Chapter 8

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Location: Seoul
Perspective: (y/n)

I lean against the doorframe, while watching him sleep. My heart still hurts if I think about what happened, if he would have died that day, I don't know what I would've done. We are not supposed to get too attached to each other, since the risk of death is too high. But when you sweat and bleed together for several years, you can't help but feel connected.
I hear Wolf groan, as he moves on the bed. His eyes open and he looks at me.
"How are you feeling?"
I walk over and help him sit up.
I give him a laugh, before handing him the water from his nightstand.
"What did the doctor day?"
Wolf grimaces.
"At least another month."
"Do you need anything? There hasn't been any visitors yet. What about your girlfriend? Or your parents?"
He shakes his head.
"I don't have a girlfriend. And my parents think I work at the training center for new recruits. How would I explain to them that I got shot?"
I nod, before helping him lay down once more.
"Rest. We will visit you again soon."
Wolf takes my hand and shakes it.
"Please come as soon as possible. It's boring in here."
"No worries."
I give him a wink, before stepping out of the room.

The five of us stand in front of the commander.
"Do you all know where you are going to go?"
"Yes, sir!"
"It's planned that you will keep the peace between the two countries. A war in Africa would only worsen the global situation."
"Yes, sir!"
"You are leaving tomorrow at 12:00. We don't know for how long you will stay there. But you can expect at least three months."
"Yes, sir!"
"Get out of here."

Perspective: 3rd person

Commander Lee watches as the five men leave his office. Like them, he is used to tough times as well. But after having to blow up parts of a nuclear power plant and after going through a city filled with gas, he is sure that they are currently at their limit. Continuing that thought, Lee puts in the number on his phone and starts calling the only man who could help him with his worries.


I know something is up, when I walk into the room. JYP is sitting at his desk, smiling at me when I enter. His smile feels forced though and he looks uncomfortable.
"Please have seat, Yeji."
If it's about Itzy, the five of us usually meet him together. I get even more nervous when he just looks at me for a couple of moments.
Is something wrong?
I tap my leg with my fingers, trying to hide my nervousness.
Finally JYP brakes the silence.
"I'm really sorry that I have to tell you this. And you have to know that it is in everyone's interest, to make sure that you two are okay."
I get even more worried now. Is he talking about (y/n)? But he didn't forbid us to date. He said that was fine with it. Did something change?
"You know (y/n)'s occupation, right?"
I hesitantly nod.
This is always a sensual topic. Not just for (y/n) but also for me. I know that he goes out into the world, to make it a better place. But I don't know the details. And he isn't allowed to tell me.
"I had a long and deep conversation, with one of (y/n)'s superior officers."
I bite my lower lip with my teeth.
Please don't say it!
I want to cover my ears, so I can't hear the words.
"You know it would be bad for him, if everyone knew that he is your boyfriend. He would probably have to give up, the work he does now. And when people hear that you are dating a special force soldier...."
JYP's voice trails off, as he sees me trembling.
Please no.
"It would make you a target for the people, he is trying to fight against. And it would also hurt your image."
I sob and close my eyes.
"It would be best, if the two of you would end it now."
I can barely hear his last words. Wiping away my tears, I jump off the seat and storm out.
I don't answer. I just start running, not caring where I will end up.

Perspective: 3rd person

"And what about first lieutenant Hwang?"
Lee waits for the military psychiatrist to organize the necessary papers.
"Can I send him overseas without worrying about him?"
"It's difficult."
Lee raises an eyebrow at the man in front of him.
"The lieutenant has mild PTSD which mainly shows during his dreams. In the field he usually has his emotions under control. But he had a brake down once."
Lee gestures the psychiatrist to keep going.


Checking my surroundings, I know exactly where I am. Since I can remember I always had a deep connection with my own dreams. I remember a lot from then when I wake up, but I can rarely control what is happening when I'm dreaming. That's why I exactly what is going to happen next. And I also know, that I can't change it.

I'm lying on the roof of the city Hall. The scope of my rifle is pressed against my eye, as I have my team members' backs.
I take out a soldier, who hid behind the corner of another house. When I see another movement, I look to the right. An enemy sniper seems to be in position, about four houses away. I begin to crawl, trying to catch a better angle.
Aiming at his head, I realize that this isn't just an enemy sniper. I'm looking at a young boy with a rifle. He is maybe only 15 years old.
My finger rests on the trigger. But I can't force myself to take the shot. I see him aiming at one of my men in the marketplace.
Before thinking I close my eyes and shoot. I immediately let rifle fall out of my hand. My breathing becomes heavier. I can feel the oxygen leave my lungs, but it feels like I can't inhale fresh air.
What did I just do? I clench my fist, trying to convince myself that I didn't have a choice. That someone else would have lost his life.
Hearing shouts, I get pulled out of my trance. I still have trouble breathing. My hands shake as I take my rifle once more.
I can't help myself when I look through the scope. I aim at the spot, where I shot the boy.
My eyes widen, when I don't see him. His rifle is still lying on the roof, but it seems like he is gone. I feel my breathing getting steadier. I'm glad, that I missed him. A little relieved, I remember the situation.
New adrenaline rushes through my veins, when I hear an explosion. The main fight, has shifted further away from the marketplace. I jump up and start chasing after the soldiers.

Your soldier (Itzy Yeji X Male Reader) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum