Chapter 10

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Location: JYPE
Perspective: Yeji

"You should do something about your feelings."
Ryujin is sitting next to me on the floor, while we watch the others dancing.
I clear my throat.
"What do you mean?"
Even I can hear how sad I sound, every time I speak.
"I mean, you should tell (y/n) what is actually going on. You just broke up with him out of the blue. He must be so confused."
I shake my head in frustration.
"I couldn't tell him. He would've have tried anything to still make it work. I just can't handle that."
"So, you just let him go? Yeji, he loves you. Of course he is going to fight for you. You shouldn't break his heart."
"I- I don't."
I don't know why, but somehow Ryujin's calm voice makes me angry. How would she know how I feel?
"We can't see each other. He would make it even worse if he would keep trying to be with me."
Ryujin shakes her head.
"Are you giving up? Just like that?"
"(Y/n) is never around anyway! Since the war in the Ukraine started he is staying away longer and longer! I barely see him!"
Looking at Ryujin's shocked face, I realize I started yelling. The other girls look at us with concerned expressions.
Ryujin signals the others to continue, before stroking my back.
"Yeji, I think the two of you are a great couple. And (y/n) is doing everything he can to be with you. He always lies about his condition so you don't worry. The first person he sees, once he is back, is you. Do you want him to leave your life, just because the company says you can't see him?"
I run my fingers through my hair, in an attempt to sort my emotions. I don't even know who I'm angry with.
JYP? Because he forbids me from having a relationship with (y/n).
(Y/n)? Because he is away so often and I never know if he will come back.
Or is it me? Is it because I'm not able to be with the person I want to be with? Is it because I'm not strong enough to feel the fear of losing (y/n) when he is not around.
I let my head fall into my hands.
"Let-Let me think about it."
I don't look up, but I feel Ryujin giving me a hug, before she gets up and joins the others.

Perspective: Ryujin

"How is she doing, unnie?"
The three of them look at me, as Yuna asks the question.
"I'm not sure. But I think she starts to realize, that she should try and be with (y/n)."
Yuna nods vigorously.
"The two of them are so cute together. They have to be a couple."
Lia agrees with her.
"Yuna is right. The two of them belong together."
She suddenly looks like she has an idea.
"Why don't we just call (y/n)?"
Chaeryeong shakes her head.
"I want to see these two together as well. But I think we shouldn't tell (y/n) why Yeji broke up with him. She has to do that herself."
"I didn't mean that."
Lia looks at me.
"Can't we at least try to make them meet each other? Maybe then they can resolve this."
I sigh in frustration.
"I already tried calling (y/n)."
"Why do you sound like that?"
Yuna tilts her head.
"Was he angry or something?"
I shake my head.
"He didn't answer his phone."
Now the maknae rolls her eyes.
"Have you maybe tried it more than once?"
I glare at her.
"Every day for the last four days. But he isn't responding."
Chaeryoung raises her hand, as if she wants to say something.
"Duri hasn't contacted me for a week now. I think they are on a mission again."
We look at her. Who is that?
"I-I mean Tiger. Tiger hasn't contacted me."
Yuna nudges Chaeryoung with her elbow.
"Tiger has a cute name."
While the older of the two pouts at her in anger, Lia looks at me.
"So, they are gone for now? Does Yeji know?"
I shrug my shoulders, but Chaeryoung shakes her head.
"Tiger said, that (y/n) went to tell her, but she broke up with him, before he could say anything."
I glance at her. Yeji is still sitting in the same way, as I left her. Her head in her hands, her body shaking a little.
"Poor Yeji. I really hope (y/n) comes back safely this time. I think it could kill her, if she finds out that he died right after she left him.
I see Lia nodding.
"Maybe it's for the best, if we don't tell her he is gone?"
"But what if she wants to talk to him?"
"I see your point, Yuna. But I think she has already a lot on her mind right now. She shouldn't have to worry about (y/n)'s life as well at the moment."

Location: Cameroon
Perspective: (y/n)

"We are stuck, captain."
Panther looks outside, into the heavy storm that surprised us.
"I'm afraid we will have to sit this one out and then we can try to get us out of here."
The four of us agree.
"Eagle squad to base. Eagle squad to base. Do you copy?"
I hear Seahawk trying to contact the base, as I try to make myself more comfortable.
Even without the dark clouds, the sky would darken right now. It's 10pm local time. Seems like we have to stay here over night.

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