Chapter 17

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Location: Seongnam, Seoul
Perspective: (y/n)
10:00pm local time

Stepping out of the airplane, I see people running towards us to unload the cargo.
"I don't need a babysitter."
Glancing to my right, I see Tiger shaking his head.
"I don't want to be here either. But you know what the doctor said."
Walking in silence, I do remember what he said.
I got PTSD. And Tiger isn't fit enough to operate. I have to get therapy and stuff. He has to gain weight and build up more muscle.
"How is your wound?"
"Which one?"
I chuckle at his joke. I'm glad he is still trying to make the best out of the situation.
"A few more days of limping and I will be fine."
"How about you?"
I sigh, as I think about my upcoming treatment.
"I don't know how this will go. Maybe I'm lucky and I can threaten the doctor, until he says I can leave again."
"You are not scary."
Tiger laughs at me, as the two of us walk off the airfield.
"Neither are you."

Location: The "Black Wolf Palace"
Perspective: Yeji
One hour later

"I told you I'm not hungry, girls."
Although I don't wanna go, I follow my members, as they walk towards the restaurant.
I know it's stupid, but I still don't feel well. But I'm not sure what it is. It has been almost three months now, since I have seen (y/n). We never talked to each other during this time. I still regret breaking up with him.
Usually I don't have lingering feelings for long. I know that a lot of time has passed. But I still can't get over him. Although I'm sure he won't want me back, after what I did.
If he had a normal job, I might be doing better. But not like this. Because the war in Cameroon and in the Ukraine are on TV all the time, I keep thinking about him. I always wonder if he is okay and how he is doing.
Is he even still alive? Ice runs down my spine, as I think about the possibility. No way. I'm sure I could feel it. I don't know why, but I feel like I would just know if he is dead.
Glancing to the right, I see a tv through a shop window. The news are on. It's about the Ukraine. I sigh. I just can't forget you, (y/n).
"Here we go!"
Chaeryeong opens the door and the four of us follow her into the restaurant.
I don't know why, but she has been really happy for the last couple of hours. She didn't tell us why. But she said that a great friend of hers is in the city and she wanted us to meet them.
Once we are inside, I feel my negativity slowly fading.
"This is beautiful."
Lia looks around.
"And it smells delicious."
I have to agree with Yuna.
The place looked cozy from the outside already. But the inside is even better. The interior is made out of dark wood and everything seems like it's not from this time. The chairs and tables are made out of the same dark wood. Golden and turquoise patterns run along the walls, forming dragons and flowers.
The lights, which would usually hang from the ceiling, are replaced by chandeliers with candles.
The smells of Chinese spices make my mouth water. The only thing I can think of now, is eat.
While Chaereyoung leads us towards the back of the large room, we walk past a couple of beautiful painted pictures.
One of them shows an ancient Chinese temple on a huge mountain. It's standing above the clouds and the golden ornaments are sparkling in the sun.
"Can you guys read what it says?"
I shake my head at Yuna's question.
A couple of Chinese characters are engraved into a wooden tablet, lying on a stone in front of the temple.
"Come on guys. Over here. We have a private room booked."
I'm surprised that Chaereyoung is making such a big deal out of this.
But we follow her anyways. Once she reaches the wooden door, she pushes it open, making it slide to the right.
I see a big smile on her face, as she steps inside.
I follow after her, wandering who could make her smile so brightly.

