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Location: outside of Kajakī
Perspective: (y/n)

Two days after the plane landed:

"We are almost there."
I take out my binoculars and look in the direction Alpha is pointing.
"You are right."
I crawl backwards.
"We are almost in Kajakī."
Alpha and I start to climb down the hill. We went up here to check our position. Lucky for us we had a few past good days. Until now, we are almost a 100% sure that nobody knows we are here.
As we reach the camp under the trees, everyone looks in our direction.
You actually can't really call it a camp. It's just four tents and that's it. Four tents in the forest. If we stay in them you wouldn't be able to see us even if you are standing just a few meters away.
"We will be arriving in Kajakī tomorrow morning. The missiles are supposed to be in the city. Nobody knows where though. We also don't know if there are any enemies. That means we are going in, basically blind. I want all off us to stay together. Nobody is leaving our sight."
We all nod. This is probably one of my most dangerous missions I've ever done. And I have done a view already.
Alpha turns into my direction.
"This doesn't apply to you. You will be our eyes from above. You will tell us if we are in danger. If you have too, shoot. If you don't, don't. We want to stay unnoticed."
"Yes, sir."
"The buildings are build close to each other. Close enough for you to be able to go from one roof to the next. Stay above us.
" Yes, sir."
"Check your equipment one more time, everyone."

Location: Kajakī
Perspective: 3rd person

Pashto - Language spoken in Afghanistan

"The truck will be here soon. Move it over there!"
A guy with a shot gun overlooks the transport preparation. A few others are currently loading large and long boxes onto another truck.
"Be careful with that! You drop one of them and half of the entire city is gone! "
After the men finish, the guy with the shot gun walks over to the driver.
"As instructed, you will take a different route than the other truck. They expect you at the boarder in two days. Don't be late."
The driver nods and enters the truck. The tires throw up sand as the missiles leave Kajakī.

Perspective: (y/n)

Three days after the plane landed:

"Everything is clear."
Alpha puts his binoculars down. We all start the engines off our bikes.
"We will start with the first house until the end of the street."
Driving down the hill, we come closer to the city. Once we reach the first house, we hide our bikes near the wall. I walk to the door and nock.
An old man peaks outside the window. A knife in his hand.
"What are you doing here? I already paid you last week! How am I supposed to feed my family if I don't have any money? Piss off!"
Alpha looks at me.
"He thinks we want his money."
"Ask him about the missiles."
I am about to open my mouth, when he grabs my arm.
"Don't let him know we are searching for them."
"We don't want your money."
"Why are you here then?"
"We came here because we lost something. You might know where it went."
He furrows his eyebrows while putting the knife down. We hear steps and the door opens.
"Come in."
Alpha and me enter the house. The others are still behind the wall.
We sit down at a table.
"What are you searching for?"
"We are looking for large boxes or containers. Do you know anything about that?"
"What's supposed to be in them?"
I hoped he wouldn't ask that question.
I try a defeated hand gesture.
"We don't know either. Nobody told us."
He starts laughing out loud. I can only smile awkwardly. Alpha looks at me confused.
After a while, he starts talking. Apparently he saw a few boxes being carried on a truck a few weeks ago. They were stored in one of the larger buildings in the center of the city.
After translating, Alpha pulls out a map and the guy points at one of the streets.
"This is the one. I can't promise you anything though."
"Thank you very much."
I smile and we say our goodbyes.
Once we join the others, Alpha explains the situation.
"We will operate as planned. The six of us on the ground. Shadow on the roofs. If you see anything, contact us.
Once we reach the building you join us and we move in together."
"Yes, sir."


Author's note:

Hey everyone!

I hope you like the story so far. I wasn't able to publish my new chapter very fast since I was busy watching Twice's new MV😇.
(If you haven't, you should check it out.)
I thank you all for commenting and voting.
Have nice day!

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