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Perspective: (y/n)
Location: JYP's office

"You lied to me. Why didn't you tell the truth?"
I bite my lip. This is what I was trying to avoid. The look of hurt and disbelief on her face. She looks at me with almost teary eyes.
I can't say anything. I know I messed up, but I didn't want to hurt her.
I take a deep breath, trying to keep my voice from shaking.
"I am sorry Yeji. I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want you to worry about me."

That's what I want to say. I am about to open my mouth when Seahawk comes in.
We all look at him.
Shi-jin loses his patience.
"So? What did he say?"
As soon as Seahawk takes a deep breath, I already know what he is going to say. I close my eyes, hoping that I am wrong. Hoping that I will be able to explain everything to Yeji. Hoping I will be able to spend more time with her.
"No." I hear Seahawk's voice, "He is off the mission. Someone else from the HQ will take over his position."
I clench my teeth, stopping myself from saying anything.
As I open my eyes, I see Shi-jin standing at the door. Holding it open.
"Let's talk."
I don't want to. I don't want to talk right now. I don't want to leave the squad alone on this mission. I don't want leave Yeji alone. At least not until I explained it to her. I am angry. Even though I know it's the right call. I don't want to leave.
I turn to Yeji. There is so much I want to say. There is so much I want to explain. But I can't.
"I am sorry." My voice is barely above a whisper. She doesn't show any emotion. Did she even hear me?
My heart hurts but I know I have to leave. As I turn to Lia, I see a surprised but sad look on her face.
"I am really sorry."
She slightly nods. I hope she understands me just a little bit.
I turn on my heel and walk towards the door. Before exiting the room, I bow.
"Goodbye everyone."
I hear all of their voices, as I leave the room. Shi-jin closes the door behind me and we walk around the next corner.
"I know it's not your fault, but we can't do anything about it. You can't be here anymore. You will go back to the HQ."
He smiles reassuring.
"Maybe you are lucky and you get a few days rest."
He pats my back, as he walks back into the room.
As I reach the parking lot, I slump down into the driver's seat. I bang my head onto the wheel. Why would that happen to me? I wasn't even able to explain anything to her.
I sigh as I start the engine and leave the parking lot.

Location: Itzy's dorm
Perspective: Yeji

I am lying in my bed, looking onto the ceiling. I am in this position for hours now but I am still not able to move. As soon as we came in, I locked the door of my room. Usually I like the company of my members, but not today. All of them nocked on the door at one point in time, but I didn't answer. That doesn't change when I hear another nock.
"Yeji. Please come out."
I still don't answer.
"Come on. Panther made dinner."
My stomach starts to grumble. I don't want to go outside but I have to. I'm hungry.
As I leave the room, I see Panther and the girls in the kitchen. Panther joined us, since we don't have a bodyguard yet. He is supposed to come tomorrow, which means Panther will stay overnight.
Me and Panther eat in silence. But not my members. They keep talking to me, trying to console me. I can't listen. I don't want to listen.
At first I was hurt and angry, that (y/n) didn't tell me he was a bodyguard. I wanted an explanation but I didn't get one. I want to talk to him. I want to know why he lied to me.
After dinner all my members leave and go to sleep. Me and Panther are the last ones in the kitchen. While I'm still chewing on my food, he is already washing the dishes. Once I put my fork down, he motions me to sit on the couch.
"I am sorry but I am not in the mood to talk."
He points at the couch again.
"Don't talk. Just listen."
I sigh in defeat and sit down.
He sits down into the chair in front of me. There is silence in the room. Not an uncomfortable one though. I think he kinda knows how I feel.
After what feels like an hour, he looks at me and starts to talk.
"To clarify my intentions before talking to you: I don't want to manipulate you or tell you he is a great person. I just want to show you how I feel about him."
I look at him and nod. Although I don't even know his name, he seems to be a wise and good person. Maybe he can help me understand, why (y/n) acted this way.
"As you might know already, (y/n) is not Korean. He is from (y/c). He first came here three years ago. I met him a month afterwards. He does seem like he is always happy and a sunshine person, but that's not true. After all the time I met him, I still don't know much about him. He is pretty preserved when it comes to his emotions and his past. He doesn't even talk about his parents. I don't even know if they are alive. But that's just him. And that's kinda understandable if you remember in what line of business he and I are working. Often our lives are at risks. Because of that we try to protect the people closest to us. We don't want them to get hurt.
I shouldn't talk to much about our private lives, but I am sure you won't gossip."
He raises an eyebrow.
"I-I won't."
Panther takes a deep breath before he continues.
"I have a family. A wife and three children. The oldest just started going to school. Neither my kids nor my wife know what exactly I do for a living. When I am gone for a couple of days or weeks they think I am on a business trip. It hurts me, everytime I lie to them. But I keep doing it. Why? Because I know it would hurt everyone more if they knew the truth.
I think with (y/n) it's something similar. He cares about you. He probably didn't lie to you because he wanted to, but to protect you. I can't assure you that though because I do not know that. But I know him. He is a good person. He is almost like a son to me. You might weren't able to see it in the office, but he was very surprised when he saw you. He didn't expect this to happen. If he knew, I am sure he would have done it differently."
He checks his watch, before standing up.
"I just wanted to tell you a bit about him. That's all. I don't want to make a decision for you, but please think about talking to him. He really seems to care for you.
Since it's already late, you should go to bed. I will leave tomorrow before you girls wake up. If you need any advice about (y/n) or anything else, just call me."
" Thank you for trying to help me."
I stand up and walk into my room.

Location: Icheon, Gyeonggi province, Special forces HQ
Perspective: (y/n)

"Come in."
After returning from JYPE, I sat on my bed in the barracks, thinking about Yeji and what I did wrong. Soon I got a call from the major in the HQ.
As I walk in, I see him sitting at his desk.
"First lieutenant Hwang, sir!"
He smiles at me.
"I heard you aren't able to work with your squad, due to personal connections."
"Yes, sir."
He nods.
"The green squad is one man short. They are assigned to a mission, outside of Korea. You will support them."
"Yes, sir."
"They will fill you in on the details on the plane."
"May I ask where this plane is going, sir?"

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