance at Panther, who is standing a few meters away. The five of us are standing in the room, leading to the conference Hall.
"Beta team. Everything is normal, sir."
"Delta. All clear."
I hear the other team leaders respond as well.
We have been standing here for the past eight hours. Today, representatives of the Cameroon government and the Ambazonian side, are trying to start talking about peace.
After more than five years of civil war in Cameroon, the two parties have to admit, that more and more bloodshed can't lead to a healthy solution.
Since this morning, they started talking. We only saw them walking into the room, but I could feel the pressure and sour mood in all of them.
Luckily, everything was quiet up until now. Only once in a while I heard some shouting behind the closed door.
A cold shiver goes down my spine, as I think about the possible outcome of this conference.
Our mission isn't just to keep the politicians and leaders save. We got orders to fight along the Cameroon army, if they can't agree on anything.
I don't know much, but I feel like the Cameroon government will launch a full scale attack on the opposition, as soon as negotiations fail.
"We got movement! Delta! On your six!"
I see how the other guys look nervous as well. If this goes South, we are in the middle of a war. Once again.

I chew on my gum, trying to call my nerves, while I wait for updates. After a few dreadful moments, which feel like an eternity, I hear someone again.
"Here is Delta. Everything save. False alarm."
I sigh in relief and give a reassuring nod in Panther's direction. I can see him patting the pocket of his uniform, right above his heart.
He got the letter only three days ago, while we were preparing for today.
We were all in the armory, checking the equipment, when he suddenly started chuckling.
"A letter from my wife."
He held up the piece of paper, before he continued.
"Wolf's recovery is going great! She wrote, that he wouldn't stop nagging her when she visited him last week."
Tiger laughed out loud and I could feel the mood lighting a little.
"Anything else?"
Panther looked at Seahawk.
"She and your sister had a great time at the concert."
Seahawk rolled his eyes, but I could see his amusement.
"She should stop admiring BTS and get a real boyfriend. She is 25 already."
Tiger clapped him on the shoulder.
"Don't worry. We will introduce her to Wolf once we are back."
We all laughed at Seahawks angry expression.
"Hell no!"
For a while it was quiet again, while we all resumed our respective work.
I looked up when I heard Panther chuckling again. This time he was covering his mouth, while I saw a tear roll down his cheek.
"She is pregnant!"

Your soldier (Itzy Yeji X Male Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن