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"But most of the soldiers already left Afghanistan!"
The major turns his attention back to the papers in front of him.
I leave without another word.
In the hallway I'm met with the leader of the green squad.
"Yes, sir."
He smiles.
"Long time no see boy. How are you doing?"
"I'm alright. Thanks Alpha."
"As you know we will fly to Afghanistan. We depart in 30 minutes. Pack your stuff."
"Yes, sir."
I'm about to leave when he calls me back.
"You are a trained sniper, right?"
"Yes, sir."
"Bring you equipment."
"Yes, sir."
35 minutes later, me and six other guys, sit in the back of the plane.
There isn't much talking going on during the flight. While I become more and more tired, I check my watch.
1:05 am
Is she already sleeping? I keep thinking about Yeji. I want to explain everything to her. I want to explain to her how I feel.

I close my eyes. I didn't get any sleep in the last hours and I had to be well rested for the upcoming mission.
As soon as I close my eyes, somebody shakes me awake.
"Touchdown is in 10."
I look at the guy next to me. His code name was Fyre. Right?
Once I prepared myself, Alpha starts talking.
"As you all know, we are already over Afghanistan. You might also know, that most soldiers of the UN already left this country. You might also know, that they left many vehicles and weapons behind when they left."
There are some whispers here and there. I understand them. Why would you leave weapons behind, in a country that is a war zone?
"What you all don't know"
The talking ebbs down as everyone looks at Alpha.
"They also left long range missiles behind."
I hear groans and angry shouting.
Leaving weapons behind is stupid enough. But leaving weapons behind, which can be used against you, is even worse.
"Why us?"
"The UN don't want to do it because it would expose that they left the missiles behind. That's why none of you are wearing your dog tags or you official uniform. So that nobody can identify you. If you die on this mission, you become a ghost."

Location: Itzy's dorm
Perspective: Yeji

Seven days. It has been seven days, since the new bodyguard moved in with us. Seven days since the conversation with Panther that night. Seven days since I saw (y/n).
It has been seven days now and I heard nothing. No visit. No phone call. No text message. After what happened I thought, I hoped, (y/n) would explain everything to me. He didn't.
The first three days were the worst. I wasn't able to concentrate on anything. No dancing. No singing. I was afraid something happened to him. That's why I asked Panther, if he could talk to (y/n) for me. He told me he wasn't able to make contact, since he is not allowed to, because he is guarding Twice.
I don't believe him. I don't know why, but I feel like that isn't the real reason.
After a week, I try to move on. Maybe he just doesn't want to see me anymore. Maybe he is too ashamed of what he did. An explanation would have been nice though.
"Yeji! Are you coming?"
I pack one more bag of chips in my purse and leave the dorm. My members and Lion are already waiting for me outside.
Lion is our bodyguard. He is very protective and we all feel save around him, while we are outside. But inside our dorm? Not so much. At first he seemed like a nice guy but that stopped soon. He left all the dishes everywhere and didn't clean anything. At home, he was more of a burden than help. There worst part were Midzys though.
We really love our fans. We like to talk to them and interact with them. Lion doesn't like that. He always treats our fans very harshly. When somebody tries to give us something, like a letter for example, he just pushes them away.

I get into the van. Currently we are filming our new MV. On our way to the set, I open the bag of chips.
"Let me have some."
Lion leans over, about to put his hand into my bag of chips.
"I haven't eaten breakfast, yet."
He looks at me.
"Not my fault."
He takes almost half of all the chips. I sigh. How long is he gonna stay with us? It has only been a week and we are all already tired of him.
Chaeryeong hands me a handful of gummies.
"I hid them."
She nods in Lion's direction.
"Thank you."
I start eating happily.
Next to me, Lia already fell asleep once again. Yuna listens to some music on her earphones. Ryujin and Chaeryeong eat some gummies too.
Suddenly I hear a loud crash sound. Our van stops immediately. I bang my had onto the seat in front of me. I see Lia hitting the window.
The last things I hear are the sirens and the screams from people outside.

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