Location: Bakhmut, Ukraine
3rd Person

Seahawk shouts, before he throws the deadly weapon.
Hiding behind a small street kiosk, he looks at Panther, who is turning the side walk red.
"Fucking mess!"
Wolf is kneeling on Panther's right side, trying to get the fragments of a grenade out of his leg.
The older man groans in pain, as he feels his own blood leaving his body. Making him weaker.
"Mad Dog! Three a clock!"
Seahawk shouts into the radio, after peaking around the corner of the kiosk.
The rookie is standing at a window of a house on their side of the street. Picking off everyone who might get too close.
"You have to stay still. We don't want to make it worse."
Panther grunts as Wolf's words.
"This is gonna hurt a lot. It's a pretty big piece."
"Just make sure I'm getting out of this alive. I want to hold my daughter at least once."
Wolf feels the drops of sweat falling from his forehead. Some of the metal pieces in his leg are large and close to important veins. If he isn't careful, Panther might lose his leg. Or his life.
"Here we go."
He gives Panther a pencil, which he always carries around.
There are tooth marks in it already. Proving, that they have been in similar situations before.
After shooting a man, who was hiding behind a car, Seahawk drops back down.
"There are too many. We have to retreat."
Panther can't talk well with the pencil in his mouth.
"We have to-"
He groans in pain once more.
"We have to hold this position."
He grabs the fabric of his trousers tightly, trying to push through the pain.
"We can't let those bastards win."
Seahawk exchanges a knowing look with Wolf.
"Copy that."

Location: The "Black Wolf Palace"
Perspective: Yeji

Chaereyoung looks at us with a happy smile, as she opens her arms.
I don't hear her as she keeps talking.
The only thing I can see, is the man sitting behind the table.
He looks way thinner than before. Usually, he always sits straight, but now he is sitting a little bent forward. His left hand is bandaged and he has large dark circles underneath his eyes.
When our eyes finally meet, I can't look away. I can see that he is tired, sad, exhausted. But also happy to see me?
I wish.
"And (y/n) is here, too!"
Chaereyoung's loud cheer makes me fall out of my trance.
Yuna almost knocks me to the ground, as she runs past me to hug my ex boyfriend.
I see him smiling at her warmly and hugging her back.
"It's nice to see you again Yeji."
The man sitting next to (y/n) is Tiger. Now I know, why Chaereyoung is so happy. She is sitting by his side already, hugging his arm, while resting her head on his shoulder.
"You too."
I try to smile at him, but seeing (y/n) like this hurts.
Although I'm incredibly glad, that he is still alive and not injured very badly. I still worry about him.
"Chaereyoung messaged us earlier, telling us what you girls like to eat, so we already ordered. Please sit down."
Lia, Ryujin and me sit down on the other side of the table. Yuna is sitting next to (y/n) while she pours herself and him some of the tea, that's standing on the table.
"How have you guys been? We haven't seen each other for a while."
I can't keep my eyes off (y/n), as he answers Yuna's questions in a calm manner.
Suddenly, my phone buzzes.
Checking the text, I see it's send by Ryujin into our group chat.
"If you keep staring at (y/n) oppa, you are going to burn holes into his body."
I feel my cheeks heating up, as I look to my right to glare at her.
Once the waiter comes in and puts our plates down, I see Tiger and (y/n) starting to eat immediately. They eat very fast, as if their lives depend on it.
"Slow down, sweety. It's not healthy."
Chaereyoung laughs at them and the two men do slow down a little.
"Why are you eating so fast?"
Yuna gives them a curious look.
"While we were away, we didn't have much opportunity to eat."
I see (y/n) staring down at his plate, while Tiger talks.
"We were always on the run. We had no choice but to eat fast."
The mood darkened a little after this.
While we all ate pretty much in silence, I couldn't help but glance at Tiger and Chaereyoung from time to time. I can't deny that I'm jealous. Watching them acting all cute and stuff. It reminds me of the amazing time I spent with (y/n).
"I'm gonna need a minute? You mind?"
At first I wonder, why Tiger wants (y/n) to go to the bathroom with him, but the he is barely able to stand up from the floor.
Slowly the two of them make their way towards the door, the older man limping heavily. I see Chaereyoung's worried look, as they leave the room.
"What is this?"
Yuna reaches out to grab something that is lying on the pillow (y/n) was sitting on. Picking it up, she unfolds it.
She squeals like a little girl. A huge smile on her face.
"This is so cute!"
Chaereyoung leans over and looks at the item, which seems to be a picture.
"Oh. He is so sweet."
"What are you guys looking at?"
Lia tries to look and I want to see it as well.
Yuna finally shows us the picture.


Hey, everyone!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If your are interested in the restaurant and the painting, go check out my other story "Marked by a wolf".
Have a nice day!

Your soldier (Itzy Yeji X Male Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن