Chapter 24

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Location: Seoul
Perspective: Yeji

I step out of the van, before helping Yuna with her dress. She is wearing all black, like I do. Like all of us do.
Although we didn't know him very well, we all decided to attend Panther's funeral. I remember him as a really kind and selfless man. When I asked Tiger how it happened, he just shook his head, saying he is not allowed to tell.
"You look really handsome."
Chaeryeong gives him a smile as her boyfriend walks up to us. He is wearing a fancy black uniform. I don't know much about ranks and stuff, but he looks really important. Scanning the cemetery, I try to find (y/n).
I haven't seen him for a while now. I tried to contact him after Tiger told us what happened, but he didn't respond to any of my texts and calls. I know he is doing his best to recover from whatever happened to him, but I wish I could help him with that. My heart always aches, whenever he looks tired or sad.
"Thank you."
I look at Tiger, who looks down. I'm sure it can't be easy to lose a friend like that.
"The ceremony is starting soon, so please follow me."
He forces a smile and me and the girls walk after him.
After sitting down on one of the white chairs in the second row, I search for (y/n) again. Tiger, Seahawk and Wolf are all sitting in the first row, together with Panther's wife. I don't know the other man who sits on the far right, in front of Lia.
I start to become anxious, when the ceremony begins. I expected (y/n) to be here no matter what. The empty chair in front of me makes me feel even sadder than before. I wish he could be here. I want to make sure that he is okay. That he knows he can talk to me.
The staff all hand out flowers for us, which we can throw onto the coffin, once it's inside the grave. Someone steps up and talks about Panther's life, I think it's one of his childhood friends. I turn around one last time, to see if (y/n) is still coming.

Location: Icheon, Gyeonggi province, Special forces HQ
Perspective: (y/n)

"I have to be somewhere."
I look at my therapist from across her desk. She shakes her head, denying my request to leave.
"You have to stay, until you are ready to talk about it."
"I don't."
I get up from my chair and so does she, as if she is trying to stop me.
"Listen, Lieutenant. I understand that you lost someone important, but this is a matter of higher importance."
I chuckle at her words.
"How come?"
"You have to work through your loss and your traumas. Otherwise you might never be able to work in the field again."
"I'm trying."
I cut her off and turn around to walk out.
"Have you ever thought about how he would feel?"
I stop in my tracks, my anger starting to rise.
I slowly turn around.
"You were Panther's deputy, what do you think he would want you to do?"
"That's none of your business."
She rolls her eyes.
"Stop being so stubborn. I'm trying to help you overcome this. But you behave like a child."
"I don't."
She nods her head.
"You do. You don't talk to your girlfriend. You don't talk about what happened. I told you it can be beneficial to tell her how you feel."
"Why? So she can feel bad too?"
"No. Because she might be able to help you."
"She doesn't."
I keep getting angrier. Yeji would never understand. No one would. How could I tell her what happened to me? What I did myself? It would only hurt her. Not help me. I would rather live without her and see her happy, than be with her and break her heart.
I'm trying my best to be the guy Yeji deserves.
I take long, deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. Closing my eyes, I fight with myself. Should I leave now? Or should I talk?
I think about Yeji. If I can't do this, I won't be able to be with her. I have to overcome these traumas, so I can live with her.
I open my eyes.
Walking back to the desk, I sit down in front of it and the psychiatrist does the same.
"I will tell you."

Many months earlier
Location: Kabul
Perspective (y/n)

I look at the man, who is standing in front of me. His hair has grown longer since the last time I saw him. The left side of his face is completely burned. His skin is replaced by scar tissue.
I thought he was dead. I thought he died on that bridge.
Glancing at the pistol in his hand, I hear Sergeant Kim over my radio.
"Abandon mission! Get out of there, Shadow! Right now!"
Alpha and I lock eyes. I expect him to shoot me at any moment. I know there is no pretty way out of this.
"Why are you here?"
The man sitting in front of me looks up at the younger man, stroking his black beard.
"I wanted to meet him."
Alpha grins at me devilishly. The skin around his mouth and parts of his lips are severely burned. His teeth look like they are barely being held in place by his slightly black gums.
"You two know each other?"
The Afghan man eyes me with suspicion. Alpha chuckles at his question.
"It seems like you don't know the people you put in your prison."
He nods towards me and I bite my lip, knowing that I'm fucked.
"He is the guy from the bridge."
The ten men around us aim their pistols at me.
"We have vision on you all. Tell me, when it's time."
Sergeant Kim's voice enters my ear.
Not trying to make any sudden movements, I reach for my pocket.
"Like I said, I'm only here to sell you my missiles."
Maybe I get lucky. Maybe they still believe me.
"And how can we trust you?"

Your soldier (Itzy Yeji X Male Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin